I was unaware that killing civilians indiscriminately is considered acceptable in wartime.
Thats good that you are unaware of that, as nobody in this thread at any point in time said any such thing. Rather it was pointed out to you that in the pursuit of legitimate targets babies, sometimes many hundreds of them, have been killed and nobody considers that a war crime. So again, the mere fact that babies have been killed does not in and of itself constitute a war crime.
The destruction of Alderaan increased general support for the Rebel Alliance, and convinced a number of worlds to begin covertly supporting the Rebels. You were saying?
It certainly did. I see you have actually used in universe reality to justify your assumptions of wha the morals of that universe are. However, we also watched the NR pretty much raze Coruscant to the ground via multiple invasions and defenses of the plant which was most certainly more destuctive than anything that existed on Alderaan, so apparenty long extremely destuctive planetary conquests are not unheard of.
1) that Alderaan's monarchy is absolutist rather than constitutional
I made no such assumption. I clearly stated that it is hereditary and that besides being the head of state specifically above the ruling councel, it also presides over the legeslature and the high court.
And the name of the leader is unimportant, depending on whether the heir is female or male the name of the ruler will change despite the fact that hereditary chain has remained unbroken.
2) that morality is determined by popular opinion,
Moral concepts, not at all. Which moral concepts are the accepted ones for the society in question, well pulic opinion is the only metric of determination.
3) that monarchies are inherently immoral
Not my debate, I am not the one saying the Empire illegitimate because it is a unrepresentative monarchy.
4) that the Galactic Empire was a monarchist state.
Seriously, you want proof that the Empire is a monarchist state? You understand that he is an all powerful emperor, correct?
Justify these statements, especially in light of the lack of any rules of succession to the throne of Galactic Emperor.
Why do you imagine the existance of rules of succession matter at all to any of those questions?
The events detailed in The Force Unleashed show that the Death Star was complete when the Corellian Treaty was signed. You were saying?
You appear to think you made a point here, but you did not.
Most of the real world doesn't have a problem with constitutional monarchies. Many people have no problem with benevolent despots in principle either. You also ignore that the house of Organa didn't always retain the Senate seat of Alderaan, undermining your big example. In addition, why is morality determined by popular vote?
Except we aren't seeing constitutional monarchies are we? Yeah, those dictators have such a great reputation here in the real world?!?!
And why does it matter who holds Alderaan's Senate seat, it has nothing to do with who is in charge of Alderaan, their hereditary monarch.
The relevance of this quote is that Alderaan wasn't considered a valid target under the rules of war, in Tarkin's view. Now who's implanting their own view of the laws of war on Star Wars?
Thats a great bit of fiction you just made up. All Tarkin said is that it wasn't a military target. And he is right, there were no ships or armies there. It was however, the bankroll of the Rebellion and is thus a strategic economic target.
The involvement of members of the Alderaanian government in treason doesn't mean the entire government is involved, nor does the population bear the responsibility as well.
Really, so why were we strategically bombing all those innocent German civilians in WWII?
Or would you like to claim that the existence of the 15 July plot against Hitler means that the entire German government, as well as the German people, could be considered to have betrayed Hitler?
You would have a point if Bail Organa and Mon Mothma were not in fact the head of their respective governments. Were any of those in the July 15 plot the head of their government?
Normal planetary conquests include the battles of Muunilist, Cato Neimoidia, Kashyyyk, and Mygeeto in the Clone Wars, all of which are notable for the lack of indiscriminate bombardment, slaughter of civilians, or leaving the planet a "burned-out" wasteland.
And there were plenty of German towns and cities that were not burned to the ground either, but then again there were many that were.
Even the Empire, when setting out to be brutal in its invasion of Derilyn, merely conducted a limited bombardment of one of the cities, which still left behind habitable, if irradiated, ruins. Grievous' massive use of biological warfare and his slagging of Humbarine are considered atrocities in-universe, as was the BDZ of Caamas. Even deliberate, excessive punishments such as Gholondreine-beta and Toprawa still apparently left the planets habitable, if miserable to live on.
Just because some planetary conquests were did not leave planets as devestated cinders does not mean others didn't.
How does Coruscant demonstrate massive planetary destruction? You'd have a better case with the accidental devastation of Honoghr.
Because the successive invasions from both sides left the planet utterly devestated.
Finally, the older version stated that it unified resistance groups. Now prove that the entire population of Alderaan, or a significant amount, were members of resistance groups. Of course, you are right that, in-universe, we have no clear statements on whether surrender is ever considered or not. It's quite possible that nobody in Star Wars has ever heard of the possibility, or considered its value. It's not like the captain of the Tantive IV shut down his main reactor and let the Empire board rather than risk destruction, no sir.
Again, this "not every citizen was asked" tripe is BS and is just an illustration of the fact that can't accept that the head of the Alderaanian government officially declared Alderaan as a member of the Alliance.