[Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

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[Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Kuja »

Per this thread.

It seems to be the consensus thus far that a bit more work involved in the CUFF Subforum and the Fanfic forum itself would be welcome. Mayabird posted volunteering for the job-
Aside from the Pantheocide thread currently (which needs to be locked and a new one started since it's past 100 pages, which IIRC meant that it gets difficult to fix when it needs it), how many actual fic threads really need moderating? Yeah, a lot of story responses are little-substance "Yay that was awesome!" posts but that's encouragement for authors who have doubts about their own writing or struggle to continue for fear of sucking, and if it never gets past three or four pages and that's with the story intermixed, what does it matter?

This discussion came up before, and I asked for someone who could archive old completed stories that people liked and actually put them in the completed and cleaned up fanfic subforum. There's a lot of work there that should be done; the stories fall off the main page and they're lost unless someone is really, really bored, but then they won't be able to tell the difference between completed excellent stories and stuff that kinda fell off and stopped after chapter ten or so. All we'd need is someone with some time to go through and make the cleaned threads and a suggestion thread where people like me could chime in with "Ooh! Ooh! That Batman fanfic by Publius! 'A Tale of Gotham Nights' or something!"

Or heck, I'd volunteer for it since it's more "tedious work" than "getting power" and I'm totally into tedious repetitive tasks - I do transcribe bird migration cards online for fun. Don't even have to make the person a real mod, just someone with permissions in the subforum like Stuart currently. And that'd be fine with me as I'd like to avoid the periodic drama.
-and I support her initiative. Although Stravo is a great guy, he obviously has things going on in his life that keep him from his work as a mod here and I think it would be best to either replace him or simply add someone new to the equation.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Hotfoot »

Let her be an example to the rest of them.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by fgalkin »

I support this motion.

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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Simplicius »

Mayabird doesn't seem likely to implode or break Fanfics based on what I've seen of her posting elsewhere on the board and she volunteered to take on a job that wants doing. Seems like a good reason to let her do it to me.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Bounty »

I see no reason whatsoever to oppose this. Fanfics needs a hands-on mod for day-to-day operations, there is a volunteer, case closed.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Stuart »

I also think this sounds like a sound and workable idea. At the moment, it seems as if Fanfics is almost unmoderated; Mayabird would be an excellent candidate to take on the job.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

If Mayabird wants the job, I say let her have the job. Or at least have someone patrol the place more often. I'm not sure it needs day-to-day supervision, but it could use the occasional mowing.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Steve »

I heartily concur! :)
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Tiriol »

I also concur with the proposition of making Mayabird a moderator for the Fanfic forum. She has a good reputation, is willing to do the job and I dare say is also quite capable of doing it also.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by LadyTevar »

I think Maya would do a great job.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by CmdrWilkens »

While the Senate does not have the power to appoint mods we most certainly can make recommendations.

Mayabird has been nominated and seconded. I call for unanimous consent. If you have an objection please place it here otherwise her posting as Fanfic Mod will be communicated to the Admins as the recommendation of the Senate.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Imperial Overlord »

She's a good choice.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by CmdrWilkens »

I haven't mentioned it specifically but I did want to let everyone know that with no objections Mayabird has been communicated to the admin staff as the recommendation to fill this position.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by Dalton »

You have admin support on this initiative - Mayabird is a good choice.
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Re: [Discussion] Mayabird as Fanfic Mod

Post by fgalkin »

Mayabird has become a moderator of the Fanfics forum.

Have a very nice day.