I've tried it, believe me (I love low light shooting) - 1/30 is the lowest I can go without spraying and praying, 1/13 is the lowest I can go with my stabilized 17mm lens while having a chance of evena third of my shots in focus.aerius wrote:Get closer if possible so you can use a shorter zoom for less shake, then with practice you can easily handhold down to 1/8 of a second especially with image stabilization. If you don't believe me this is a 1/6 second handhold at a 80mm equivalent, no shake, no blur, all good.The Grim Squeaker wrote:Low light. I tried playing with the angles, but couldn't zoom due to the 1/30s limitation.Statues: I would have preferred a smaller aperture for this one. You've made only one statue the subject of the photo with no clear reason why, and it's not even the one whose face we can see.
My hands aren't very steady . (Probably something's wrong with my posture or button pressing since my hands are fine in other endeavours, low hand-eye coordination aside).
I prefered a larger distance due to trying to play with the size of the area in focus (shooting right up close/Very close means you'll have less in focus even with the larger DOF provided by a wide angle in many cases).
I'll be shooting with a compact for most of the time from now on, and mainly in mornings on the way to study, so DOF (and anything in low light) is going to be much less relevant for me now .
In short, your hands are super strong and stable from squeezing your wife's.. bike. (handles).