PainRack wrote:Not able to continue discussion on this aspect. I concede.
If I may ask, why not? I'm a bit puzzled you would claim the capability existing and not being able to reference it more explicitly. Are we talking about the existence of intel officers in the army itself, or something else?
The servo skull does not have hyperspace capabilities.
Granted, but this isnt an inherent capability of the probe droid is it? The droid itself has to be deployed via a single-use pod, and I dont remember how often that was actually employed. IIRC we actually saw them deployed via starship in TESB, for example. Besides which, we KNOW from many sources they still use recon and scout ships, so the probe droids are complementary assets more than anything else.
Could 40K have somethign like that? Perhaps. Weapons technologies exist that can teleport missiles through the warp (Titans can carry them) and psychoportive weaponry is known to exist (soul Drinkers) - likely it would simply be a scaled down and simplified warp vechile, little better than a disposable scout ship (large fighter probably?). Probably bigger than a probe droid, though. More likely they would just use psychic divination of some kind or send a scout or null ship (like they do with the Eye of Terror) or just deploy probes via another ship (again like STar Destroyers)
Similarly, they do not have interstellar communicaions capability.
Probe Droids use Holonet access, which requires the existence of a holonet network to function. I dont know if they carry subspace and the size/capability of such, but I know the "realtime" capability of subspace is VASTLY lower.
The Admech does have what is known as transmat links that use psychic servitors to create some sort of psychic "internet" type hookup (or a separate astropathic network I suppose) but its not neccesarily realtime (not specified.) And given that some astropaths I've seen/read about are little better than psykers themselves, you probably could make some sort of serivtor astropath to simulate FTL transmissions. Would it be common? Probably not, but the capability exists (NL and I once discussed the idea that alot of the FTL "comm/detection" stuff that seems to exist in 40K in a non-astropathic ocntext may just be some complicated form of servitor device which is plausible because the line between 'organic/inorganic" tech for some of 40K's psychic shit is very thin indeed. Hell, Eldar tech even qualifies as "organic" on some level.)
The Marvel comics has had telepaths available to the SWU and its mentioned in one of Kevin J Anderson SW guide that there exist telepathic races, which the Empire uses as spies. (The guide in question, said author was a member of such a race, using his telepathic skills for archaelogical purposes).
Telepathic races also showed up in the NR, as the fleet commander chasing the vagabond in Black Fleet Crisis. That doesnt tell us anything about their range or capabilities relative to the Imperium though. Can they obtain information from inert objects (psychometry), or communicate across interstellar distances? Are they even used as an alterantive means of communication for, say, military forces when the regualr comms are inoperable?
Its also stunning how....... under-utilised psychic powers are. For example, in Killing Ground, the sanctioned pysker available to the governor was used to spy on local leaders and give information to the governor. Yet, she was utterly unable to locate the existence of the Sons of Salina resistance leaders, which led to the massacre there. To make things worse, she was unable to detect that the local medicae was assisting the resistance movement and had actually hidden and kept Thyler alive.
As I recall in The Killing Ground there was that crazy ass undead leader who was some sort of psychic gestalt ghost army that was fucking things up and wanted to kill the regiment responsible for killing them (sort of a mini Emperor, since he was in a coma). IT was bad enough they needed to dispatch Grey Knights at least to deal with them. It was hardly "ideal" conditions to be claiming tht they could be doing all this shit you claim.
In any case, I can think of other examples. Psykers were used to discover the fact Ahriman murdered the Savant who was seeking information on him (as I described before) via psychometry. Eisenhorn did something similar in the third Eisenhorn novel with his astorpath I believe. Astropaths are used to monitor events in the Eye of Terror both from outposts as well as the deployment of null ships as I recall. In Execution hour, one Astropath was able to locate a single man amidst an entire world in uprising, and in the Inquisition War novel the astropath tracked someone even through the warp (a sort of psychic tracking device IIRC).
The New Rebellion example is an high end source too, but I believe it does trump this. The information was not historical in nature but rather cultural and combed pre Republic cultural legends. All while conducting a population search and historical leader search.
The example I quoted also featured not just the search for Czevak's name in relation to specific activitie,s but also involved some osrt of pattern-recognition stuff which ended up tying his activities (and fate) to other events ongoing (about the time of the 13th Black Crusade, and involved reports of the Ulthwe Eldar) which was what led to the discovery of Ahriman's intentions. Whereupon Ahriman appeared and killed the dude. (Which as I noted above, was later uncovered.) I daresay to uncover ANY mention of a particular person over a span of time, particularily one whose data is believed to be almost totally deleted, involves searching far more areas than just the ones you would name. You're actively hunting for something that they think isn't there.
I think similar was done with the Soul Drinkers in the soul Drinkers novels as well.. I'd have to check that. I know the novel Iron Hands had a Techmarine that sifted through thousands of years of computer data (visual and audio and probably textual) to uncover specific answers (what was on the planet, what happened thousands of years ago, etc.) in a matter of minutes, tops, IIRc.
I have to ask though: what's the point of using "high end* examples anyhow? Its not as if we're actually quantifying this stuff (and I have no idea where I'd begin quantifying it, anyhow.)
As for Dodonna, I think the radio and movie trumps this. Detailed analysis of the plans had revealed a weakness.....
Which means.. what exactly? That could just as easily mean "I got this crazy idea in a stupid way and then we did a detailed analysis because I knew where to look" Why should we favor one specific interpretation over another?