LadyTevar wrote:The Duchess of Zeon wrote: In the short-term, here and now, though, the gun show loophole could be obviously and easily closed.
Other than banning them, what's your idea for easily closing the loophole? Most of the merchants are following the law, there's only a few bad apples in the bunch it seems. From what I understand, the merchants try to police themselves as well and stop inviting those gun merchants who are known to cross the line.
I know from an SCA merchant friend that anyone wishing to sell their wares in a state have to have a State Business Liscense, as well as charge appropriate local and state taxes for the product. That's why the same item from the same merchant might be more expensive at one event, as the merchant raises the price to cover those fees. A single merchant might be in a different state every weekend, so there's a lot of paperwork to keep track of what fees in what state.
Cut the idiotic three-day wait.
Instead, require a police-issued paper that states that you are fit to buy a gun, and require that this specific paper is linked to the gun registry number.
So, you go into the gunshop, show them your paper from the police (who did the background-check on you), and you get your gun.
The merchant then mails the number of the paper to the police, along with the registry number of the gun.
Now, if you doublecheck the inventory of the merchant along with his registered sales, you can easily determine what he did with his guns.
Of course, that does nothing to prevent trade of second-hand trade (expect the inventory checks, if done right) - merchant buying a gun from Uncle Bob and Selling it to Jimmy.
But then again, neither does your current system.