The Perpetual Fail Tour Continues: California, Maine, New York, New Jersey, California Again, Oregon, Washington, then where? (Maybe it'd be interesting to go lose in Illinois or something rather than focusing on losing the same few states in a row over and over).NEW YORK, Dec 2 (Reuters) - New York state lawmakers voted against legalizing gay marriage on Wednesday, dashing hopes of gay rights activists that it would become the sixth U.S. state to allow same-sex couples to wed.
The New York state senate voted down the legislation 38 votes to 24. Gov. David Paterson, a Democrat who supports gay marriage, had said he would sign the bill into law if it were passed.
Iowa, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont have legalized gay marriage, while 40 U.S. states have specific laws that ban gay marriage. Last month, voters in Maine chose to repeal a law that had legalized gay marriage.
"This is an enormous victory," said Maggie Gallagher, the leader of the anti-gay marriage group, National Organization for Marriage. "What you saw was the will of the people. ... The culture really hasn't shifted on gay marriage."
New York's Democratic-controlled state assembly has easily passed the bill legalizing same-sex marriage three times, but the legislation was never voted upon in the senate until now.
The Democrats hold a senate majority of 32 to 30, but several Democratic senators opposed legalizing gay marriage.
New York is one of the most politically liberal states in the country. Recent polls showed a majority of New York voters favor allowing same-sex couples to marry, but one poll showed the public evenly split.
"The depth of sadness that I and many New Yorkers feel today is difficult to express," said New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who is gay. "We will not accept defeat and we will not stop fighting until all New Yorkers are treated equally."
Gay rights lobby group the Empire State Pride Agenda said marriage would have entitled gay couples to 1,324 rights -- from tax to adoption benefits -- that otherwise would be denied.
Gay marriage activists will likely now turn their attention to New Jersey, where the Democratic-controlled state legislature is considering taking up the issue before Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine leaves office in January.
Corzine has said he will sign a bill legalizing gay marriage. He was defeated in November by Republican Chris Christie, who has said he would veto such a bill. (Editing by Michelle Nichols) ((, +1 646 223 6280))
I'm not sure why we even bother sometimes.