Simon_Jester wrote:Yona wrote:That's because the freaking Southern states are ALL still fighting the Civil War. You know, the one they lost.
You'd think the ones who have seen what happens after artillery fire would try to snap the others out of it.
I don't know why they don't.
Because the people talking this crazy shit are ignorant to the point that it would be like explaining logistics to chimpanzees; sure they might get the gist of it, and may even be able to recognize the facts: but knowing and comprehending are two differnt things.
These morons hear about the founding fathers and how a rag tag militia fought the vast British empire to a standstill, they idolize Rambo, and jerk off idealized to theself-sufficiency in Road-House and thousand other such fantasies of the lone-man making a difference. They spend there evenings drunkenly describing how their presence would have changed everything had they been in Waco.
They don't understand that the industrialization of war obliterated the relevance of personal bravery, and know-how the second the government started arming it's troops with Gatling guns.
I have spoken to some of these people and their idea of rebellion sounds a great deal like camping, but with less restrictions and more guns.
These people have no idea the horror of watching friends and family disintegrated by shell-fire, the instantaneous loss of all family ties when a bombed roof caves in on your kin, knowing that any second now you could either be in a tremendous amount of seering agony or just a tattered corpse. They can't imagine what it's like to actually live without electricity, diapers, clean water, and medicine. Getting rid of bodies so they don't poison the surroundings, gardening and bivouacking in lands that are direct reference to your enemies positions as opposed to what ever hopes you had for choice camping.
These people have never been starved, or even really been sick really.
Hell even the would-be rebels with actual military experience? Their entire point of reference is as a soldier underneath the wealthiest, and most generous military in the world!
They just don't know what it's like to lose a quarter of your forces to Malaria or dysentery. They can't. They don't have the reference.
Our posturing, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are all challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. -Carl Sagan
Creation and implementation of the Scientific Method. It's the one tool that unlocked our ability to realize our potential for discovering and unlocking all others. -Singular Intellect