AIM wrote:
[20:31:34] sbbigsteve: He has three armies in that Army Group. However, I can see him having started to shift them to Panama as it became clear Mexico would pick a fight.
[20:31:58] sbbigsteve: Well, I'm going to be nice and presume his country carved out a good railroad system through the jungle that historically made Panama almost separate from Colombia.
[20:32:23] sbbigsteve: Let's say you face 2 Corps on the border at war start, one Corps back toward Colon as reserve, and a fourth moving up.
[20:33:45] cmdrwilkens: Anyway the narrowness of the viable terrain (only about 80km of front between the mountains and the sea) I'm also engaging in some small coast hugging amphibious operations
[20:34:30] cmdrwilkens: 4 Armies, 8 Corps, 24 Divisions (plus 8 additional Coprs Arty Brigades) with 15k/division and 5k/arty brigade
[20:36:20] sbbigsteve: Well, we'll do the roll like this: 2 means abject failure, the Colombian resistance is far better than expected and your advance doesn't go far. 3-5 means only a few objectives are achieved with severe loss. 6-8 means general success. And I'm looking at it, not sure which unit is which though.
[20:38:59] sbbigsteve: 9-11 means spectacular success, all obectives achieved, severe loss inflicted on Panamaian forces; perhaps even a couple divisions encircled and forced to surrender, and a 12 is a devastating Mexican success.
[20:48:54] cmdrwilkens: cmdrwilkens rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 6
[20:48:54] sbbigsteve: Well, roll two times.
[20:49:04] DagorladSurvivor: 10 for the land attack!
[20:49:14] sbbigsteve: Okay, 10.
[20:49:16] sbbigsteve: 9-11 means spectacular success, all obectives achieved, severe loss inflicted on Panamaian forces; perhaps even a couple divisions encircled and forced to surrender
[20:49:22] sbbigsteve: *objectives
[20:49:33] sbbigsteve: So your starting land attack up to, say, D+10, goes smashingly-well.
[20:49:40] sbbigsteve: Now roll for amphib operation.
[20:49:48] cmdrwilkens: cmdrwilkens rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 1
[20:49:53] cmdrwilkens: Noooooooo!
[20:49:59] DagorladSurvivor: gallipoli'd!
[20:50:01] cmdrwilkens:
[20:50:20] sbbigsteve: Yeah, amphib attack suffers heavy losses and your forces are generally fail to get past the initial beachhead.
[20:50:32] sbbigsteve: That said, the smashing success of the land attack probably permits your land forces to link up with them.
[20:54:03] cmdrwilkens: Okay I'm going to make 4 rolls: Phase 2 land, Phase 2 Amphib 1, Phase 2 Amphib 2, Phase 2 Amphib 3
[20:54:09] cmdrwilkens: cmdrwilkens rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5 5
[20:54:14] cmdrwilkens: cmdrwilkens rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5 3
[20:54:22] cmdrwilkens: cmdrwilkens rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3 5
[20:54:28] cmdrwilkens: cmdrwilkens rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3 6
[20:54:30] MHui 421: smashing!
[20:54:31] sbbigsteve: Oh damn.
[20:54:33] sbbigsteve: Hot dice!
[20:54:35] DagorladSurvivor: 10, 8, 8, 9
[20:54:46] sbbigsteve: Mexico's Phase 2 is a complete success.
[20:54:50] DagorladSurvivor: the Mexican blitzkrieg rolls on!
[20:54:58] cmdrwilkens: Yay for superior Mexican firepower
[20:55:01] sbbigsteve: The land attack and D+6 amphib are spectacular successes, though not "total smashing" ones.
[20:55:18] sbbigsteve: The D+4 and D+5 attacks are full successes, though not spectacular.
[21:01:21] DagorladSurvivor: the Mexicans have gained, what
[21:01:40] sbbigsteve: I'd say pretty much all of Western Panama by D+10, D+12.
[21:01:41] DagorladSurvivor: ~100mi?
[21:01:48] DagorladSurvivor: nice.
[21:02:05] sbbigsteve: The daring attack on Colon will ignite the imaginations of naval planners the world over.
[21:02:22] sbbigsteve: Probably spurring more development from Cascadia's own Marines on amphibious assaults.