Archbishop of Guam wrote:In Bill 185 the Stakes are Very High
Marriage, as presently enshrined in the Guam Code, is the result of a Western Civilization shaped by Judeo-Christian culture. According to that culture, marriage is a union of a biological couple who unite themselves until death so as to be able to put their mutual love in the service of life. In this view, conjugal love and the generation of children are so intrinsically connected that to attempt to separate them would end up destroying them both. Given this presupposition, it should be no surprise that the Guam Code recognizes marriage only between a man and a woman since only they are capable of the marital act that begets children.
If that is the case, why does the word "consummate" in marriage refer to the act of sex,
regardless of whether it leads to procreation? Why is it possible to annul a marriage for inability or refusal to perform sexually, but not for infertility? Even the Catholic Church will allow annulments for failure to consummate but not for infertility.
In any case, we are not living in a Christian theocracy. Our society is supposed to be open to members of all religions, not just Christians. If someone comes from China where they have a history of thousands of years of marriage with no church, then it's ridiculous to tell them that marriage in America must be tied to Judeo-Christian beliefs.
Bill 185 seeks to change the status quo by redefining marriage. The impetus for this redefinition proceeded in two stages, one building upon the other. Firstly, the culture of contraception denied that marriage has any intrinsic connection with the begetting of children. One may legitimately separate out making love from making babies. Once this link was broken, the intelligibility of biological gender was lost.
The "intelligibility of biological gender was lost" when we pointed out that sex is not synonymous with making babies? Has this idiot ever cracked open a biology textbook? How does it become impossible to tell male from female just because we recognize that sex need not produce babies?
Once marriage was simply about making love, the necessity for limiting sexual relations to persons of the opposite sex no longer appeared convincing.
It's interesting that he openly admits this. So in other words: he admits that if you acknowledge that sex is not necessarily for making babies, then it is possible to have a legitimate marriage without having babies, and it is possible to have a legitimate gay marriage. All of this flows from the simple recognition that sex is not necessarily for having babies according to him. Therefore, in order to
oppose gay marriage, one must dogmatically insist that sex
must be for having babies and can serve no other function, which is sort of like saying that
eating is strictly for survival and can serve no social, entertainment, or pleasurable function. Maybe we should all live on a diet of gruel.
Secondly, the culture of homosexuality proposed a new understanding of gender based, not on the body, but on the orientation of a person's sexual appetites. Lacking a reason for having sex that transcended the private good of the partners, the biological couple was no longer viewed as the biological principle for generating new life, but simply as two heterosexual persons who happen to be orientated to the opposite sex as the preferred object of sexual gratification. The notion of heterosexual marriage was then born. The door was then opened to the complementary notion of marriage between two persons of the same sex — homosexual marriage.
It's difficult to slog through such a bizarre series of non sequiturs. First, it is possible to permit gay marriage without necessarily being a part of "the culture of homosexuality". I'm not homosexual, yet I approve of gay marriage. How does he explain that? Second,
nothing about homosexuality impacts upon the definition of gender. This is the second time he has stated this bizarre claim, without a shred of justification. Male is still male, female is still female, these are biological facts totally irrespective of sexual orientation. Third, the fact that we recognize homosexuals and acknowledge that they should be treated equally does
not mean we have rejected or ignored the role of heterosexuality in procreation. It simply means that the concept of marriage is applicable to non-reproducing couples: something even the Church has tacitly admitted by allowing annulments for failure to consummate, but not for infertility.
To secure the triumph of the culture of homosexuality, Bill 185 seeks to abolish in civil law the notion of marriage that has been the foundation of Western culture and to substitute in its place the notion of domestic partnerships as a suitable genus for assimilating the notion of marriage into the twin notions of heterosexual partnerships (or unions) and homosexual partners (or unions). Once this bill is adopted, there will no longer be husbands and wives in the laws of Guam. Instead, there will simply be partner A and partner B to a domestic partnership. Homosexuality will henceforth provide the paradigm for understanding the structuring of "marriage" in the Guam Code. What is wrong with having the ideology of homosexuality as the structuring principle of civil law? The simple answer is that homosexuality is based on the notion that sexuality exists in order to get pleasure. An individual ought to be free to satisfy his sexual appetites with the preferred object of his sexual orientation. The partner appears only as the preferred object of sexual satisfaction, not as a person to be valued in his own right. The notion of self-donation to the other in pursuit of a good that transcends both parties and to which they mutual subordinate their private interest simply does not appear in homosexuality. In place of self-donation there is only self-gratification, self-interest and self-absorption. The proof is contained in the high rates of promiscuity associated with this lifestyle.
It is utterly ridiculous to say that the Catholic Church's notion of religious marriage is "the foundation of Western culture". It is beyond ridiculous. Only the most preposterous notion of history could possibly result in such an incomprehensibly bizarre conclusion. There are countless ways to refute it, starting with the fact that all of the cultures
other than western culture (including the ones we despise)
also had heterosexual marriage. Obviously, if you want to know what made western culture ascendant, you have to look elsewhere for it. As for the question of whether "sexuality exists in order to get pleasure", he is engaging in an obvious false dilemma fallacy: why can't sexuality function for procreation
and for pleasure? His argument repeatedly pounds on this assumption that one must choose one or the other, and the obvious question is: "why?"
Perhaps a second obvious question is: "what business does a celibate archbishop have talking about sex anyway?" He argues here that when sex is used for pleasure, then the person stops viewing his partner as "a person to be valued in his own right". How does this follow? How would he even know? This is a man who knows absolutely
nothing about sex. From whence does he obtain this imagined authority to speak about what happens inside the mind of person who is having sex for pleasure? What incredible arrogance does it take to presume to speak about the feelings and thoughts inside the mind of a person who is having sex, when he has never done it?
My wife and I have had sex roughly thrice per week for around 20 years (yes, we started before marriage). By my count, that is roughly
three thousand times, and in all those times, we have had only two children. That means we had sex for pleasure more than 99.9% of the time, and sex for procreation less than 0.1% of the time. Does it occur to him how utterly preposterous it is to say that sex is for procreation rather than pleasure? Does he think we should have only had sex twice in the last 20 years? I guess that might seem reasonable to someone who hasn't had sex
at all in the last 20 years. How dare he claim that 99.9% of the time when I have sex with my wife, I am not "valuing" her as a person, just because I'm not getting her pregnant? Why should we accept his strange delusion that impregnating a person means you are "valuing" her anyway? The most incredibly misogynist men in the world, such as the Taliban, impregnate their women. Does this mean that they value them? The mind boggles at the incredible mental gymnastics required in order to make, accept, or defend such arguments.
There are layers upon layers of arrogance, ignorance, and outlandish pretension in his statements. It's simply incredible.
In the homosexual paradigm there is neither place nor need for the virtue of chastity to rectify the appetites since that would be an obstacle to the good of pleasure which is being sought. All the virtues need the other virtues in order to operate well and to allow the stable association of the virtues, good moral character, to appear. Chastity in particular is crucial in human development of character since it is the virtue that directs the sexual appetite away from the direct seeking of pleasure for one's self to the seeking of the good of the other. Homosexual behavior has for its driving principle the experience of pleasure. Once pleasure becomes the organizing principle of one's life, the motivation to subordinate one's a private interests to the good of the other when pleasure is no longer a possibility disappears.
Ah, so anyone who seeks pleasure must lose all virtue? Why should sexual pleasure be singled out in this regard then? Why should we not say the same about people who eat tasty food rather than gruel? Or people who enjoy a nice hot bath? Or people who like to smell a flower, or enjoy a warm summer breeze? Do all these people lose virtue, and forget how to "subordinate one's private interests to the good of the other"?
Should we deny ourselves any and all enjoyment in life so that we may better serve others? If that is the archbishop's position (and it may well be), then he should come out with it and admit that he simply wants to suck all the pleasure out of life for everyone, instead of focusing only on homosexuals. By focusing on homosexuals, he makes himself a spectacular hypocrite: his argument applies equally well to
any form of pleasure-seeking, yet he focuses it only on homosexuality: an activity which most of his donating parishioners conveniently do not engage in, thus making it an easy target for righteous outrage.
The dramatic changes in law that BILL 185 proposes will have inevitable consequences. Once homosexuality becomes a validated principle of civil law, the inversion of sexuality that it proposes will spell the eventual end of Western Civilization. No culture can retain its vitality over generations without the virtues necessary to rectify the appetites, especially the sexual appetite. The first consequence of the adoption of the ideology of homosexuality will be the introduction on an institutional scale of the culture of self-absorption. Since homosexually is about receiving, not giving, its institutionalization will lead to the victimization of all those who are induced to embrace this lifestyle. (I am speaking especially about the children and the confused and immature of our society.) Law has a formative role in every society since we learn what is good and bad first from the law, and then only internalize these values over time so that as we mature we have the good moral character that is needed, among other things, for staying out of jail. When the laws of Guam encourage the development of defective character in its citizens, they are, in effect, recruiting for the Department of Corrections. Over time, civil society will become a jungle, and you will eventually have to expel the inmates of the DOC so that you can move into it for your own protection. Civil society will implode.
What will he do when nothing of the sort happens in Canada? Will he admit he was spectacularly wrong, or will he continue to spew his outlandish claim that all of morality somehow stems from sexual self-denial, or that sexual pleasure-seeking is a behaviour unique to homosexuals? I have a little news flash for the archbishop: we heterosexuals seek sexual pleasure too. When I am having sex with my wife, I am giving pleasure, and I am receiving pleasure, and neither of us are denying ourselves anything. Self-denial is
not in any way an aspect of our sex lives. Why doesn't he excoriate people like us? Oh but of course, he can't: we're like the majority of his paying congregation, so we're immune. It would impact his donations, wouldn't it? How convenient. He should criticize us only enough to make us feel guilty, so that we would donate more money, but not so much that we become angered and reject his church.
The second consequence of the adoption of the ideology of homosexuality will be the marginalization of the biological family. Homosexual behavior cannot produce children. The adoption of children by those in a homosexual relationship always deprives a child of the experience of either a mother or a father. It is one thing for a child to be orphaned by the death of his biological parents, but for the child to be deliberately conceived for the benefit of those in homosexual unions violates the child's rights to the biological bonds that constitute the emotion glue of the family. When one has two fathers, he is condemned to be a motherless child. Moreover he will also be a fatherless child. With two men who present themselves as his fathers, with whom can he bond as his [emphasis in the original] father? The failure to bond with his mother and father creates a huge wound in a child.
While there is some evidence for the positive benefits of having a role model for both genders in the family, there is much
greater evidence that alcoholism, poverty, illiteracy, and a criminal record will result in a terrible childhood. Why doesn't the good archbishop condemn the marriages of alcoholics, poor people, illiterates, and ex-criminals? Why has the Church never made the slightest effort to condemn or discourage such marriages? What about tobacco smoking, which kills four hundred thousand Americans every year according to the CDC, and which affects the child even before birth, not to mention doubling the risk of the child himself becoming a smoker? Why doesn't the Catholic Church condemn smoker marriage? Oops, I forgot: because, once again, that would impact the good archbishop's revenue stream.
Moreover, he is normally condemned to be an only child, without brothers or sisters. Over generations, the number of these wounded individuals, without biological bonds to the people with whom they have had to live, and whose only reason for being called into being is to meet the emotion needs of self-absorbed others, will increase the class that cannot care for the next generation because they have too many unresolved problems of their own. There is a tipping point where the society itself begins to implode. Already we have the highest number of out-of-wedlock births of any place in the nation. The growing number of the incarcerated is another warning sign that we are approaching the point of implosion.
The archbishop needs to get his argument straight: if these kinds of social problems are a result of gay marriage, then why are they already happening, even though gay marriage is not yet legal? And honestly, at the risk of belabouring a point, how can someone be so
completely oblivious to society that he thinks sexual pleasure-seeking is something the homosexuals invented? We heterosexuals are
very good at sexual pleasure seeking, thank you very much.
The third consequence of the adoption of the ideology of homosexuality will be the crisis that it will generate in the area of public health. Ironically, Senator B. J. Cruz has introduced legislation to require a higher tax on cigarettes in order to discourage habits that are detrimental to good health. The same senator wants to require the use of helmets by motorcyclists as a way of reducing injuries and the consequent unnecessary drain on the financial resources of the hospital. At the same time, he is promoting a lifestyle that carries with it far more risks to health. A culture cannot flourish when a significant portion of the population is suffering diseases as a consequence of having been encouraged by the structures of civil law itself to expose themselves to the risks inherent in sodomy. By adopting Bill 185, the Guam Legislature Will become a co-conspirator in the conspiracy of silence regarding the health consequences of homosexuality. Over time, the health care system of Guam Will implode.
If homosexuality carries "far more risks to health" than cigarette smoking and unprotected motorcycle riding, then surely there should be some sort of
evidence that the good archbishop can point to, instead of making such a preposterous claim on his own authority.
The culture of homosexuality is a culture of self-absorption because it does not value self-sacrifice. It is a glaring example of what John Paul II has called the culture of death. Islamic fundamentalists clearly understand the damage that homosexual behavior inflicts on a culture. That is why they repress such behavior by death. Their culture is anything but one of self-absorption. It may be brutal at times, but any culture that is able to produce wave after wave of suicide bombers (women as well as men) is a culture that at least knows how to value self-sacrifice. Terrorism as a way to oppose the degeneration of the culture is to be rejected completely since such violence is itself another form of degeneracy. One, however, does not have to agree with the gruesome ways that the fundamentalists use to curb the forces that undermine their culture to admit that the Islamic fundamentalist charge that Western Civilization in general and the U.S.A, in particular is the "Great Satan" is not without an element of truth. It makes no sense for the U. S. Government to send our boys to fight Al Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan, while at the same time it embraces the social policies embodied in Bill 185 (as President Obama has done). Such policies only furnish further arguments for the fundamentalists in their efforts to gain more recruits for the war against the "Great Satan."
In other words, "I agree with Al-Qaeda's ideology, just not their methods". The man virtually makes the case against himself. He is very, very wrong about the foundation of Western culture. Western culture is where it is because we did
not follow the Islamic fundamentalist ways. His sympathy for Al-Qaeda's ideology only shows that despite his rhetoric about the importance of "Western culture", he actually rejects it.
In voting on Bill 185, you are faced with the choice either to embrace the common good of Guam and put you[sic] private good (the desire to be re-elected) in jeopardy, or to sink into self-adsorption[sic] and vote in your political self-interest. To say that the stakes are high in Bill 185 is a massive understatement. At stake is nothing less than the implosion of the moral culture of the people of Guam. The West today is engaged in a struggle with Islamic fundamentalists who are not always in sympathy with democratic values that the West holds dear. They are resisting with all the force at their command those forces that oppose marriage and the family. If we do not do the same, they will win the contest by sheer numbers alone. History will judge your desire to secure your private self-interest at this moment in Guam's history as appallingly petty in view of the damage it will do to the common good of Guam. By adopting Bill 185, you will have contributed to the end of Western Civilization.
In other words, he believes that we must outlaw gay marriage so that we can make more babies and fight Al-Qaeda. One could write entire essays on how horrendously broken this logic is, at every step of the way.