Favorite video game cutscene

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Favorite video game cutscene

Post by Darksider »

so what are yours???

mine changes from time to time but right not it's the one at the end of the human campaign in warcraft 3 the music is good and it has a kickass sendoff line
Last edited by Darksider on 2003-02-14 07:56pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Favorite video game cutscene

Post by jegs2 »

Darksider wrote:so what are yours???
I like the losing scene in Wing Commander III, when you see Kirathi ships over a red sky and a destroyed Washington DC. Not that I wish to see Earth destroyed, but it is a good scene...
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Hmm....the intro scene from Red Alert 2 is a good one.
The tanks rolling over the "Welcome" sign are very amusing.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

The Soviet victory for RA1 is fun.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Battle on the Armrigo in Starcraft, everything Command and Conquer, hell everything in both.
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Post by Durandal »

I thought that the ending sequence to Final Fantasy VIII was extraordinarily well-done.
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Post by Dalton »

Mmm...I'll say the scene in Chrono Trigger, in the 2300AD computer center...where they replay the day of Lavos...

That was fucking sad.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Oh yes, the Starcraft cut scenes weren't bad.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Day of Lavos
End of Human Campain in Warcraft 3(Though the end-game cinimatic was just pathetic)

My favorite however is the Brood War's Intro Cinimatic

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Post by Alyeska »

Introduction to the original Freespace game. Incredible. It gives emotion, shows hopelessness, and is just well done.

GTVA cutscene from Freespace 2

The RA1 Allied entrance to Moscow scene. That was incredible watching a M1 crash through a wall then tear down the street running over cars, then watching Apaches fly overhead as they patrol the city.
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Post by Durandal »

Dalton wrote:Mmm...I'll say the scene in Chrono Trigger, in the 2300AD computer center...where they replay the day of Lavos...

That was fucking sad.
Do you mean Chrono Cross?
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Post by Hotfoot »

Independence War.

Best. Intro. Ever.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

The ending scene to Diablo II is damn good.....not the one for the expansion pack...the one where Baal walks out of the assylum place with fire trailing behind you.
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Post by jegs2 »

Mr Bean wrote:Day of Lavos
End of Human Campain in Warcraft 3(Though the end-game cinimatic was just pathetic)
Although I do like the end-game cinematic for the Orc campaign in Warcraft II...
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Post by Mr Bean »

Although I do like the end-game cinematic for the Orc campaign...
It was decent

The Night Elf, like I said

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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

The videos in Red Alert were fucking brilliant... They really dropped the ball on the sequel though.

X-Wing Alliance had some badass cutscenes as well but they have it easy with it being a star wars game. it's kinda hard to go wrong with John Williams music in the background to set the scene.

Wing Commander 3 had some good ones.

Privateer Two had some really cheesy ones...

Fallout's end sequence was good.
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Post by 2000AD »

I liked the campaign intro to Warcraft 3 , where the two armies just charge down the hills at each other, at the same time as the meteorite shower! I was blown away by that!
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

I like the intro to Total Annihilation...makes it feel like a Soviet propaganda film, but that might be why it is so damned cool. :D All of the scenes from Homeworld were great and made the game. The ending was especially satisfying. I also think all of the cutscenes in XWA were great. The scene where the Azameen family's home was taken over by Imperials was very moving, as well as when you find out uncle Anton betrayed you and your father and brother were dead. But I always wanted to get revenge...they completely ignored whatever happened to Anton. That bastard. :evil:
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

See sig. I love that cutscene. Both The Wanderer's transformation into Diablo, and Mephisto's "stirring" speech.

Aside, RA1 has some awesome cutscenes, RA2 to a lesser degree (mostly the opening scenes of invasion), as well as SC: "Who's in charge here!? Where is the air support!?" I love that one too.

And one paticular cutscene captured my heart the second I saw it. The FF7 one when Cloud rides the motorcycle out of the Shinra building, totaly friggin' awsome.
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Post by The Dark »

Durandal wrote:
Dalton wrote:Mmm...I'll say the scene in Chrono Trigger, in the 2300AD computer center...where they replay the day of Lavos...

That was fucking sad.
Do you mean Chrono Cross?
No, it's Chronotrigger, the original one for Super Famicom (or SNES, or in my case ZSNES).

I also like the end of FFT, the Delita/Ovelia scene.

Even though it screws with the anime, the beginning of Robotech:Battlecry, where a battlepod gets squashed by the Vicious Cycle logo.
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Post by Silver »

One scene that really moved me was the end cutscene for Planescape: Torment.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

The intro to C&C generals rocks. My mate across the road just bought it today an it is as smooth as a well oiled midget. Pretty soon i'll be getting a copy myself and then i can forgo sleep for about a week or two.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I would like to say Final Fantasy ending cutscenes-gleep

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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Darth Pounder wrote:The intro to C&C generals rocks. My mate across the road just bought it today an it is as smooth as a well oiled midget. Pretty soon i'll be getting a copy myself and then i can forgo sleep for about a week or two.
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Post by Sidious »

Any cutscene in Freespace 1 or 2 was great. Also liked the ending cutscene for Baldurs gate2
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