Is there anything better than coffee? I mean, really?

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Is there anything better than coffee? I mean, really?

Post by Superman »

Are there other other coffee addicts here? What kind do you like? Yuban rules (for the cheaper, canned coffee)!
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Post by Captain tycho »

I don't drink coffee, so I wouldn't know...
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Post by Nathan F »

There are many things better than coffee...
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Post by Beowulf »

Screwing your girlfriend being near the top of that list...
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Post by Captain tycho »

NF_Utvol wrote:There are many things better than coffee...
.... like diet coke. :mrgreen:
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Post by Darth Wong »

You will become dependent on coffee until you can't wake up in the morning without it. Many coffee addicts find it incomprehensible that I can wake up in the morning and function without a hit of caffeine; what they don't realize is that I'm normal, and they've damaged themselves.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Mountain Dew.
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Post by Exonerate »

Just get more sleep.

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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

I drink my caffeine cold. So its a can of Coke for me. People that know me are used to it. At work, they knew I was in my cube cause they hear "PSSST" about 8:30 am. :lol:
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Post by Zaia »

The only time I drink coffee is when it's late at night at a coffeehouse (and then it's never regular coffee) or after a nice meal with dessert. My shower wakes me up in the morning; I don't need coffee.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

My caffine addiction is not that strong, It gives me an upset stomach anyways. What with being sick I have been on caffine free herbal tea for 2 weeks now.

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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Well if you need something better than caffeine to keep you awake, why not trying stuff like X-Pills or Crystal Meth? They'll surely keep you awake, trust me :P
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Post by Drewcifer »

I go through phases. I really enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, but when I get to where I can't live without it, I quit for a few months until it's a choice again.

I also typically drink more coffee when it's nice out in the morning, when I can have a nice zen experience with a cup, sit on my front porch and watch the world wake up. But again, when I can't wake up without it, the enjoyement is gone, and I quit drinking coffee, sometimes even for months on end.

I guess I like it too much to abuse it or stay addicted to it for long.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

I don't really like coffee. I only drink it when I need a lil boost.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I don't use coffee as a JATO-in-the-Morning. I prefer mine at completely random times of the day...
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Post by XaLEv »

I don't think I've ever had any coffee.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Coffee is a great and good thing.
Yuban is tasty, yes, but I prefer Hills Bros. myself.
Friends don't let friends drink Folger's. :D
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Post by Frank Hipper »

XaLEv wrote:I don't think I've ever had any coffee.
Where is it you live? Is this a joke?
It's almost quarter 'til midnight here, I think I'll make myself a pot right now to psychicly urge you to try it, now!
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Post by Superman »

Yes, Folger's is the worst! Hills Bros. IS pretty good.
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Post by Coyote »

Beowulf wrote:Screwing your girlfriend being near the top of that list...
You're screwing his girlfriend?
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Post by Dalton »

I drank coffee a bit in college, but not often. Just as a pick-me-up usually, and even then I usually chugged soda. I never drink coffee in the mornings.
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Post by Faram »

Darth Wong wrote:You will become dependent on coffee until you can't wake up in the morning without it.
Perfect description of me...
Darth Wong wrote:Many coffee addicts find it incomprehensible that I can wake up in the morning and function without a hit of caffeine; what they don't realize is that I'm normal, and they've damaged themselves.
Sad but true.

The good part is that coffe addiction has no known seriuos side effects.
IE I won't die of coffe addiction.

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Post by XaLEv »

Frank Hipper wrote: Where is it you live? Is this a joke?
It's almost quarter 'til midnight here, I think I'll make myself a pot right now to psychicly urge you to try it, now!
You can see my location to the left. :wink:

And all you succeeded in doing was making me get a DrPepper.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

XaLEv wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote: Where is it you live? Is this a joke?
It's almost quarter 'til midnight here, I think I'll make myself a pot right now to psychicly urge you to try it, now!
You can see my location to the left. :wink:

And all you succeeded in doing was making me get a DrPepper.
At one time I could count to ten in Yucatec Maya, Japanese escapes me.
And Dr. Pepper is Nectar of the Gods.

(edit) Texas????
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Post by Vympel »

I despise it. I also dislike it when my friends turn into coffee snobs so to speak, proclaiming wisely that this cup is 'good' and this one is 'bad'. It all tastes the same to me- bad. I've drunk coffee on like three occasions in my entire life. I don't need to be addicted to caffeine, thanks (and no, I don't drink enormous amounts of caffeinated soft drinks either).
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