Murphy gave three reasons for this session: 1. It is “vital” to national security that we repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. 2. It is “doing right by our taxpayers.” $1.3 billion has been spent to throw these people out of the military. 3. DADT goes against “the very fabric of what makes our country the greatest country on Earth”: the fact that we are all created equal.
He has 176 Co-Sponsors in the House.
Walz of MN called DADT 'Archaic and outdated', and pledged to be in this every step.
Capps of CA calls it discriminatory and way past due to be tossed.
Polis of CO is speaking on the report on the efficacy of it recently.
Woosley of CA saw it past in her freshman year, it's time to see it gone.
Quigley of IL spoke of a lesbian discharged, who had said Integrity is a core Army value, and her integrity got her canned.
It goes on, but you get the drift. Lots of compelling arguments went on. Then came Gohmert, R-TX.
Social experimention, etc. THen he goes off topic to rant.
About the Hate Crimes bill being on the Defense-Re-Authorization.
But he has some hate for the transgender folks, of course. Gender identity, also is protected, he said, and “who knows what that some day will be interpreted to mean.” And rounds it off with whining about curtailing religious morality being taught.GOHMERT: If you’re oriented toward animals, bestiality, then, you know, that’s not something that can be used, held against you or any bias be held against you for that. Which means you’d have to strike any laws against bestiality, if you’re oriented toward corpses, toward children, you know, there are all kinds of perversions, [...] pedophiles or necrophiliacs or what most would say is perverse sexual orientations but the trouble is, we made amendments to eliminate pedophiles from being included in the definition. [...] But people have always been willing to give up their liberties, their freedoms in order to gain economic stability. It happened in 1920 and 1930’s. Germany gave up their liberties to gain economic stability and they got a little guy with a mustache, who was the ultimate hate monger. And this is scary stuff we’re doing here when we take away what has traditionally been an important aspect of moral teaching in America.