This article is a rather good reason why I'm not a fan of the EU. Given how rich Lucas is why couldn't he hire better writers?If you grew up with the original Star Wars trilogy, you probably went through a 15-year roller coaster that was something like this:
You wished desperately they would make more movies;
You groaned when you heard they were making prequels instead;
You bought a ticket out of cautious optimism;
You realized you were right the first time.
If only they'd made sequels instead, dammit! But here's the thing: they did. The story was continued in novels and comics and video games. Oh, and they were so terrible they actually do more damage to the source material than Jar Jar Binks could have ever hoped to.
We mean it. These are the stories that are guilty of...
Undoing the Ending of Return of the Jedi
As Seen In: The Thrawn Trilogy, X-Wing Series, Jedi Academy Trilogy and many more novels, comics and video games.
Everything had wrapped up nicely at the end of Return of the Jedi. We see the Imperial menace defeated over the forest moon of Endor by the likes of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca the Wookiee and Lando "The Last Black Man in the Galaxy" Calrissian.
He's a collector's item.
The Emperor's plan to recruit Luke to the dark side failed, and Darth Vader redeemed himself by dunking the raisin-faced bastard into the reactor core of the Death Star like Lebron James. Vader, electrocuted and hairless--and decidedly not James Earl Jones--died and the Death Star exploded, effectively wiping out the Sith, releasing their chokehold on the Galaxy and infuriating whoever was the lienholder on the destroyed battle station.
"Bank of America is going to be pissed."
Simultaneous celebrations were held on countless planets because evidently news travels fast through the infinite expanse of fucking space. Our heroes dance with some teddy bears and the credits roll.
Not So Fast...
In the unofficial "sequel" stories, this happens:
That is, the Empire keeps rolling right along, imposing space-tyranny on all who stand in their way.
And the thing is, it's hard to argue with the idea.
Neither the Emperor nor the Death Star had ever been a threat to the Rebellion, so, you know, fuck those first three movies. The Imperials had been able to control the Galaxy without a Death Star for a couple of decades, relying instead on fleet warfare and ground support for good old fashioned genocide. As for the Emperor, does killing the leader of a tyrannical government with a powerful and loyal army immediately end the entire conflict?
According to the majority of the books and comics set after the original trilogy, with the Emperor gone, there were hundreds of Admirals, Generals and Politicians who vied for control of the Galaxy. Without a universally accepted leader, the Empire spiraled into a civil war.
The Rebellion is still, well, a Rebellion, which means it still has to gain victory over the remaining Imperials to win, who are in turn fighting amongst themselves. And so, the Skywalker family, which you may remember as being the entire point of the Star Wars saga, fades into the background as we watch the Rebels continue to fight two different Empires for 20 more years. During that time it's fair to assume billions more people died and trillions more words of poorly written dialog were spoken.
In response to "#4. Cloning the Emperor". This is why I don't like cloning, teleportation, and stealth technology unless it's hard scifi where exploring the consequences of these technologies is a major theme. Because otherwise it creates huge plot holes and unbalances things.
Also in response to "#5. Undoing the Ending of Return of the Jedi". This is why I feel there should have been 4 movies so that we have a better conclusion to the saga because with three movies things got rushed in the third in my opinion.
Ok, so my idea is that we have Vader die to save Luke just like in the original story. But the Emperor lives to star in another movie after the 3rd so there is four movies. Lets say that realizing that regular Force Lighting wasn't bringing down Vader fast enough the Emperor unleashes a blast of Force Lighting that completely wreaks the throne room and blocks out the screen, when the screen clears we then see debris, small fires and a steaming Darth Vader.
Luke not seeing the Emperor and feeling explosions throughout the Death Star helps Vader up and gets him out. Later on we see some guards and a officer enter the throne room and find the Emperor hidden underneath some debris and they tell him they also need to get out.
Death Star explodes and Imperial Fleet retreats with the Emperor in tow.
[Sidenote: I would also replace the Ewoks with a species of war-like humanoid Velociraptors to make the Imperial defeat on Endor more credible.]
Fourth movie is about the Rebel Alliance trying to take the capital would and bring an end to the war and the final confrontation between Luke and Emperor. There would be a Rommel/Thrawn-like Imperial officer villain who is brilliant but honorable whose role would be like Tarkin in ANH-to be a secondary villain. After the Emperor is dead, he would negotiate a peace treaty/surrender with the Rebel Alliance since he is now the highest ranking Imperial and the Imperial military would listen to him. That way we won't have 20+yrs of continued Imperial-Rebel fighting. Ending is Leia and Han being married with Luke acting as the priest. Which I feel is good because the endings of the first 3 movies all had the heroes standing around, posing for the camera.
I think this would be great because we would have this huge urban warfare battle. Imagine a scene where the Rebels captured one skyscraper and the Imperials control the one beside it and they're firing at each other through the windows across a narrow space or a scene where Luke fights the Emperor's royal guards before entering the Emperor's inner chamber, etc.
I think the Sequels should have a Yuuzhan Vong-like villain. Which would a good contrast to the Imperials (e.g. focus on organic vs. technological). And the characters would be a new generation of heroes including the children of Han and Leia. Luke, Han, and Leia would provide cameo appearance and a major theme would be "passing the torch" to a set of heroes. And if we're really ambitious then there would be new Star wars movies and each series of movies would focus on a new threat with a new cast of characters.
The reason why I thought about this so much is that I love Star Wars. But in order for me to keep sane I had to ignore what I didn't like or was inconsistent and then it snowballed from there to thinking up whole scenes and plotlines. I have this whole alternate Star Wars in my head including the Prequels.
And to those who think it's a little out there to disregard so much of Lucas' canon. I'm ok with this because Lucas is a hack. The success of Star Wars was a collective process in which he had alot of help. It was only after he got complete control of Star Wars that we saw some of the worst decisions of the movies. So in my view what Lucas says is and isn't true isn't the end all and be all.