And Hemlock: Ah, Hiroshima. I was wondering WTF anime had to do with the holocaust. So basically this guy thought it was an American animated film about Hiroshima based on it being dubbed? One: since when did the US make any animated cartoons besides kids' stuff or cheap impersonations of cheap Japanese action flicks (Aeon Flux, for a good, pathetic example)? And two: Stuff gets dubbed, whoop-de-do. He was either being a really stupid elitist by saying that only 'real' anime is subbed (get over it, I'd say. Some people like dubs), or he's a dumbass who doesn't realize that, surprise surprise, anime is sold in the US and gets dubbed.
I hate ignorant eletists like that; they barge into conversations just to say "Aw, look, they watch crappy stuff, isn't that so elite? OMG, seriously dudes, I thought you were just lame poseurs, but now I know you're hardcore elite who watches crappy stuff. now i have to tell you you're lame even though I act like I don't care. And I would never call you 'real' fans, that might imply you actually don't suck." Proceeded my alot of high-and-mighty bullshit.
Well, what do you expect from someone who doesn't even know what to call the medium?