Straha wrote:This actually does piss me off.
Not because I don't like Obama (and, for the record, I don't) but because just off the top of my head I can think of Mir-Hussein Mousavi and Morgan Tsvangiri as current politicians more deserving of the award, and at least three activists who deserve at least this level of recognition, and heavens know how many there are that I can't think of. Give the award to them, not to a President whose greatest achievement, so far, is 'hope'.
I wonder how long it'll take for someone to say that this is the Norwegian Parliament meddling in American affairs? If it hasn't happened already.
Some stories are also citing his attempts at nuclear reduction, nuclear disarmament, and nuclear non-proliferation, which would make sense as the modern version of the Nobel Peace Prize's original intents: promoting world peace, cooperation between nations, and reduction of standing armies.
For one, palestinians and israelis have gained peace prizes without getting permanent middle eastern peace. Barack Obama just by being Not A Republican has done more for international cooperation and brotherhood between nations than anyone else. Let alone that he actually has done a lot to repair Russian-American relations, European-American relations, and is probably one of the foremost American politicians involved in nuclear disarmament in the modern day.
Guys, Obama didn't spring fully formed from the head of Zeus on 4. November 2009. He might also be getting it for his long-term commitment to nuclear disarmament just like International Physicians for the Prevention of a Nuclear War and their nobel peace prize despite that they didn't actually manage to remove every nuclear weapon in the world either?
And certainly you need results, not attempts and talks and the like, so the first ever successful Iranian nuclear talks and the Russian relations improvements and the fact that America is no longer a completely reviled name around the entire world and the like don't count. This is why no israeli or palestinian has won a Nobel Peace Prize. Oh wait? Yasser Arafat won one along with Rabin and Peres for their negotiations on peace despite that they didn't stick? Oh whoops, scratch that then.
And certainly he's done nothing in 10 months that could possibly matter, he's getting it because he was elected president of the united states. This is entirely just a "we like who you elected america" thing.
But hey, HE HAS NO QUALIFICATIONS HE HAS DONE NOTHING NOTHING AT ALL I TELL YOU THERE IS NO LOGICAL REASON HE COULD BE SELECTED ABOVE OTHER CANDIDATES BY ANY CRITERIA WHATSOEVER ALL HE HAS DONE IS SAY HOPE AND CHANGE. Just keep screaming it and it'll be true, just like the same exact attempt to say "Obama has done nothing" in 2008. The Media is of course already screaming about it, but I love people on SDN attempting to cement it even here.
I love the groupthink forming here as we speak by people who are too dense not to actually think or read but instead just make a gut decision and stick with it. "Obama has done nothing by create the word hope" indeed. Certainly he hasn't worked on nuclear disarmament as a Senator, lead the US from becoming a country that people spit when they talk about to a new age of world respect and
admiration, hosted multilateral nuclear talks between Iran and the western powers that for once seem to actually be accomplishing things, fixed the dangerously deteriorating Russian-American relations under Bush that came to a head at Georgia, gotten Russia to stop toying with supporting Iranian nuclear ambitions quid-pro-quo for America not poking Russia in the eye over missile defenses Poland didn't even want, and numerous other things.
None of that counts. Why? Cause gut says so.