Ask Ando. He makes a lot of comments about it.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Is racism really still that ubiquitous in Australia? I mean, over here, it's not really much aside from people commenting on what ethnicity you are, there aren't really much negative stereotypes except for people thinking that Chinese guys are all rich, and that white guys all speak English and make Filipino's noses bleed from their Engrish, or something like that. Well, that could count as racism, but nothing really negative or outright impolite outside of japing even though stereotypes (like, Indians/Arabs smell funny and Koreans are horrible tourists) do exist. But, ah, we aren't typically as frank or as "in your face" about stuff unlike westerners, and we like to act polite and hospitable.
Like Lusychan said, some of them are not so obvious about their racism. Look at those threads about Obama and dog whistles and then transcribe it to an Australian setting and you get it.
Australians seem to go through flavour of the month, er I mean of the decades. When Australia starting taking in more non anglo saxon Europeans there was discrimination against them too. In the 80s a lot of Asians got it especially with the Japan scare (ie Japan was buying up our resources, oh noes). Now its mainly muslims. Of note though China seems to be copping the same crap Japan got in the 80s, ie they are buying up our resources, oh noes. Naturally when these parallels are pointed out to say right wing politician like Barnaby Joyce he remarks that he doesn't really remember much from the time of the Japan scare ( I guess alcohol was that good, huh). This is bullshit since I can remember the hoolah over Japan and I am pretty sure I am younger than Barnaby Joyce.
Some examples of racism are obvious about it like those Cronulla riots, and during Australia day when bogans get out desecrating the Australian flag by wearing it to show how patriotic they are and verbally abusing if not physically assaulting those who don't fit their definition of Australian. Naturally they love the country so much they aren't aware of the second verse of the national anthem welcoming migrants.
Another obvious examples is Tony Abbot who is the subject of this thread. In 2006 he pretty much implied that people of certain ethnicities aren't true Australians and was force to back track this statement.
More subtle examples are the double standards.
A few other examples include people calling on us letting WHITE zimbabwean refugees through (at the same time preventing BLACK zimbabweans and a host of other asylum seekers from other countries entering). The worse thing is this double standard is pretty obvious, but people try and explain it away.
Lets not forget the calls to let racist speak their minds as part of free speech (some states have racial villification laws) but we are all in agreement to stop Muslim hate preachers spewing anti Western vitriol. Geez, what happened to your interpretation of what free speech means? These sort of double standards are a bit more subtle, can be tricky to pick up especially if most of the target audience are retards.
Speaking of censorship, politicians can make blatant racist drivel (like Tony Abbott, Ross Lightfoot, Graeme Campbell) but they cry about how British Chef Gordon Ramsay (my current avatar) uses the word FUCK and want to censor his shows. Yep, they debated this shit in parliament. Because you know being rude causes more harm than racism. You know that reminds me of something. Oh yeah, that describes my primary school. Teachers (not all of them) didn't want to be bothered when bogans were spewing racist crap but hey, if you said the F word you were in so much trouble.
Now that being said, this is most probably in lower socio economic shit holes, so it most probably isn't anywhere what you would call ubiquitous.
Now if you work in a metropolitan hospital, the staff are pretty much multi ethnic (even if said hospital is in bogan land) so racism doesn't fly from the staff. As a general rule, as with most countries, the more develop urban areas are less likely to be racist and insular.