SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

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How do you rate this episode?

5 - Ba'al, last of the goa'uld system lords, murderer of countless millions, these shall be your last words, speak!
4 - For the crimes against the living host, and all those you have murdered and enslaved, the sentence is death.
3 - According to our calculations, the Atlantis expedition is responsible – directly or indirectly – for the deaths of over two million people in this galaxy.
2 - This Jaffa killed my father!
1 - With it, he can revive Apophis even from death and torture him as long as he pleases. Surely a fate he justly deserves?
Total votes: 49

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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by CaptJodan »

NecronLord wrote: There's really no need. The scout ships ahead of Destiny are choosing the planets most apt for stargates, and that data is probably relayed back to Destiny. Even if the crew can't access it, Destiny already knows what is and isn't habitable. It doesn't need to use its own scanners to determine habitability or appropriateness.
When they sent a kino through to the locked out planet, it appeared rich with life; we don't know why Destiny locked it out, but obviously the seeding ships decided to place stargates there, and Destiny (with more recent information?) still decided it was unsafe. I think it's reasonable to think that Destiny scans them in some way when it approaches. For all we know, she does a flypast and then dials, and the locked out planets were ones she was in battle over or something...

Of course, it's all specualtion still, but I think the fact that Destiny has locked out certain planets indicates that she's aware of what's on them in recent times, as the locked out planet appeared habitable at first glance.[/quote]

On the other hand, Destiny could just be making an executive decision of "they need materials to breathe air, this is the only planet for that so that's where I'm taking them", rather than having some kind of updated data.

I'm sure the crew would note if they were dropping out into star systems and getting close enough to run more detailed scans of worlds. I don't remember Atlantis getting detailed data from planets from outside the star system, which means the ship probably would need to be in system. It's much simpler to assume Destiny knows what the crew needs/wants, and locks out all other addresses because it doesn't want the crew dicking around on worlds that won't give them what they need (and it probably isn't smart enough to figure out that these people don't actually want to be on this joyride).
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by saveyour »

Warning: Pure Speculation Ahead.

So here's how i see things evolving for the Crew of Destiny:

I think Rush will be returning in the Antagonist / Villian Role once again, but perhaps not so subtly next time around.. and not in next episode or few episodes either. I think he'll pop up somewhere down the line (in a two-part season finale?) before Destiny moves onto the next galaxy. (If that is indeed, how the series is supposedly suppose to progress.)

My prediction is that Rush (who mentioned that there were several other planets in range that could be dialed before he joined the away team and was marooned there with the alien ship) remembers those said gate addresses and goes on to stalk (observe?) and maybe approach someone in an off-world team (Eli? IOA bitch?) using his undoubtedly twisted version of the "truth" to enlist he/she/them into his camp and do his bidding.

How that plays out, IDK but I think he'll eventually rejoin Destiny and there will be another grab for power.. or separation of power between the Military and Civilians. I just hope he doesn't return as some kind of "religious figure" ala. nBSD stylee. I can see the ship encountering all sorts of disrepair and system failure's in Rush's absence, making the crew ripe for the pickings for a conversion to his 'side' when he eventually returns.

Not sure whats gonna happen with the alien space craft, it was said in the episode it was giving off no power readings of any kind.. and it had to have crashed their for a reason. I'm going to assume it doesn't get itself flying with Rush's help. I mean it is completely alien and i doubt Rush figures out the alien language / mechanics of the ship within any sort of realistic time frame. Activating a distress beacon and aliens coming to save the day could be possible.. Methinks it's more likely is that the ship has some sort of DHD or something he can salvage to create a jury-rigged DHD to gate off the planet with. What i'm more interested in is what does this crashed ship have to do with the the alien space ship seen detaching from Destiny in one of the closing shots a few episodes back? Same alien race? Do they already know about Destiny? There has to be some significance there.

As for the fat scientist dude who sat in the chair and got his temples drilled.. i suppose he'll either come-to and have some useful gimmick.. uh did i say gimmick? i meant "knowledge" up his sleeve to save the day once or twice, possibly unlock some part of the ship, maybe even have some sort of ancient consciousness planted in his brain for a good story-telling episode before he bites the dust. Yes, either that OR the show will stick to the real life "reality" plot line and he'll remain in his persistent vegetative state.. crapping his pants, using up valuable food air and water and generally being a waste of resources, which is all ofc leading up to the episode where someone will have to decide if their going to "pull the plug" on his feeding tube, so to speak, or allow him (mr. vegetable) to continue to waste resources until his eventual demise via natural means.

I think their may be another suicide among the crew a-brewin'. Once the crew have some time to internalize and introspectively dwell on the dire situation they have found themselves in, a few more might fall victim to angry-bald-dude-with-a-sleeping-problems rationale for offing himself. Or not.

Thoughts? I'm not always right.. but i'm never wrong 8)
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by NecronLord »

CaptJodan wrote:On the other hand, Destiny could just be making an executive decision of "they need materials to breathe air, this is the only planet for that so that's where I'm taking them", rather than having some kind of updated data.
It's almost certain that the guys who went to that planet died or were incapacitated within minutes. They didn't respond to Eli on radio, even though it was either respond to radio or be stranded there forever. It's ludicrous to say it wasn't dangerous, given that the people that went there disappeared in minutes.
I'm sure the crew would note if they were dropping out into star systems and getting close enough to run more detailed scans of worlds. I don't remember Atlantis getting detailed data from planets from outside the star system,
Atlantis had been on Lantea for millions of years. The Ancients would have no reason to keep long range survey sensors if they possessed them, there, other than the military ones we saw for tracking ships.

This is of course, with the exception of the sensors the city had that were used to monitor and instruct humans in The Game. Destiny could certainly have probes that we've not seen, too; the Asurans, though of course, they were much more advanced, had very small probes in This Mortal Coil that could travel in hyperspace.

But either way, it's likely that Destiny gets updated information, given the clear danger on the planet that she locked out.
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by NecronLord »

saveyour wrote:Not sure whats gonna happen with the alien space craft, it was said in the episode it was giving off no power readings of any kind.. and it had to have crashed their for a reason. I'm going to assume it doesn't get itself flying with Rush's help. I mean it is completely alien and i doubt Rush figures out the alien language / mechanics of the ship within any sort of realistic time frame. Activating a distress beacon and aliens coming to save the day could be possible.. Methinks it's more likely is that the ship has some sort of DHD or something he can salvage to create a jury-rigged DHD to gate off the planet with. What i'm more interested in is what does this crashed ship have to do with the the alien space ship seen detaching from Destiny in one of the closing shots a few episodes back? Same alien race? Do they already know about Destiny? There has to be some significance there.
It bears some resemblance, there's a thread over on gateworld. It's not the same design, but it's ovoid, and has a set of similar vents on its dorsal spine.

Personally, I suspect he'll find a gate address in the alien craft; certainly it appears to have crashed suspisiously near the stargate, close enough for the occupant to reach it easily, which makes me think the placement of the crash site may be deliberate, and that these aliens may have a stargate within range of whatever dialling device they may use - possibly something like a dart's dialling system or the goa'uld portable unit.
As for the fat scientist dude who sat in the chair and got his temples drilled.. i suppose he'll either come-to and have some useful gimmick.. uh did i say gimmick? i meant "knowledge" up his sleeve to save the day once or twice, possibly unlock some part of the ship, maybe even have some sort of ancient consciousness planted in his brain for a good story-telling episode before he bites the dust. Yes, either that OR the show will stick to the real life "reality" plot line and he'll remain in his persistent vegetative state.. crapping his pants, using up valuable food air and water and generally being a waste of resources, which is all ofc leading up to the episode where someone will have to decide if their going to "pull the plug" on his feeding tube, so to speak, or allow him (mr. vegetable) to continue to waste resources until his eventual demise via natural means.
These aren't mutually exclusive. However, without advanced equipment, supporting someone in a vegatative state is probably not that easy; I don't believe you can just shove liquid food down their necks with a pipe, though don't quote me.

And I wouldn't say it's a 'gimmick' too quickly; it may be a permanant element of the plot.
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by CaptJodan »

NecronLord wrote: Personally, I suspect he'll find a gate address in the alien craft; certainly it appears to have crashed suspisiously near the stargate, close enough for the occupant to reach it easily, which makes me think the placement of the crash site may be deliberate, and that these aliens may have a stargate within range of whatever dialling device they may use - possibly something like a dart's dialling system or the goa'uld portable unit.
How far ahead are the gate ships? You're giving a lot of credit to this alien race to use completely alien technology of theirs, as well as installing gate dialers on their ships within...what...months?
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by NecronLord »

Why yes, I'm giving them the credit of being an intelligent race that can design starships when 1994 United States were able to scratch-build a dialling computer, albeit one that is huge and fixed. The idea that a spacefaring race could do the same doesn't strike me as odd.

As for how far ahead the seeders are, far enough that there are thousands of gates Destiny on the list Rush got, which I assumed were unvisited, though one may inferr that that includes ones behind the ship, that wasn't the impression I got.
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by Kingmaker »

Might the crashed ship be from Spoiler
The Lucian Alliance? I know it's been confirmed that they show up later in the season. I know that previously we've seen them mostly using Goa'uld craft, but Rush using a Lucian Alliance craft to get back to the Destiny might explain how they find the expedition.
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by Revy »

Kingmaker wrote:Might the crashed ship be from Spoiler
The Lucian Alliance? I know it's been confirmed that they show up later in the season. I know that previously we've seen them mostly using Goa'uld craft, but Rush using a Lucian Alliance craft to get back to the Destiny might explain how they find the expedition.
I had the thought that if they wanted an explanation for how the LA managed to reach the Destiny, perhaps Anubis was aware of it and had taken steps to reach it himself, and the LA manage to find some facility he set up somewhere to track and eventually reach the Destiny. We know Anubis was aware of the existence of the Sangraal (sp?) and had made efforts to reach it, even though it was supposed to be ubber top secret (well, it's actual function was, the existence of the thing was common legend).

It may also be that the LA was actually aboard the Destiny before the Icarus team was, and when Icarus showed up all unexpected, this advance LA team booked it to their ship and departed, so as to avoid detection and warn their bosses back home. I can even picture a future episode showing us flashbacks of such a team hiding from the Icarus team when they arrived, and narrowly avoiding bumping into them as they made their way to their ship and escape. Also, if this did happen, perhaps the LA team sabotaged the life support (with the intent of possibly killing off the Icarus team) and even locked out the main systems of the computer.

If they found some kind of Anubis facility, it could explain how they might know about the Destiny, how they could reach it, and even how they could operate the ships Ancient computer and lock it out before they left. The advance team might report back, and instead of sending a small group of scientists to the Destiny, the LA sends an assault team to retake the ship from the humans.
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by Oskuro »

Regarding the notion of Destiny scanning the planets as it jumps out of FTL, another option would be that the seeder ships leave some sort of scanning satellite in orbit of seeded planets (not much of an stretch, seeing how they already gather materials for the gates) and that all that Destiny does is gather recent data from them.

As for the power source of the gates, maybe it is integrated in the gates themselves. Maybe the power source being in the DHD was a choice made out for strategic or logistic reasons, rather than a design flaw. It would make sense to integrate the source in the gates in order to facilitate the seeding process.
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by AMT »

Here's one big question for me...
What makes the ship turn around and cover areas its already been to, if its purpose is to seed new planets?

I mean, technically speaking, it should still be going on its original plan yes? If so, doesn't that mean that Destiny should be out of range of the stargates its seeding?
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Re: SGU 110: "Justice" (Spoilers)

Post by D.Turtle »

There are other ships flying ahead of the Destiny, seeding the stargates.

Destiny itself does not seed any stargates.
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