Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Hey, Rahvin, will you address the point about the Canadian anthem having the same exclusivity to the Christian religion, both in kits original version and the version even now learnt by all Quebecois and bi-lingual Canadians (including myself, who sang it every day in elementary school)?
I'll concede that many (most?) national anthems or mottos etc tend to have some degree of religious overtones, and express my disapproval of all instances of such. That includes the America "One nation under God" and "In God we trust," the Canadian anthem's reference to the cross, "God Save the Queen," and everything else. As I said earlier:
And for the record, I'm not a fan of "God save the queen," "In God we trust," "Under God," or any of the other state endorsements of religion (specific or just strongly implied).
Hell, here's the Saudi Arabian anthem, in English:
Hasten to glory and supremacy,
Glorify the Creator of the heavens!
And raise the green flag
Carrying the emblem of Light,
Repeating: Allah is the greatest,
O my country!
My country, Live as the glory of Muslims!
Long live the King for the flag and the country!
Obviously theocratic. I don't care that they aren't pretending to be otherwise - I still find it disgusting.
The Israeli one was simply the topic of the thread. I don't think any of them become "not so bad" in the context that most all of them seem to have religious or ethnic references - I just think they're
all bad. State involvement of religion, even if simply a general endorsement like including a nondenominational approval of "faith" or an unnamed (but still obvious) deity, is all reprehensible to me.