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Kelly Antilles
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Typhonis 1 wrote:hmm what about my char? or is somethng special planed for him?
How delightful! Both people figuring prominately in the next chapter have asked about it. :twisted:
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Typhonis 1
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

Ooooooooooo :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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I AM BACK! let the SCIENCE commence!
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

As you requested.... :twisted:

Ignatius "awoke" slowly. His photoreceptors scanned the room. Everything was as it had been hours ago. Zaia lay curled in his arms. He looked at her and noticed just how sweet and innocent humans look in sleep.

There was a light rap at the door. He carefully unwrapped his arms from around her and slipped quietly from the bed. The door opened to reveal Pcm-979, the protocol droid that served as Sev'rance Tann's messenger. "Oh, excuse me sir," the droid said. "But Lady Tann requests your presence."

*It's about time,* he thought. It had been several days since the last time he was in her presence. He nodded his acknowledgement and watched the messenger leave.

Down the hall, he heard a commotion. Enhancing his hearing, he listened.

"How the hell should *I* know where she is? I'm not her fucking keeper." Iggy recognized the voice as Zaia's brother, Ted.

"She was rooming with you, correct?" Commander Wilkins' voice asked.

"'WAS' is the key word there, bud. She ain't here no more. Now, get the fuck out of my room." There was a slight pause and a door slammed shut.

Iggy guessed Wilkins was looking for Zaia to take her to Yoshi. Oh well, no need to interfere. He let his door close quietly behind him and slipped down the hall.

"What do you mean she wasn't in her room??!!" Yoshi paced, snapping the tip of her whip in the air. "There is no way she's gotten off this ship."

Wilkins stood nervously near the doorway. "Um, well, her brother seems to have fallen over already. Perhaps he kicked her out and she found somewhere else to sleep?"

"Damn that ass kissing Utsanomiko." *SNAP* "I suppose this means he gets first choice since his went over first." *SNAP SNAP*

"First choice for what?" Wilkins looked at her curiously.

She threw her hands up into the air. "Oh, Wong had this great idea that if any of us failed to drag our apprentices to the Dark side, those who succeeded would get a shot at it, or have their apprentice to kill the failures."

"Well, since her brother has gone over so quickly, wouldn't it stand to reason that she will go as well?"

Yoshi turned quickly to face him, the whip snapping just in front of his face. "Oh, how I adore you non-adepts. You think it's all so easy." She got right up into his face. "Well, it isn't. Especially with one that has had some training. They are already set in their ways. They..."

Wilkins grabbed her face and pulled her close, kissing her deeply. At first, she was furious, but she suddenly felt relaxed, at peace. Her arms slipped around his waist. He grinned and held her tight.

She rested her hand on his ass and grabbed it. *So tight!* She really loved how rock hard his body was. Secretly, she had been watching him a lot lately. After that romp a few weeks ago, she was obsessed with the Commander.

In one swift move, he swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed. He lay her down and pressed his body against hers. "Why do you need an apprentice when you have me?" he asked, his hands traveling all over her body.

She was breathing heavily, something that didn't normally happen. It excited her. "Mmmm, yes. So true," she said between kisses. "I don't have to train you what to do." She moaned as she felt his hand slide between her legs.

"No," he replied. "You don't. And I know what you like." He ripped open her robes and flipped her over onto her stomach. His pants were quickly discarded and he lay against her back, holding her down. He pushed aside the fabric from her robes and rubbed her ass. "Oh, so nice." Pulling his hand back, he brought it down in a quick motion, slapping her good.

"Oh god yes," Yoshi moaned. "That's the way to do it." She gasped and moaned as he began spanking her again and again. He continued until her entire ass was red. Then he began to run his hand over the soft skin.

"You want me, don't you?" Wilkins asked. She just moaned. He could feel her heat. Slipping a finger between her creamy mounds, he sought out her box. He easily slid inside her, attesting to how wet she truly was. He moved his finger back to her anus and encircled it. "How about here?"

"Oh yes." She raised her hips towards him. "You know so much about it. How is that?"

He began to lube her hole with her juices. "I keep my eyes and ears open at all times." His finger dipped down and she moaned. Satisfied she was ready, he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her slightly from the bed. He took his cock and ran it along her slit, coating himself with her juices. Without warning, he began to push into her asshole.

She was so hot and ready that she pushed back, shoving him quickly into her. A moan escaped her lips as she began grinding back against him. He met every stroke, grunting and groaning at how tight she was. He moved his hand down to rub her clit. The moment he touched it, she began to buck wildly against him. He lay his hand across her pussy and held her tight. "Not yet," he whispered into her ear before nibbling on it.

She groaned and nodded, slowing her pace. They gradually increased speed as his fingers dipped into her pussy. She was so wet. He couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her back and began pumping hard. His balls slapped against her pussy. She screamed in ecstasy.

That was the trigger. Wilkins grunted and shot his load deep into her ass. She screamed again as it triggered her own orgasm. They both fell onto the bed exhausted. He kissed her neck tenderly, making her moan again. "You," she said between breaths. "You are the most incredible man I've ever met."

He smiled and blew lightly into her ear. "Why thank you, Lady Yoshi. You are the sexiest woman I've ever had the pleasure of fucking in the ass."

"Let me get this straight," Jones said exasperated. "Not only are we lost, we're lost in another galaxy?"

Graham Kennedy nodded, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Sensors detect no recognizable star patterns, and the galactic core, what we can see of it, anyway, is very different. From what we've been able to gather, this galaxy is twice, possibly three times the size of the Milky Way."

"How did we get here?"

"Unknown, sir. Probably a wormhole."

"Is it still open?" Kennedy shrugged. "What's our situation?"

Clark spoke up. "Sir, we're currently located near a single-star system. It's a yellow star, probably about halfway through its life cycle. We sent a probe towards it, and discovered that there's only one planetary mass in the system, an M-class planet."

"That's strange," Jones commented. "Any life forms?"

"Lots of plant and animal life, but no electronics or communicators detected."

"How far away is it?"

"About eighteen hours at standard warp."

Jones considered. "Well, if the wormhole's closed, there's no reason to remain here. Mr. Clark, set a course for that planet." The Helmsman nodded and turned to do so. "Mr. Azeron?"

The man stood at rapt attention. "Yes sir?"

"Have you picked up anything on the comm.?"

Azeron pursed his lips. "A lot of stuff, sir. I think you should take a look."

"Put it on screen." Azeron nodded and pressed a button. The main screen was suddenly filled by the face of an insectile alien. Behind it was a row of ships vaguely resembling small shuttlecraft. The alien was screeching something high-pitched and totally incoherent. Jones motioned and Azeron cut the sound. "What is that?" Azeron shrugged.

"It's a commercial," Treder said softly.

"What? It's a what?"

Treder gestured to the screen. "He's selling starships, sir."

"You mean, for money?" Scooter asked.

Treder shrugged. "I think."

"What's he saying?"

"I have no idea, sir."

"Than how-"

"I recognize the format. We have the same type of programming on Artanis."

"Artanis," Scooter repeated. "That's outside the Federation, isn't it?"

Treder nodded and sat back in his seat. "We've kept neutral, but we're right on the line between the Federation and the Star Empire. We're still free-enterprise, and some of out companies have made big profits selling to both sides."

"Back to the subject at hand," Jones interrupted. "Mr. Azeron, is this all you're been getting?"

"No sir." He pressed another button and the screen changed to show a bizarre-looking ship soaring over a planet. The screen zoomed in on the cockpit where a pair of men were arguing.

"Stay sharp," one was saying. "There are two more coming in. They're gonna try and cut us off."

"Why don't you outrun them?" the other asked sarcastically. "I thought you said this thing was fast."

"Watch your mouth kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home!" the first one shouted. The entire Darkstar bridge crew watched as the two continued to argue, with comments from an older man and roars from a tall, hairy alien punctuating their remarks. Meanwhile, a trio of massive triangular ships closed in on them. Suddenly, the screen faded to black.

"Thank you for watching the historical drama 'A New Hope'. We'll be back in after these messages." Jones motioned for Azeron to cut the transmission.

"They were human!" Clark blurted out.

"And they spoke English," Treder added.

"This is getting stranger by the minute," Jones commented. "Where did that transmission originate?"

"From a star near the galactic core," Azeron answered.

"How old?"

Azeron frowned. "I can't really say, sir. I've never seen anything like it."

"Well, keep working on it." Azeron nodded, and the bridge fell silent.

"Curiouser and curiouser," Scooter commented softly. Jones had to agree.

The battledroid fell to the floor, sparking where the lightsaber had sliced into it. Lusankya stood over the remains, not even breathing hard. Typhonis nodded. "Very good."

"Of course it's good," Lusankya said. "Ever since I got here, you've been having me fight the same droids over and over. Aren't you going to give me a real challenge?"

Typhonis chuckled darkly. "And what type of challenge would appeal to you?"

She ignited her saber and pointed it at him. "I want a shot at you, that's what."

"Very well." Typhonis drew a saber from his belt. Lusankya immediately noticed that it was different from the average saber. It was longer than the average handle and a pair of extensions jutted off near the hilt forming a T. As he ignited the red blade, the energy forming more of a broadsword than the regular saber. This should be interesting, Lusankya thought. Typhonis came at her, swinging the sword over his head and bringing it down at her. She leaped back, but he simply continued the move, spinning in a full circle and letting the sword slam into her saber.

The Sith Lord backed off then came at her again. Typhonis kept both hands firmly on the hilt, putting all of his weight into the overhead blows. Lusankya was hard pressed to simply block, much less attack. Typhonis drove her farther and farther back, until finally, Lusankya felt the cold steel of the wall against her shoulders. Typhonis reared back for one final blow, and she held her saber out in front of her.

As though he were swinging a bat, Typhonis brought his sword back then swung it forward. Although weightless, the lightsword still carried momentum, and knocked Lusankya's saber out of her hand. The hilt went flying, dropping to the floor about ten feet away.

Typhonis held the edge of the blade near Lusankya's throat. "Satisfied?" he asked.

"Quite," she said softly, not totally confidant. He smirked and deactivated the sword, placing it back at his belt.
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Typhonis 1
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

First to post HOWDY HOO Good Work Kellly
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Post by Zaia »

Ass-fucking! Hooray! :D

Good chapter, guys.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Well, this is getting more and more interesting.
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Post by NecronLord »

Hummm Assfucking... good
Federation sensors being able to pick up NR broadcasts?
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

NecronLord wrote:Hummm Assfucking... good
Federation sensors being able to pick up NR broadcasts?
Why not? It's just the Holonet.
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Post by Stravo »

Anal...more gooder :D
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Wow... when I wrote that scene, I never expected this kind of reaction... Hmm, perhaps I should put more anal in?
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Kelly Antilles wrote:Wow... when I wrote that scene, I never expected this kind of reaction... Hmm, perhaps I should put more anal in?
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I want a fight scene :( . Oh well, I get anal sex. Excellent chapter, you two.
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Post by Kuja »

Darth Yoshi wrote:I want a fight scene :( . Oh well,
Patience is a virtue......... :twisted:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Goodness, how arousing. :mrgreen:

Say, Kelly, seeing as how Aerius' character is a woman and that we work together, do you think that maybe...?

I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by God Emperor »

Nice, can't wait for more.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Kelly,Iggy another fine chapter in this fan fic.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Great chapter you two. Loved every last part of this chapter.

Do *I* get to meet the Trekkie ship first? :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Kuja »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Goodness, how arousing. :mrgreen:

Say, Kelly, seeing as how Aerius' character is a woman and that we work together, do you think that maybe...?

What, Sylvar isn't enough for you? :D
Cyran wrote:Do *I* get to meet the Trekkie ship first?
Time for the magic word:

CLASSIFIED. :twisted:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

IG-88E wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Goodness, how arousing. :mrgreen:

Say, Kelly, seeing as how Aerius' character is a woman and that we work together, do you think that maybe...?

What, Sylvar isn't enough for you? :D
Hey, I'm only making sure that the story keeps getting more and more interesting. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Spanky The Dolphin on 2003-02-11 10:12pm, edited 1 time in total.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]

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Post by Kuja »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
IG-88E wrote:
What, Sylvar isn't enough for you? :D
Hey, I'm only looking out for keeping the story interesting. :mrgreen:
*patronizing tone* Of course you are.....
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Hey Iggy I like the new light saber, midevil meets hi-tech well done.
I bet it would make one hell of a butt-plug as well :twisted:
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Post by Utsanomiko »

So, Darth Utsanomiko's a really tall, long-haired Sith who fights with l33t lightsabre sk1llz. I like it. 8) But wouldn't he have to be like 7' tall to be "taller than IG-88E"? Oh well, works for me.

Has he gotten a chance to work his magic on anyone yet, or did I miss something? I think Ted's sister could be a good place to start.

"If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will..." *wraggles Busy Magic Fingers* :mrgreen:
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Darth Utsanomiko wrote: "If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will..." *wraggles Busy Magic Fingers* :mrgreen:
Never knew you where one of them touchy feely types :twisted:

Cool avatar what's it from?
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
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" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

It's Tsunami from the Tenchi Muyo! spin-off Magical Girl Pretty Sammy.

Don't know if it's from the OVA or the TV series, though.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]

"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
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Post by Pcm979 »

Well, I'm in.
I didn't get blown apart in my first scene, either! :P

EDIT: BTW, do I wear a blue cloak and a yellow witches' hat or am I a generic (as opposed to eccentric) Protocol droid? :D
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