SupCom has two major threads running called the renderer and simulation thread. The renderer thread primarily depends on graphical power and translates into frames per second. The simuation speed primiarly depends on CPU power and translates into something called simulation speed. Simulation speed ranges from -10 to +10, depending on your CPU power and amount of players and units on the map. At simpeed 0 one second in real-time translates into 1 second of game time. Once simpeed goes negative, 1 second of real time will only be worth a fraction of game time, slowing unit movement to a crawl. In a networked game, the game will default its simspeed to the slowest computer, since ingame calculations are done client side. So it is possible for a weak computer to dramatically slow a networked game down to unplayable levels. You can check your and others simpseed ingame by opening the console with ~ and typing "ren_ShowNetworkStats."Xon wrote:Supreme Commander Forged Alliance has a number of game breaking issues where the overall simulation speed the game can run at drops like a stone. This is the result of a series of nasty memory leaks.
I have the same CPU as Haruko and I usually play computer stomps (I really suck at competetive RTS) with my friends against one very strong AI. It is not uncommon to see -2 or -3 simspeed after half an hour. Simspeed should be higher in games without any AI, since the CPU will not have to manage the AI. So try that console command to see where your simspeed is. If you need a bit more CPU power you can overclock your Athlon X2 7750. It commonly can run at 3Ghz with no additional voltage. Mine for example is at 3.1Ghz with no additional voltage. Just watch your cooling.