Not really. Marxism is "workers revolution is inevitable". Leninism is "we will make the workers revolution".
OK, Sam...Listen. I'm only going to repeat myself on this issue one more time.
If we were to get into a debate on whether or not Henry VIII was a Protestant Reformist, would it really be fucking relevant in the slightest whether he was a Lutheran or an Anglican?
Why are you having such a hard time grasping this concept where Marxism is concerned? Do you honestly just not get it, or are you simply trying to be a smart ass in order to get a rise out of me?
Or it could simply be rewarding his supporters.
Did it ever occur to you that he might simply be a corrupt Marxist doing the exact same thing? Once again, why must you turn the question into a fallacy of False Dilemma?
Are you just trying to be as contrarian as humanly possible in order to irritate me? If that is the case, it's working. lol
South Korea and Taiwan, both states opposite communist doubles are going to follow Marxist/socialist ideology.
Both were essentially fascist dictatorships for the first several decades of their existence. Such regimes are hardly picky about the economic systems they are willing to endorse.
I don't think 1870s Japan had ever heard the word socialist before.
Source? I need more info on this topic before I can make a judgement.
My point was there wasn't necesarily a causation between "Russian Revolution" and "land reform". Because none of these countries existed yet so of course they enacted policies after the Russian Revolution.
Once again, Marxist revolutionary movements didn't simply spring up out of the ground in these countries.
Cuba is not a shit hole unlike alot of the states in Africa
Latin America in general is better off than Africa.
He actually did. While his actions did not match what conservatives preach, conservatives in the country backed him.
Exactly. You say this because it logically follows that Bush most likely was a Conservative Republican. The fact that he may not have always done things that all Conservative Republicans would have agreed with is irrelevant.
Why are you people having such a hard time applying the same logic to Mugabe?
You failed your logic class, right
No, but apparently you did. OK Stas...Where to start?
How about here...
Being a member of a leftist organization is a necessary condition, but by far not a sufficient one. The sufficient one would be actually following the ideology
By this logic, moron, half of the nations under the Iron Curtain wouldn't be truly "Marxist" by your absurdly strict definition of the word. How about you simply come to terms with the fact that Marxism in general is an incredibly irrational ideology which tends to spawn wildly divergent off shoots? It doesn't easily fit into the pretty little bow-tied box you'd lead us to believe it could.
Case in point...
Kim Jong Il (Juche and Songun have no references to Marxism whatsoever and instead represent North Korean militaristic nationalism).
Ok...So now you're trying to claim that North Korea isn't "truly" Communist/Marxist either. Where does this inane line of reasoning end Stas? Was Stalin not a "true" Marxist by your definition of the word?
You are basically using the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. In other words, simply because something doesn't fit in with your ideal definition of what you think a certain item or idea
should be, you are refusing to acknowledge it at all. This is also known as the fallacy of "Victory by Definition."
"China cannot possibly be the aggressor in Korea. China is,
by definition, a peaceful nation."
"He couldn't possibly be Scottish! No
true Scotsman would ever behave in such a manner!"
In any case, it is a dishonest and fallacious tactic. You are a fucking MORON.
I think that Knobby will say that Syria, Libya and India are Marxist nations as well, given his black and white view of the world.
Syria and Libya are nations which follow the ideology of Arab Nationalism and Ba'athism (an off shoot of Arab Nationalism). BOTH of these ideologies are rather blatant in their endorsements of Marx-influenced Socialism. They have always pushed for centralized, and to some degree, centrally planned economic systems and enforced social equality in the form of state enforced programs to redistribute wealth.
I'm not sure what you're getting at with India...Seeing as how it is actually significantly less regulated than the US.
Honestly, am I the only one here with any knowledge of Poli Sci at all?