This makes it sound like you have rater no clue what it is you believe.Tellos wrote:Ok first off I believe the earths warming and cooling or whatever is happening at the moment
Who? When? Did this actually happen, or is this simply some vague sense of impending doom you have accumulated from various sensationalist media stories?and I believe there are a lot of good men and women trying to figure all this stuff out. With that said some members of the believers in climate change over reacted and left us wide open for this. They kept claiming in 5 years we all will die unless we stop everything.
Or did you simply watch "The Day After Tomorrow" and believe that actual scientists were predicting such sudden doom, rather than movie script writers tryingto cram as much CGI destruction into a movie-length format as was possible?
You have a friend.I got a friend at work who says we got to stop pollution or al gore says we’ll be under water.
Depending on where you live, indeed your residence could be below sea level in the relatively near future.
This is hardly the fault od climate scientists or anyone involved with real climate research. "An Inconvenient Truth" was Gore's most recent attempt to bring climate change to the public's attention.I ask what research says this and he says al gore.
It sounds like you're specifically referring to Al Gore when you speak of over-hyped sensationalism. Do you have a specific warning given by Gore that you beleive is inaccurate?
Indeed, which is absolutely necessary if we are to have any hope at all of slowing human-caused climate change. Do you believe that this is not the case? If not, why not?Atop this some politions use this now to pass legislation they want in the name of planetary safety.
Periods, commas and semicolons are your friends. Really.This unfortunately added with a disturbing but not unheard of set of problems with scientists being human and some bad apples spoiling the bunch and few of the people asked to explain them doing anything but pulling the republican’s own move to pretend their nothing at all and should be ignored outright instead of understood for what they are leads to a firestorm as nobody explains them or they say their false or hacked or something else trying to ignore it rather than confront it and explain that sadly some people with the intention of tying to help the planet forgot that they could get more by proven solid data decided to try and air brush over stuff.
Further, show how any of the people in the leaked emails are "bad apples." From all fo teh emails I've read thus far (granted, a small subset of the ones released, as I jsut don;t have that much time), the supposedly damning correspondance appeared to be nothing more than scientists discussing techniques for their climate change computer model and other perfectly normal conversation. That their terminology can be taken as evidence of a vast conspiracy is patently absurd, particularly when the quotes only sound "bad" when taken out of context completely.
How many of your conversations contain phrases and sentences that could be embarrassing to you if they were taken completely out of their surrounding context and read by people who frankly haven't the faintest clue what you were talking about?
Who is telling you to live under a rock?This unfortunly causes set backs to what might have been good progress. For me I just rather people say it won’t be good if we do not work toward cleaning lifestyles rather than tell me I need to live under a rock or I am killing polar bears every minute by breathing.
The polar bear ad you seem to be referencing was not about breathing, but rather about air travel. It pointed out the fact that the average European flight produces roughly a polar bear's weight in greenhouse gasses per passenger. Do you believe their claim to be inaccurate? Do you believe that choosing a species that is particularly sensitive to climate change was inappropriate? Do you think it was wrong to attempt to shock audiences into paying attention? Why? Do you believe the problem is not serious or imminent enough to justify such a tactic?
Climate change is real, and it's already happening. The rise of sea level will be more gradual...but now is the only time we have remaining to try to slow the process. If we wait until Florida is more ocean than wetland, it will be too late to do anything about it. At that point, even if everyone on Earth did start living "under a rock," we wouldn't be able to stop the process. We need immediate and sweeping action. You don't need to revert to the stone age, but we as a society do need to immediately begin shifting to alternative power sources, reduce usage, increase efficiency, and basically do anything we can to cut emissions. We also need to begin preparing to mitigate the damage that is already inevitable.
Barring cheesy special effects movies, there has been no widespread over-sensationalism. Human society really does need to make significant changes now, or face the consequences of climate change. No, we will not all die - however, our society is based more precariously on the status quo than most people realize...and climate change involves more than simply new beachfront properties. Temperatures will continue to grow more extreme in many areas. Damaging storms will likely become significantly worse. Temperature and salinity changes in the oceans from melting ice caps can completely alter oceanic currents, which in turn drive the weather patterns of the rest of the planet. Mountain snow caps that today provide natural water storage will melt, producing flooding, and then not return, producing a permanent drought in areas that depend on them. Rising sea levels will not simply cover some existing land in water, but will contaminate subterranean water supplies with salt water, making them undrinkable. The list goes on. And we have to do something about it today. Preferably 40 years ago, but we unfortunately can't manage that. We're approaching (and some say past) the point of no return here, where even the fastest and most sweeping changes will no longer be able to even slow the process.
What precisely have climate scientists actually done wrong, given the real severity of the problem?