America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

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America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Invictus ChiKen »

The first is Dan Halloran a Lawyer who was elected to New York City council on the Republican ticket.

First Link
"NY-23 wasn’t the only race on Tuesday night in New York, city residents also voted to fill a vacant city council seat to work alongside that bastion of conservatism Mike Bloomberg. A Republican won the seat; Dan Halloran became the first openly pagan city councilmen

Dan Halloran became a city council member for New York’s 19th district despite having one thing going against him that his opponent tried to use. Dan Halloran is a pagan, an openly practicing pagan who worships Oden and other Norse gods. All of you comic book buffs out there know Oden as the father of Thor. Maybe he helped Dan Halloran bring it home on Tuesday.

Halloran was raised Catholic but had an epiphany after his father died when he was a senior in high school, that’s when he started to study his family heritage which ultimately led him into the religion of Theodism. Theodism is a form of Norse Paganism that worships, like I said before, comic book character’s fathers. (I’m sure I’ll catch it for that one)

Being elected to the New York City council, Dan Halloran became not only the first openly pagan councilman, but the first openly pagan elected official in the United States; although I’m sure he’s not alone. Halloran is unapologetic about his faith, in a statement to a pagan blog he said:

“I honor my Ancestors and cling to my Hiberno-Norse Culture’s Worldview. I revere my God (Tiw)- and henotheistically I may add… I have never hidden my religion—it’s on my Facebook…. I’ve been the corporate counsel for a variety of pagan groups—and have lectured and discussed theology all over the U.S.”

So if I understand it right, each pagan has a designated god? Just checking. Well, here’s wishing Dan Halloran the first openly pagan politician in America luck, working with Bloomberg he’s going to need more than Thor’s hammer to make it.

The other is Jessica Orsini. A Transgender woman who got elected on the Democratic ticket in City of Centralia, Missouri,

Interview here

Interview With Openly Pagan Elected Official, Jessica Orsini

Author: Tony
Posted: November 22nd. 2009
Times Viewed: 1,529

In ancient Athens many freeborn citizens aspired to hold public office and piously venerate the gods. Hellenic Reconstructionists seek to recreate the practice of ancient Greek religion while keeping it relevant to today’s world. With all the buzz about Dan Halloran being hailed as the first openly Heathen elected official, it is quite timely to look at another openly Pagan elected official, who is a hard-polytheist (1) Hellenic Reconstructionist.

Jessica Orsini was born Jeff, and was adopted into a fairly typical Italian family in upstate New York. Jeff joined the Air Force after completing high school. Five years later Jeff confided in a counselor that he was considering living as a woman. Within hours he lost his security clearance and was discharged on medical grounds a short time later.

Jeff married and then worked as a computer technician for a software company. Whilst at this job, Jeff transitioned to Jessica. Within three years Jessica had gender reassignment surgery. Jessica then found employment at the University of Missouri-Columbia as a computer support specialist – a position that she still holds.

Jessica Orsini was elected to public office in April 2006, and re-elected in 2008, as Alderwoman, 3rd Ward, City of Centralia, Missouri.

While Jessica openly participates on various Pagan forums and is open about her spirituality, an in-depth look is certainly warranted.

Tony Mierzwicki: I wanted to get an idea of your spiritual background.

Jessica Orsini: Let's see. I was raised Roman Catholic, but the best way I can put it is that it "didn't click". For whatever reason, I was never able to forge a connection with the Abrahamic god (2) . At 14, my immediate family left the Catholic Church in a tiff, storming off to the Baptists. That went no better for me. At 17, when I went off to college, my spirituality did as well. I finally came to realize that the connection I *had* forged, the voice I'd heard in the woods since I was a small child, was Artemis.

I was introduced to paganism by a very soft-polytheistic (3) Wiccan; from there, I ran through the usual assortment of Llewellyn publications and wound up with a sort of mish-mosh. I spent twenty years of wrangling through various efforts at implementation, trying somehow to fit my beliefs to Wicca. I tried this sort of "take the best from each" approach - the "many facets" concept that is so popular with a lot of pagans today. But it never really worked for me. I finally realized that my beliefs would never fit Wicca... and that there was this amazing old way that actually *did* fit.
When it all boiled down, I needed the hard, deep roots of Hellenism. I needed Hesiod's Theogeny, his Works and Days (4) . I needed that cohesive pantheon, and the culturally complete approach it allows.

Tony Mierzwicki: Did you get into Hellenic Reconstructionism on your own, or did you join an organization?

Jessica Orsini: I managed to find my way into Hellenic Reconstructionism on my own in 2005, with a final admittance of it to myself in 2006. I joined Hellenion (5) in 2008. It's been very, very nice to have a group of relatively like-minded Hellenics with which to compare notes.

Tony Mierzwicki: You mentioned a strong connection with Artemis.

Jessica Orsini: I'm devoted to all of the Hellenic Olympian Theoi (6) , but I still consider my relationship closest with Artemis. She speaks to my soul in a lot of ways.

Tony Mierzwicki: How do you feel her? How does she speak to you?

Jessica Orsini: When I was very small - I'm talking three to five - it was almost a literal voice. As I grew, that voice faded somewhat, but became a more core understanding, a sort of empathy. I'll share something with you that I wrote regarding Artemis in one of my Adult Education lessons in Hellenion...

Tony Mierzwicki: Please.

Jessica Orsini: It has to do with epithets (7) : the different concepts that the Theoi can embody.

The Epithets of Artemis are at a glance a study in contrasts, but do have a central theme under closer examination. Huntress, certainly, with epithets such as Far-Shooting, Hunter of Wild Beasts, With Shafts of Gold and the like. The stories of Her as such are familiar to us all. And yet, as in all the Theoi, there is more than just this single stereotype to Her. In Aetole, Artemis was worshiped as Protector, defending the place of assembly. And those she hunted are also her charge, as Potnia Theron (8) . She also holds a place as a Theos of midwives, childbirth and youths in her epithets of Locheia (9) and Kourotrophos (10) . And of course, She is the sacred virgin under epithets such as Parthenos (11) .

Each of these speaks to a different element of the unbridled woman, unchained and unbound but a part of the world still. As someone who is transgendered and lesbian, these ideas are close to my heart. I am a hunter who is also a conservationist, and Her Huntress epithets ring true to me. I have been a nanny, and took some comfort and guidance then from Kourotrophos. I have been a protector, serving in the Armed Forces to defend my nation. All of Her aspects speak to me in some way, and I think this is why I feel a closer connection to Artemis than any of the other Theoi.

Tony Mierzwicki: This is really powerful stuff. You're making your devotion to Artemis very real -your whole life ties in with her.

Jessica Orsini: Thanks. This is near and dear to me. I consider Artemis to be my friend – my very powerful, very deadly, but very good friend.

Tony Mierzwicki: So, you started with Artemis. Was it automatic to work with the other deities, or did that take time?

Jessica Orsini: Eventually, I centered myself on the Olympian Theoi - 13 (12) , since I still consider Hestia to hold a place there. I'm admittedly a somewhat complex individual. I suppose it only natural that I'm a hard-polytheist, as we view the gods as distinct, complex individuals.

Tony Mierzwicki: So you incorporate Dionysus as well?

Jessica Orsini: And yes, I incorporate Dionysus... even if I'm about as far from a party person as one can be.

Tony Mierzwicki: LOL! I don't think you have to be a party person to feel close to Dionysus.

Jessica Orsini: No, but I suspect it helps.

Tony Mierzwicki: How do you make offerings to the Theoi?

Jessica Orsini: There's a term – kharis (13) - that doesn't translate terribly well. Respect / relationship / reciprocity... it is all these things, but more. Hellenismos (14) is a "bartering" religion. Part of the kharis concept. We do things and offer things to the gods, and we ask for things - or build good will - in return.

There are times where I'll offer incense, or burnt grains, or what-have-you. Much of the time, I offer the Theoi the first portion of the meal as a burnt offering. I have a charcoal grill on which I do a lot of my cooking, and keep a good stock of charcoal for burning sacrifices when possible. In general, I thank Hestia for the warmth of her hearth, Artemis for the meat, Demeter for the bounty of her grains, and then Hestia once more for the fires that make possible the sacrifice.

For non-meal things, sacrifice is something appropriate. If I'm seeking wisdom from Athena, I'll put my thoughts down on paper and burn it, for example.

Tony Mierzwicki: Because of the wisdom aspect of Athena?

Jessica Orsini: Yes, I rely on Athena a good deal. I'm a civic servant, after all. I ask for her wisdom before each council session.

Tony Mierzwicki: And the others? You seem to focus on the female deities.

Jessica Orsini: Heh. Zeus is one who hears from me a good deal. I'm very fond of the sky, whether it's azure blue or filled with snow. There will be a lot of times where I simply thank him for a beautiful sky, or the amazing scent of new rain.

Tony Mierzwicki: Do you have distinct offerings for each of the Olympians?

Jessica Orsini: *nods* That said, it's not always the same offering. Different requests, different offerings.

Tony Mierzwicki: Do you work with non-Olympians as well?

Jessica Orsini: I no longer offer kharis to the non-Olympian Theoi, though I respect them as the gods they are.

Tony Mierzwicki: Do you follow the Athenian calendar (15) or just intuit when you should work with particular Theoi?

Jessica Orsini: I follow the Attic calendar to some extent; I try to maintain the days attributed to the various Theoi as best I can.

Tony Mierzwicki: How would you summarize your approach to working with the gods?

Jessica Orsini: I try to keep it topical. This... this is simply my life. The Theoi are a part of my life, an integral part, so it's only natural that I would maintain this relationship with them. I try to make sacrifices that are appropriate for what I'm asking for, as well as whom I'm asking it of. Let's say I'm trying to work on my compassion. I'm likely to pull out some of my blackberry sage incense - a good scent for compassion - and offer it.

Tony Mierzwicki: Where does the blackberry sage attribution for compassion come from?

Jessica Orsini: Blackberries, by old tradition, are a gift of kindness; you have to pluck them from between thorns, and when you give them to someone, you give them that effort as well. That's what my great-grandmother used to tell me.

Tony Mierzwicki: Any other examples you'd like to share of how you practice?

Jessica Orsini: I'm not sure that I could really give more good examples, simply because so much of my practice is just by living my life. I strive to be honest, to hold my word as my bond, to do right by those who do right by me, to live in moderation... in short, to follow the principles laid out in Works and Days. A lot of Hellenismos isn't about ritual so much as it is about living a decent life. I think a lot of that may be because, by and large, Hellenics aren't focused very much on the afterlife. We acknowledge the afterlife, of course, but the focus is on the relationship with ourselves, each other and the gods during *this* life...

Tony Mierzwicki: It's good to see someone really living his or her life in accordance with Hellenic principles and making a difference in society.

Jessica Orsini: Not so much. It's a small town, just under four thousand, in rural Missouri. That said, the old truth holds: it's hard to stereotype and dismiss someone you actually know. I think that's why I managed to get elected here, when efforts in large and supposedly liberal cities have failed for others. I'd like to believe that my constituents appreciate the fact that I'm a very straight-shooter on the board. I call things as I see them, I don't mince words, and I keep pushing for what I believe to be right. I'd make a terrible "backroom deal" politician.

Tony Mierzwicki: There was a time when people were bound by their word and a handshake was enough to seal a deal. Those days are over for most people.

Jessica Orsini: *nods* That happened in council at one point, actually. We had a weird Catch-22 on a particular subdivision development where it was going to be an utter mess to figure out. So I simply asked the developer if he would give his word that such-and-such would be done before a certain clause kicked in, and that I would hold him to his word. Everyone looked kind of baffled for a moment, but he gave his word, I held him to it, and he fulfilled it. Simplified the whole arrangement, and wound up with everything getting done that needed to be done to everyone's satisfaction.

Tony Mierzwicki: That's the way it used to be when people lived by a code of honour.

Jessica Orsini: Yes, it was, and I'm hoping to see more of that again as Hellenismos gets back on its feet.

I posted these as they are of interest to the growing religious diversity in the US. Especally a Pagan being elected on a Republican ticket of all things. I added the transgender thing because I find it doublecool she was able to make it in, what with being transgender AND pagan.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Duckie »

The first article was ridiculously obnoxious. I couldn't read beyond "LOL THOR IS A CARTOON CHARACTER" repeated iver and over. Does this person know Thor is an actual god?

The entire thing seems written to be like "Lol this guy is crazy, silly pagans" while the other one is respectful and indeed very interested in her religion.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Broomstick »

Duckie wrote:The first article was ridiculously obnoxious. I couldn't read beyond "LOL THOR IS A CARTOON CHARACTER". Does this person know Thor is an actual god?
Ya, pretty smarmmy and offensive, really. You couldn't talk about Jews or Christians or Muslims in that tone. And anyhow the guy apparently follows Tiw (the guy Tuesday is named for, actually) rather than Thor or Odin. But then, I don't expect the mainstream to take any form of paganism seriously or even get the basics correct.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Invictus ChiKen »

It annoyed me to I am hunting for a better article. I actually know members of Dan's tribe and have talked to Dan himself, a wonderful man and I'd love there to be more Republicans like him.

An they can be as smarmy as they want he won.

Here's some info that the Democrat Kevin Kim tried to use Dan's faith against him


"Hey Crappy,

You're not gonna believe the attached document mailed out by Friends of Kevin Kim: the Pastor of Sacred Heart RC Church in Bayside warning his flock about the pagan. And I scanned the outside, too, where it says who's responsible for the mailing. This one is a new low."

- anonymous

Well, anonymous, not only is it a new low, but making it appear that the church mailed these out to voters could have serious consequences for both the church and the candidate. It puts the church's 501c3 in jeopardy and opens up the possibility that Kim could be prosecuted for mail fraud. Federal postal rules prohibit printing an address other than your own on a piece of mail bearing your prepaid postage stamp.

Can't make this stuff up, folks. And yes, the church did print this in their Sunday bulletin. Which begs the question how the Kim campaign got it in enough time to mail it so that it hit before election day.
Still it don't matter he won! An Sacred Heart should lose it's tax excemption but I am betting they wont...
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by fgalkin »

Broomstick wrote:
Duckie wrote:The first article was ridiculously obnoxious. I couldn't read beyond "LOL THOR IS A CARTOON CHARACTER". Does this person know Thor is an actual god?
Ya, pretty smarmmy and offensive, really. You couldn't talk about Jews or Christians or Muslims in that tone. And anyhow the guy apparently follows Tiw (the guy Tuesday is named for, actually) rather than Thor or Odin. But then, I don't expect the mainstream to take any form of paganism seriously or even get the basics correct.
I don't think an article from counts as "mainstream".

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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Edward Yee »

Some of the comments there at Queens Crap allege that it was all the Kim campaign, or at least that Sacred Heart is trying to distance itself from the flyer. Ironic though ain't it, the party affiliations in Halloran's case?
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Themightytom »

Duckie wrote:The first article was ridiculously obnoxious. I couldn't read beyond "LOL THOR IS A CARTOON CHARACTER" repeated iver and over. Does this person know Thor is an actual god?

The entire thing seems written to be like "Lol this guy is crazy, silly pagans" while the other one is respectful and indeed very interested in her religion.
At least he didn't star in a 70's musical :wtf:

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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Asatru / Odinists / other Old Norse pagans have proportionally insanely high military service rates and it's deeply offensive than this "right pundit" is making fun of them when they're vastly more likely to risk their necks for their country (and without any kind of recognition on DOD sanctioned gravestones) than his Christians are.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Invictus ChiKen »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Asatru / Odinists / other Old Norse pagans have proportionally insanely high military service rates and it's deeply offensive than this "right pundit" is making fun of them when they're vastly more likely to risk their necks for their country (and without any kind of recognition on DOD sanctioned gravestones) than his Christians are.
Agreed. I have none many members of the Norse Pagan community and am honored to still call many of them friends, inspite of my religious leanings, and know them to work there asses off for the respect of there local communities and seeing it brushed off pisses me off to no end.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Raw Shark »

Duckie wrote:The first and second articles were ridiculously obnoxious. I couldn't read beyond "LOL THOR IS A CARTOON CHARACTER" repeated iver and over. Does this person know Thor is an actual god?

The entire thing seems written to be like "Lol this guy is crazy, silly pagans" while the other one is a total puff piece that gushes things like: "It's good to see someone really living his or her life in accordance with Hellenic principles and making a difference in society."
Fixed for you.

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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Simon_Jester »

Duckie wrote:The first article was ridiculously obnoxious. I couldn't read beyond "LOL THOR IS A CARTOON CHARACTER" repeated iver and over. Does this person know Thor is an actual god?

The entire thing seems written to be like "Lol this guy is crazy, silly pagans" while the other one is respectful and indeed very interested in her religion.
As others point out, the first article came from ";" that just might tell you all you need to know about the sort of person who writes the articles.

That said, I don't see why a politician who worships Tiw or Artemis is really preferable to a politician who worships the God of Abraham with equivalent fervor. It's interesting in that they can get elected at all, indicating a high degree of religious tolerance in their districts, but I'm not sure it could be called an improvement in and of itself in any frame of reference except that of adherents to the Greek and Norse pantheons.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Norseman »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Asatru / Odinists / other Old Norse pagans have proportionally insanely high military service rates and it's deeply offensive than this "right pundit" is making fun of them when they're vastly more likely to risk their necks for their country (and without any kind of recognition on DOD sanctioned gravestones) than his Christians are.
You would think that followers of a religion that believes that death in combat is a ticket straight to Valhalla (or Freyja's hall) would be keen on joining the military. That aside the difference between the Old Norse pagans and, say, the Wiccans is that the Old Norse aren't counter-cultural, they are very much part of the culture, from what I've heard they have a much larger proportion of working class and lower middle-class members. Also one of the reasons that, say, bikers might like the Old Norse gods is that this is a religion that doesn't condemn them for being who they are, or for acting like they do. You could almost say that Old Norse paganism doesn't condemn people for acting like people, only if their behaviour actually hurts others or the community, even then it's mostly a matter of making amends to the person harmed (or their family).
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Coyote »

Bah; none of them are going anywhere near the afterlife if their hearts outweigh the silver feather of truth held by the Keeper of the Western Path, his lord the mighty Anubis. :wink:

Actually, wouldn't a polytheistic pantheon of gods be considered more tolerant of outside thought, rather than the "all-or-nothing" approach of a single god, or at least most monotheistic religions?

That's the biggets stumbling block, I think, of the god as defined in Christian worship: that god is an intoleranet god, or at least provides rationalization for intolerant thought as displayed by American Christianity. If American Christians had, for example, taken certain other aspects of Jesus to heart, and devoted themselves to helping the poor, we wouldn't see such a problem.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by General Zod »

Coyote wrote: Actually, wouldn't a polytheistic pantheon of gods be considered more tolerant of outside thought, rather than the "all-or-nothing" approach of a single god, or at least most monotheistic religions?
If I remember right, the Romans were surprisingly tolerant of other religions for their time. Probably depends on the particular pantheon in question though.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Samuel »

General Zod wrote:
Coyote wrote: Actually, wouldn't a polytheistic pantheon of gods be considered more tolerant of outside thought, rather than the "all-or-nothing" approach of a single god, or at least most monotheistic religions?
If I remember right, the Romans were surprisingly tolerant of other religions for their time. Probably depends on the particular pantheon in question though.
Well they were famous for not caring what Gods you worshipped, as long as you paid your taxes. I think the only thing they cared about was if the beliefs were a threat to the state. I'm pretty sure the Persians also had a similar attitude.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Broomstick »

Simon_Jester wrote:That said, I don't see why a politician who worships Tiw or Artemis is really preferable to a politician who worships the God of Abraham with equivalent fervor.
Some of the pagan groups are VERY strong on personal responsibility and working for change here on Earth. They aren't as likely to say "it's all in God's hands" so much as to say "it's up to us to fix this mess and we hope the Gods help us - but either way, it's up to us". It's a different outlook from the Jesus-is-all approach. Me, I prefer that pagan attitude but then I am clearly biased, being one of them. Whether or not the atheists on this board would prefer that outlook over a more traditional Christian one I can't say.
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Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Psychic_Sandwich »

Well they were famous for not caring what Gods you worshipped, as long as you paid your taxes. I think the only thing they cared about was if the beliefs were a threat to the state. I'm pretty sure the Persians also had a similar attitude.
IIRC, they went in for the whole 'Zeus is just another name for Jupiter, so we really worship the same guy by different names' thing.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Duckie »

Yeah, they even did that when it didn't make sense: Sarapis=Zeus=Iuppiter, because even though Ra is probably a slightly better fit Sarapis was chosen because the Greeks and Romans thought animal headed gods were silly (true). But in the same way, they also didn't care if you worshipped gods that weren't Roman: Several greek gods had no roman equivalent.

The only two religions that the Romans really hated, three really, are:
Judaism, which would not worship the Emperor or take part in state holidays which were generally religious festivals (A political act, not a really moral one, to the Romans, but which offended Jewish morality due to their strict monotheism.)
Christians, who were the same.

I'm unsure why the Druids got such a bad rap. The Romans appear to have disliked them based on Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice, but where they got the notion of druidic blood libel I have absolutely no idea since it clearly was meant to demonise them for some reason or another, being as it wasn't true.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Aasharu »

More then likely, the anti-druid propaganda was just to justify Roman expansion into their territory.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Gil Hamilton »

Duckie wrote:I'm unsure why the Druids got such a bad rap. The Romans appear to have disliked them based on Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice, but where they got the notion of druidic blood libel I have absolutely no idea since it clearly was meant to demonise them for some reason or another, being as it wasn't true.
The reason, as I understand it, was the the Romans were really superstitous and actually believed in other peoples hoodoo as well as their own. The Druids had a take on Human Sacrifice that rubbed the Romans the wrong way, that is, sacrificed people were being sent straight to the Gods as messangers. This freaked the Romans out, because they really didn't want the people sacrificed to go and say bad things about them and put the bad juju on them.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Dargos »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Asatru / Odinists / other Old Norse pagans have proportionally insanely high military service rates and it's deeply offensive than this "right pundit" is making fun of them when they're vastly more likely to risk their necks for their country (and without any kind of recognition on DOD sanctioned gravestones) than his Christians are.
Sorry Duchess, you are mistaken about the recognition on DOD gravestones. They do have an official list of emblems of belief, but the next of kin may request an emblem that is not on the list. The steps are as follows:

1. Establish that there is an immediate need for a Government headstone/marker to be furnished for a deceased eligible individual (i.e., submission of VA-Form 40-1330, Application for a Government-Furnished Headstone or Marker, verification from National or state cemetery officials).

2. Certify that the proposed new emblem of belief represents the decedent’s religious affiliation or sincerely held religious belief system, or a sincerely held belief system that was functionally equivalent to a religious belief system in the life of the decedent.

3. Submit a three-inch diameter digitized black and white representation of the requested emblem that is free of copyright or trademark restrictions or authorized by the owner for inscription on Government-furnished headstones and markers and can be reproduced in a production-line environment in stone or bronze without loss of graphic quality.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by hongi »

Duckie wrote: I'm unsure why the Druids got such a bad rap. The Romans appear to have disliked them based on Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice, but where they got the notion of druidic blood libel I have absolutely no idea since it clearly was meant to demonise them for some reason or another, being as it wasn't true.
Well, Romans and Greeks wrote about it but they may have been biased. All of the literary sources are. Medieval Celtic authors say that their ancestors sacrificed humans, but they may have been biased due to their Christianity. Archaeological evidence may suggest that the ancient Celts did sacrifice...but that's up for debate too. Unfortunately, we have nothing written by the Celts themselves about their religious practices.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Invictus ChiKen »

Dargos wrote: Sorry Duchess, you are mistaken about the recognition on DOD gravestones. They do have an official list of emblems of belief, but the next of kin may request an emblem that is not on the list. The steps are as follows:

1. Establish that there is an immediate need for a Government headstone/marker to be furnished for a deceased eligible individual (i.e., submission of VA-Form 40-1330, Application for a Government-Furnished Headstone or Marker, verification from National or state cemetery officials).

2. Certify that the proposed new emblem of belief represents the decedent’s religious affiliation or sincerely held religious belief system, or a sincerely held belief system that was functionally equivalent to a religious belief system in the life of the decedent.

3. Submit a three-inch diameter digitized black and white representation of the requested emblem that is free of copyright or trademark restrictions or authorized by the owner for inscription on Government-furnished headstones and markers and can be reproduced in a production-line environment in stone or bronze without loss of graphic quality.
Harder than you think. One Wiccan group spent years trying to get the pentagram on Gravestones and now the Norse Pagans are struggleing five times as hard as the attitude is the pentagram is good enough for ALL Pagans.
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Simon_Jester »

Of course, a proper Viking burial for deceased warriors is no longer so practical, because putting someone on a boat with their weapons, shoving the boat out into the lake, and setting it on fire now results in ammunition cooking off... :(
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Re: America now has two Pagans in office. One transgender.

Post by Rahvin »

Simon_Jester wrote:Of course, a proper Viking burial for deceased warriors is no longer so practical, because putting someone on a boat with their weapons, shoving the boat out into the lake, and setting it on fire now results in ammunition cooking off... :(
Well, nobody said the weapons had to be loaded...
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