Rant against teenagers no. 1: School Trips

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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

jaeger115 wrote:
Yes, I'm surrounded by idiots in almost all my classes(my AP and pre AP classes are a little better, but there are still a good number).
Don't. Even. Talk. About. That. My AP US history class has one moron in it who doesn't know half of our vocabulary. She kept asking the teacher "what does invalid", "unrepentent", "casualties" mean. She makes me angry every time she utters one of her brainless questions. :x
Thats nothing, last year in my US history class, the teacher decided to make a little joke, said that "Did you know know there going to change the name of Afganistan? *What to?* Af-gone-istan.

One girl just goes "Really?"

The teacher(and about half the class) just laugh and continue with the notes.

I swear to god a full minute later she goes "Ohhhhhh"
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Post by Uraniun235 »

That's a funny play. Have you seen "Complete History of America (abridged)"? That one's a killer.
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Post by kojikun »

Anarchist.. jesus christ kill that girl now
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

I would, but, she's got nice tits.
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Post by Nathan F »

The majority of the world's teenaged population (14-19) is dumb. That is it. Incredibly immature, without any sense to speak of, and generally not thinking (I speak this as I sit in my dorm and listen to the idiots that are playing frigging basketball in the hallway, idiots...). They cannot control themselves and, generally, do not deserve to be let out of their houses.

I hate to sound arrogant, but I never went through the 'teen agnst' stage. I mean, if I did it was incredibly short and so small that no one, including myself, noticed.

Teens these days are not that bright. The majority of them couldn't tell you what year WW2 started or point out their county on a map. Seriously, I asked someone I know to point out ther home county on a map a year or so ago, AND THEY COULDN'T FIND IT! I had to friggen show them where they lived, for gosh sakes!!!

Plus, I think that it says alot when one of the highest rated TV stations is MTV, the most pointless excuse for television that has ever been created. I mean, good Lord! Why do you sit around and watch the crap that they feed you on stuff like that? It sure as heck isn't increasing their intelligence level.

Honestly, I think that for someone to get into college, they must go through some sort of maturity exam. That would take care of alot of problems...

Another thing, there are too many kids these days that have never had to do any sort of work or labour. They live off mommy and daddy's wallets and have no respect for work or money. Mom and Dad both said that when I turned 16 I had to get a job, no ifs ands or buts. Not only did this instill responsibility in me, it gave me a respect for money and some incentive to get a good education.

I know people my age (18 ) who haven't done an honest days work in their ENTIRE LIVES. Of course, these are also the people who are out getting sh*t face drunk every other night, and who have no responsibility whatsoever.
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Post by Kuja »

NF_Utvol wrote:*snip*
I support you. Every word.
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Post by Nathan F »

Heh, glad someone agrees with me. Any more <20 year olds who think that?
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Post by neoolong »

anarchistbunny wrote:I would, but, she's got nice tits.
A nice rack is no excuse of pure stupidity. Close, but no.
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Post by Darth Wong »

NF_Utvol wrote:Heh, glad someone agrees with me. Any more <20 year olds who think that?
I agree, but I'm not below 20.

The problem is the way education has changed over the last 20 years. All of this "self-esteem" and "non-competitive" bullshit that's been peddled on us by well-meaning but clearly dense psychologists.

Self-esteem is of no value if it is not tied to REAL ACHIEVEMENTS. When you embark upon programs to make sure that every child has good self-esteem regardless of whether he's any damned good at anything, all you end up with are a lot of self-absorbed dipshits.
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Post by Beowulf »

NF_Utvol wrote:Heh, glad someone agrees with me. Any more <20 year olds who think that?
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Post by Nathan F »

Darth Wong wrote:
NF_Utvol wrote:Heh, glad someone agrees with me. Any more <20 year olds who think that?
I agree, but I'm not below 20.

The problem is the way education has changed over the last 20 years. All of this "self-esteem" and "non-competitive" bullshit that's been peddled on us by well-meaning but clearly dense psychologists.

Self-esteem is of no value if it is not tied to REAL ACHIEVEMENTS. When you embark upon programs to make sure that every child has good self-esteem regardless of whether he's any damned good at anything, all you end up with are a lot of self-absorbed dipshits.
Mike, you might want to record this in the annals of history:

For once I whole-heartily agree with you. This crap about not being competitive and the self esteem is a big, steaming, trailer load of horse sh*t.

Another thing that I don't get is these race-based scholarships. People should have to work towards scholarships and achievement in schooling, not just have it bestowed on them because they are of one race or another. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not racist in any way, form, or fashion and I think that all racism is an evil, evil institution. I just think that it is wrong that I won't get a scholarship because I am white, but the guy next door who had a 2.5 GPA in high school is getting a free ride because he is a minority. That IS racism, not by me, but by the ones who institue those kinds of scholarships. It is just another degradation of our society where everyone expects things to be handed to them on a sliver platter.

(sorry for the threadjack, but I just had to get that off my chest, lol ;))
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Post by Malecoda »

What's terrible is that in uni, the "self-esteemers" get hosed. Just slammed. But the ones who were good in school and are about to graduate, they feel pretty damn good about themselves--better than those people who were "ego-boosted" in secondary school (like the guy in my sig, perhaps?) and didn't make the cut... So an inverse result. Oops.
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Post by Hamel »

I was born in 1982, and I've seen my peers evolve and do their thing. Judging from what I've seen and what I've heard, I think the accusation that american teenagers are lazy bums is unfounded. Same with the self-esteem issues.

Most teens work full time jobs at a young age, sometimes 2 part-timers on top of school. Employers LOVE today's teens; they'll work any shift, any amount of hours, and are mostly dilligent. Hell, they'll do any grunt work.

Many teens live at home simply because they can't afford living on their own. We're not talking the fancy stuff, we're talking the essentials. Unless you want to live in the dark and have no running water, you may not be able to get your own apt, regardless of whether you've been good with your money or not. Of course this depends largely on where you live, and whether you're attending college or not.

Regarding self-esteem and such : kids are as competitive, if not more so, than the beasts of the wild. Talk about anything regarding self-esteem and you're liable to be called a faggot (favored derogatory remark of modern man unfortunately :( ). Political correctness does not exist among teenagers, period.

The modern teenager falls flat on his/her face when it comes to managing money. If it isn't buying the 3.06 GHZ P4 rig when they found their 2.8 too slow, the $2k sound system or the $1k hubcaps, the $400 cell phone, or trendy clothing, they're getting themselves into huge debt on credit cards (they are the devil :twisted: )

There's a few asshole teens out there, but they're the most vocal, so they get all the media coverage :evil:

Currently, I have no job (no one, but no one is hiring), attending college, and will move to town where unfortunately practically nothing exists. Compared to the average teen, I think I was a decent guy. Never had a detention or worse, never got in trouble with the law, never hit a girl, etc.

But these new kids, sheesh, they're fuckin ruthless. You have these 8 year olds that jumped right out of South Park!
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Post by David »

One sad thing about public schools is that the teachers are terrified of discipling the students. One friend of mine is a coach/history teacher. He found some jock beating the crap out of some poor skinny guy and he pulled the jocked, slammed him into the gym wall, and said some rather uncomplementary things to him. Kids parents sued the school over the incedence ( the jocks parents.) Fortunetlly the judges in West Texas have a healthy dose of common sense, and the case was thrown out. My friend got bitched at by the school board though over it.
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Post by Baron Mordo »

Our generation has never fought for anything, either. Every commercial I see of teenagers being rowdy and irrisponsible makes me think, "These are the people who will one day inherit the earth."

And that makes baby jesus cry.
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Post by Gandalf »

NF_Utvol wrote:Heh, glad someone agrees with me. Any more <20 year olds who think that?
I'm 17 and I agree, my generation are mostly idiots, I'm just glad I go to a school where the idiots are weeded out.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

anarchistbunny wrote:I would, but, she's got nice tits.
often the case that the good looking one is the stupid one.
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Post by Nathan F »

BTW, did anyone see that thing on TLC about people gone wild? It had this video made by these 3 little pricks who were driving down the road shooting people with a paintball gun and hitting them with a car door. Also on the video was some stuff about them catching houses on fire, vandalizing the inside of houses, and other random destruction of property. Man, what I would have given to have seen the video if they had hit some big redneck with a paintball gun. Heh, most of the people in my area would have most likely hunted them down and beat the daylights out of 'em. But really, what the heck? I mean, kids riding around shooting people with paintball guns and burning peoples houses? Are these people NUTS? Sad thing is, at 18, their records will be wiped clean...
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

NF_Utvol wrote:The majority of the world's teenaged population (14-19) is dumb. That is it. Incredibly immature, without any sense to speak of, and generally not thinking (I speak this as I sit in my dorm and listen to the idiots that are playing frigging basketball in the hallway, idiots...). They cannot control themselves and, generally, do not deserve to be let out of their houses.

I hate to sound arrogant, but I never went through the 'teen agnst' stage. I mean, if I did it was incredibly short and so small that no one, including myself, noticed.

Teens these days are not that bright. The majority of them couldn't tell you what year WW2 started or point out their county on a map. Seriously, I asked someone I know to point out ther home county on a map a year or so ago, AND THEY COULDN'T FIND IT! I had to friggen show them where they lived, for gosh sakes!!!

Plus, I think that it says alot when one of the highest rated TV stations is MTV, the most pointless excuse for television that has ever been created. I mean, good Lord! Why do you sit around and watch the crap that they feed you on stuff like that? It sure as heck isn't increasing their intelligence level.

Honestly, I think that for someone to get into college, they must go through some sort of maturity exam. That would take care of alot of problems...

Another thing, there are too many kids these days that have never had to do any sort of work or labour. They live off mommy and daddy's wallets and have no respect for work or money. Mom and Dad both said that when I turned 16 I had to get a job, no ifs ands or buts. Not only did this instill responsibility in me, it gave me a respect for money and some incentive to get a good education.

I know people my age (18 ) who haven't done an honest days work in their ENTIRE LIVES. Of course, these are also the people who are out getting sh*t face drunk every other night, and who have no responsibility whatsoever.
My teen angst stage was also very short(lasted about 4 months, and was very recent) And yes I agree with you, most teens are stupid. In the vast majority of my classes, my teachers will not let me answer questions because they would rather wait and let the rest of the class think for 5 seconds. Also in my area there are "friday night fights" wtf! A bunch of idiots go to a fast food joint, and to prove their masculinity, pick fights with each other.

And on the lack of geographic knowledge... Here is something worse. I was talking to a german exchange student, she has had instences where SENIORS would come up and ask "Do they speak German in Germany?" and " Is Hitler still alive?" or "Do you have TV in Germany?" How fucking stupid can you be?
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Post by Nathan F »

I simply cannot understand how people could get to the end of high school without being able to find their city on the map.
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Post by The Great Unbearded One »

As a teenager [HURRAH!] yes, schools are fucking immature. I used to get pissed off by fellow classmates ruin school trips and shit for me too, but now what annoys me more [due to the fact I'm a mega movie freak] is kids in cinema! :evil: arrgggh! :!: :!: :!: They do my nut in. Well them and the people who clearly dont understand the "Turn Off Your Mobile Phone" signs...and then the snogging teenagers who take offense when I tell them "THERE ARE CLEARLY OTHER WAYS TO SHARE POPCORN!"

Sorry to turn topic, but does anyone else get distracted like that too?
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Post by Sienthal »

It is true that there are a lot of teens who can be utter cockmongers, but most are pretty mellowed, at least from where I'm at. Then again, I know mainly juniors, seniors and sophmores, so I can't speak for my underclassmen, :). Still, the rant against the entire teen culture is a bit of a generalization.

[EDIT] Please...Please ignore my naievity on this post, I had no idea! have mercy on this poor soul!
Last edited by Sienthal on 2003-02-13 11:02am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sienthal »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:My teen angst stage was also very short(lasted about 4 months, and was very recent) And yes I agree with you, most teens are stupid. In the vast majority of my classes, my teachers will not let me answer questions because they would rather wait and let the rest of the class think for 5 seconds. Also in my area there are "friday night fights" wtf! A bunch of idiots go to a fast food joint, and to prove their masculinity, pick fights with each other.

And on the lack of geographic knowledge... Here is something worse. I was talking to a german exchange student, she has had instences where SENIORS would come up and ask "Do they speak German in Germany?" and " Is Hitler still alive?" or "Do you have TV in Germany?" How fucking stupid can you be?
On second thought...I recant my statement on most teens...That...That is so wrong. I've also managed to have every teacher ignore my hand when I raise it, :D. It's really nice because they've gotten into the habit of knowing that I know the answer, which allows me some pleasant reading time during my history class. I've recently been getting into the Wheel of Time series as well as Winesburg, Ohio.
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Post by Sienthal »

It is true that there are a lot of teens who can be utter cockmongers, but most are pretty mellowed, at least from where I'm at. Then again, I know mainly juniors, seniors and sophmores, so I can't speak for my underclassmen, :). Still, the rant against the entire teen culture is a bit of a generalization.
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Post by Xon »

NF_Utvol wrote:Heh, glad someone agrees with me. Any more <20 year olds who think that?
Yup. I'll be turning 19 next month and I wholely agree with you.

I dont have a job yet(I currently looking) because until very resently I havent had a huge amount of free time.

Going to a private high school with compulsory sports program doesnt leave much free time. 2 days a week, I was at school(not including travel time) from 8am to 5pm(9 hours), 3 days a week 8am to 3:30pm(7.5 hours). Then on the weekend, I had sports from ~8am/9am to 10am/11am. All that is time spend at school doing stuff, doesnt include travel time(almost 2 hours of travel time on a weekend for an away game).

Then I had a heavy course load because I was doing all the hardest units, and my high school loved homeword.

Moving from 32.5 hours(had a total of ~ 1 hour in break between class & lunch) at school to just less than 20 hours at uni, was a really good thing.

As for teen angst(or a case of depression), I went throught a period of that. However it didnt last very long, I had a bunch of good friends help me throught that. Of Course the best thing that happened resently was my parents got divorced, my father finally left! :D
Last edited by Xon on 2003-02-13 11:18am, edited 1 time in total.
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