I disagree with Serafina about gun gifting and transfers- if we require a license to purchase we should require a license to own.
But I think I agree with Serafina on the automatic weapon issue: the existing permit system in the US
works, empirically speaking, in that we don't have criminals running around and causing harm with
legal automatic weapons. Illegal automatic weapons are another matter in some cases, but even if we outright ban all automatic weapons, it will be practically impossible to stop criminals from getting them on the black market and hiding them. If we can't control cocaine, I doubt we'll be able to control guns much more effectively.
Therefore, I think that no further controls on automatic weapons in the US are
needed, even assuming there is no right to own an automatic weapon and if the government would be fully within its rights to ban them entirely. It might be a good idea to increase the penalties for owning illegal automatic weapons, but this would not affect the licensed owners.
If I'm wrong about this second part, it's probably because I am underestimating the effect of banning a type of weapon on the illegal ownership rate. I would expect the effect to be low, because if it's already illegal to own without a license, refusing to issue licenses doesn't actually make it
more illegal, or much harder to conceal from law enforcement.
Cpl Kendall wrote:Accuracy goes way down if your firing full-auto. We use it in the military (on service rifles) only for suppressing fire, trench clearing and FIBUA, really. Chances are that the bog standard criminal is just going to hit some bystander and blow through his ammo.
FIBUA = "Fighting In Built Up Areas," yes?