Some people on this board certainly do that. But not everyone on this board is an atheist, though most probably lean in that direction.open_sketchbook wrote:So pagans aren't as bad as christians, sure, but don't we dispise all religion on the grounds that religion is illogical and athiesm is the Truth?
"Despising religion" is not, actually, a requirement of being an atheist.
Another reason might be that Paganism does not require mindless adherence to a Bronze-Age set of scribbles penned by sheepherders in the desert in defiance of scientific evidence. Which is not to say Pagans are scientists or paragons of rational thought, as most of them aren't, just as most other people aren't. Even so, the lack of requirement to believe in scripture being the inerrant Word of God frees them to actually look at the world around them in a different way than a Fundamentalist Christian does. This sort of outlook is more compatible with the atheist viewpoint that fire and brimstone preaching is.
Religion isn't that rational to begin with, and while atheism may be entirely rational that doesn't mean the person who is an atheist lacks emotions or doesn't have past baggage along for the ride.I mean, arguments along those lines are made successfully here all the time; do we stop just because the religious person is an old member of the board and the religion in question isn't christianity? I have a hard time imagining a new member with a post count under 100 trying to show off their paganism and not getting an earful about his irrationality. What's different here, familiarity? That's hardly rational.
Two reasons I "get away with it": First, we aren't really discussing MY religion here, we're discussing NeoPaganism (and even some not-so-neo) in very broad terms. I am not, myself, Asatru, Druid, Kemetic, Voudoun, etc. I know people who are, and I've studied a little bit about various belief systems. I'm presenting it more as an exhibit or discussion about someone other than myself. Even when we don't agree with someone it's quite typical to try to get inside their head and try to understand their viewpoint even if we don't agree with it, or think it absurd. Second, I have not, do not, and will not ever try to persuade anyone here to change their personal views on religion and I'll happily concede that the atheists may even be correct about the matter. That alone removes a huge element of confrontation right there.
Fact is, I seldom mention Paganism on this board. It would be inappropriate to do so in most instances. The only time I really trot out my knowledge is when someone directly asks about Paganism as I can actually speak with some authority about it. I can also discuss the occult and magic, although I gave up believing in it for the most part a long, long time ago because, again, I have made some study of it and can speak about it in a way most others on this board can't. I can also speak authoritatively on knitting, but oddly enough that particular subject has never come up around here. It is much easier for someone who dislikes or even despises knitted fabrics to discuss them in the abstract than with someone trying to forcibly dress them in a scratchy wool sweater.