Now from a moral absolutionist point of view, does fighting against a bad guy makes someone a good guy? I don´t think so. In a situation when the Russian Maffia fight against the Italian Maffia (bad guys) to control the drug and prostitution market the Russian Maffia is hard to be considered the good guys, they are just another bunch of bad guys.Simon_Jester wrote:This is very much true. But I am a moral absolutist, so I don't think it's particularly relevant. The Imperials' war to suppress the Rebellion either is or is not just; depending on which it is, the destruction of Alderaan to bring about a swift Imperial victory either is or is not justified.
In my opinion it is not justified, because the Galactic Empire violates my definition of legitimate governments, and since it is not fighting to protect its people from an existential threat. Against the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Empire would be fighting a just war; against the Rebels it is not. Therefore, in my opinion the destruction of Alderaan cannot be justified in the terms that make the destruction of Hiroshima or Nagasaki marginally justifiable*. A better analogy would be the firebombing of Dresden, or perhaps** the bombing of Rotterdam.
*marginally so, because the context was questionable enough that it cannot be shown with certainty whether it was the only way to end the war without greater casualties. Had the US been willing to accept a more conditional surrender, The Bomb might have been unnecessary.
** Depending heavily on how much of the bombing you blame on mixups in the German chain of command, stuff like that- it may be a borderline case. Not sure.
But this did not happen on the gang war levels, for example in the Spanish Civil War the Nationalists (indeed an outright Fascist group) were struggling against the Republicans (whom despite the name were trying to establish a Communist dictatorship), both sides tried to build an oppressive system, both sides commited massacraces against more or less innocent civilians, so neither group qualifies as good guys for me. The same holds for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan there the official government was an oppressive communist dictatorships, however the rebels were fighting for an oppressive theocratic dictartorship and/or a warlord state; again I see no good guys in this conflict. And at last the Second World War, where the main event was the struggle on the Eastern Front between the two evilest dictatorship (responsible the death in the range millions respectively, using ultraconservative estimates) of the twentieth century if not human history...
No back to the SW:
The Empire is ruled by the most powerful and evilest Sith Lord ever. They are by definition evil... however their actions shown in the movies are not exceptionally evil. They were shit about collateral damage, they mistreat prisoners for sure, but their targets are more or less openly fight against them. This I feel important, because against an exceptionally evil opponent anyone with realistic chances to dismember it automatically qualifies as a good guy. IMHO in SW this is not the case, however potentially the Empire is the greatest evil of all time, because of Palpatine.
Now to the Rebels, their goal is to restore the Old Republic, which according to the PT is an inept failed state incapable of preventing the growth of chaos and warlordism (okay one can say it was manipulated by Palpatine, but I think internal stress and problems would lead sooner or later to a galactic scale conflict). From the EU we knew they achieved this goal perfectly, the New Republic was a similarly inept failed state. Thus in my opinion the Rebels also qualifies as bad guys since their vision of galactic society and government is irrealistic and could only lead to chaos. Thus IMHO it is a power struggle between two groups of bad guys.
At the chokepoint of the OT however (Yavin and Endor) the situation is different, since an operational Death Star means the Empire will be impossible to overthrown (and since they are potentially the greatest evil of all time, this automatically means they are de facto the greatest evil of all time while being unoverthrowable), thus anyone with a realistic chance to destroy the DS is automatically becomes the good guy.