Digital Devil Saga,
Digital Devil Saga 2
Originally designed simply to be a computer program, testing the combat effectiveness of a syndrome that turns people into cannibalistic demons inside a simulation. Originally a killer/soldier with no emotions, she starts regaining the personality of the 'real-world' person she was originally based off of. In game terms, she is the sniper/'mage' of the player's party. She is one of the few people in the simulation who actually rebel against the new commands that they consume each other to grow more powerful, and isn't hesitant to admonish others against it. By the second game, she's come to terms with cannibalism as a necessary evil, but still restricts herself to using it only in self-defense and encourages others to do the same.
She's by no means a pillar of infallible strength. There are a few times she breaks down emotionally, gets her ass handed to her in a fight, or is simply wrong on something, but she actually grows from it as a character, and in the end gives her own life to defend another character.
As a slight aside, the most 'revealing' part of her outfit would be the rather high-slitted skirt, but even that has a purpose, allowing her to have an easier time kneeling and aiming her rifle.
Chiaki Tachibana
Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne
Nocturne is sort of a weird game. It starts off with the destruction of earth in the apocalyptic 'Conception', and you take the role of one of five surviving humans in a demon, angel and god-infested wasteland, competing to determine what the underlying philosophy of the new earth will be.
Chiaki is another one of the surviving humans, formerly a high school friend of the player. She came from an upper-class family, puts her personal success and future above everything else, and tends to view anyone not similarly driven with a little disdain. After the Conception, she takes the end of the world rather badly, spending quite a bit of time in fear and denial about the state of things. Eventually she comes to terms with things and decides to play by the rules of the new world.
Chiaki decides that in the previous world, things tended to go wrong because those who were spiritually weak constantly got into positions of power, exercising their weakness over the rest of humanity and weighing down its potential. In her ideal world, only those strong enough to earn power would actually come across it, rather than being handed it by chance or inheritance. She pursues this philosophy across the world and keeps going despite all opposition and setbacks, which include getting her arm torn off in a battle against a psychotic mannequin (it's a weird game). Eventually she gains the attention and power of a deceased demonic demigod, forms her own legion of angels, fuses with a deity and becomes the most obviously powerful force in the world by the endgame.