Avatar review thread

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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by PeZook »

Well, they're still totally dependent on the will of Eywa, whose nature they don't really understand very well. While she seems to be a benelovent ruler (and, indeed, her existence makes technological progress inherently risky: if she decides your activities upset the balance, your beasts of burden may stop responding. And then you get trampled by space dinosaurs :D), if she decides one day the Na'Vi aren't needed, she can eradicate them at will.

Still, they'd probably be unable to progress enough to ensure species survival in case of an Eywa Purge, so it'd be pointless to try even if they realized that. After all, Space Earth People were still crushed by the local megafauna with ease :D
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Murazor »

Having seen this movie twice, I can say that the movie was technically well done and that the somewhat shallow plot didn't stop me from having great fun watching it.

So I am hard pressed to understand how it is generating so much stupid nerd-hate.

Take for example this rather hideous piece of fanfiction that somebody recommended in Spacebattles. It is an author tract where the humans decide to drop a dino killer asteroid in Pandora because they ABSOLUTELY need the unobtanium and by turning the whole planet against them, Sully CLEARLY leaves them no other choice.

The long series of stupid questions that the writer includes in his author notes (that are about half as long as the story itself) I happen to find particularly annoying.
Why does everything on the planet have a neural interface? What’s the evolutionary prerogative for a land based herbivore and flight capable carnivore to have a compatible neural interface with to date communication protocols with the Na’vi? Is this evidence that life on Pandora was engineered?

Why does everything glow? Bioluminescence requires energy and there’s only so much of it in any ecosystem. So, unless it offers an advantage in attracting mates/prey or evading predators, genetic mutations that lead to it will be less competitive than those that don’t and will therefore lose the evolutionary race. And yet, everything on Pandora glows…
These are perhaps the less retarded questions of the bunch, although using Earth as the absolute benchmark of what traits are "competitive" in a planet like Pandora (that will rarely if ever experience true darkness because of its orbit around a gas giant) is still wrong.
Was Quaritch such an idiot that he did not fortify the mining base with trouble brewing on the horizon with the locals? I mean, his people are several thousand years more advanced than the Na’vi and more organized, too, and he says a group of 20000 will overrun the human base if they charge enmasse. Didn’t he order the construction of ditchworks (or whatever they call those), the clearing of killzones, the laying of mines and generally fortifying the base? All he’d have to do is hold out for a week or two and any “army” of Na’vi would melt away as the neighborhood ran out of food.
Somehow the guy seems to have missed that Quaritch could hold a meeting with every human in Hell's Gate attending in a not particularly large mess hall. And that every Na'vi hunter/warrior has air transportation that makes his wet dreams about trenches and minefields useless.
Why the hell did the humans fly so low when advancing into the area with the flying mountains? Why not fly as high as possible until the very last moment so that none of the Pandoran forces could range on them at all?

For that matter, why use explosives to off the Sacred Tree? Why not simply crash the big re-entry vehicle at supersonic velocities in a ballistic trajectory?
Head meet wall. Somehow, the idea of using the very expensive and impossible to replace (the interstellar starship only carried two) space shuttle as a kinetic impactor doesn't strike me as a good idea when the bombing run would have worked just fine if Sully hadn't had forewarning about Quaritch' approach vector and timing.
Why do the armored suits have glass canopies and not even bullet proof canopies at that?
Once again, guy seems to have missed that the only broken canopy was the one in Quaritch's mech... which had fallen from a exploding ship and even then it required repeated hits with the mech's oversized arm to crack the crystal.
Why were all the human soldiers standing and shooting in the forest with their torsos completely exposed to Na’vi archers?
Never mind that the infantry was carrying body armour.
Why does Sully think that its better to live as a pre-historic people with all the curses that come with it – uncertainty over next meal, disease, reduced lifespan – is better than living in the modern world with all that entails (education, freedom to choose your life, medicine, security, health, wealth, etc)?
This guy must have been sleeping through the film. There is no other explanation.
What kind of a freak and a pervert is Sully to fall in love with an alien? I mean, I can understand it if he’d permanently transferred to the alien body, but that wasn’t the case. He was controlling the Na’vi avatar using his mind through a remote connection, and did not do a real transfer until the very end after the miners leave. So, does this mean he’s into beastiality? And does this also mean that we can expect a duck/goat lover for a hero in a movie in the near future?
This one is so ludicrously over the top that it probably deserves no commentary.

All in all, I am sadly convinced that this is not a troll trying to annoy the fans of the movie, but a butthurt fanboy that feels that he has made good points with these questions. :roll:
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Gramzamber »

Does that even qualify as fanfiction? It seems more like incoherent yelling at Jake Sully, I can't even tell where the "story" ends and the author's notes begin.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Sarevok »

The fanfic is excellent. It does not take sides. It slams RDA for being incompetent assholes who were acting like amoral colonials. The Navi don't receive any blame. Jake and the traitor scientists had very good intentions but their methods were wrong. They chose violence instead of negotiation. The fanfic explains this clearly. Summed up it highlights what really happened in the movie - all sides except the Navi were guilty when situation turned ugly. Its not exactly high literature but if someone thinks its biased they need to start watching fox news again.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Murazor »

Sarevok wrote:The fanfic is excellent. It does not take sides.

I find your definition of excellence to be considerably unlike my own.
It slams RDA for being incompetent assholes who were acting like amoral colonials. The Navi don't receive any blame. Jake and the traitor scientists had very good intentions but their methods were wrong. They chose violence instead of negotiation.
That wasn't how things happened at all. When Sully ascertained that the Na'vi weren't going to bow to the demands of the RDA and get the fuck out of their home, the RDA discarded negotiation and choose violence by sending the airforce to blow the Hometree.

Prior to that, the scientists and Sully were telling the Na'vi to get the fuck out of the tree and tried to stop the Omaticaya from sending a raiding party against the workers making the road towards the Hometree.

After the initial human attack, there had been loss of life and property in the Na'vi's side and Quaritch seized power in Hell's Gate because of the crisis that he had created in the first place. Quite simply, there was no more room for negotiation. Unless by "negotiation" you mean "bending over to the demands of a murderous bastard in a power trip".
The fanfic explains this clearly. Summed up it highlights what really happened in the movie - all sides except the Navi were guilty when situation turned ugly. Its not exactly high literature but if someone thinks its biased they need to start watching fox news again.
It is funny that you should mention Fox News, when the author of the story felt the need to make up several facts for further bashing of the movie characters. Like painting Quaritch as a "civilian relations puke" or inventing that his troops had "artillery and mortar teams" that he didn't use to justify his calling the character an incompetent retard.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Jim Raynor »

Murazor wrote:It is funny that you should mention Fox News, when the author of the story felt the need to make up several facts for further bashing of the movie characters. Like painting Quaritch as a "civilian relations puke"
What the fuck?

The scarred, musclebound hardass who had been a veteran of several wars in various shithole countries, who calmly jumped from an exploding ship while his arm was on fucking fire is a "civilian relations puke" in this writer's eyes.

I've never seen a popular hit movie gain such a thoroughly retarded hatedom this fast.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Samuel »

inventing that his troops had "artillery and mortar teams" that he didn't use to justify his calling the character an incompetent retard.
Would those have even been useful? The forest would interfere with your ability to fire up and firing foward would be easier done by footsoldiers. They might be able to kill the big creatures, except that would have no effect on the final outcome of the battle which was decided in the sky. The ground attack seems to just have been to crush the Na'vi and prevent them from rallying more troops.
I've never seen a popular hit movie gain such a thoroughly retarded hatedom this fast.
The miracle of the internet. I wonder when we will get to a day where all movies have such fans.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Junghalli »

My guess would be that the bioluminesence attracts nocturnal pollinators.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Anguirus »

Is anything sadder than an armchair genocidal warmonger?
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Junghalli »

Arun2110 wrote:The Na’vi had no great stores of food and what there were for the Omaticaya burned down with their tree. As a people they hunted their daily meals and lacked the logistical wherewithal to support large concentrated populations (this was the primary reason for the small size of their tribes.) When Sully united the various tribes for his war, he did not understand that he had at best a month to win the war before his army started running out of food. Fortunately for him, the idiot Quaritch ignored this factum as completely as Sully himself did.
I think Eywa was probably solving a lot of the logistics problems for them by the simple measure of sending lots of animals toward their position to get killed. If not for that this would have been a good point. Of course Sully couldn't know that he'd have this resource at the beginning, but we don't know what his initial plans were.
Why does everything on the planet have a neural interface? What’s the evolutionary prerogative for a land based herbivore and flight capable carnivore to have a compatible neural interface with to date communication protocols with the Na’vi? Is this evidence that life on Pandora was engineered?
I figure the neural interface's primary role is to serve as a way for Eywa to control the animals. The Na'Vi just exploit it (and lots of parasites, symbiotes, and slavemaker animals which we didn't see probably do the same).
Why does everything glow? Bioluminescence requires energy and there’s only so much of it in any ecosystem. So, unless it offers an advantage in attracting mates/prey or evading predators, genetic mutations that lead to it will be less competitive than those that don’t and will therefore lose the evolutionary race. And yet, everything on Pandora glows…
Like I said, I figure it's probably to attract nocturnal polinators.
For that matter, why use explosives to off the Sacred Tree? Why not simply crash the big re-entry vehicle at supersonic velocities in a ballistic trajectory?
That shuttle is probably a pretty expensive piece of hardware to just casually destroy like that. In retrospect it might have been a good idea but hindsight is always 20/20. And I'm personally pretty skeptical that Eywa's intelligence was entirely in that one tree, and if I'm right destroying it probably wouldn't have done as much good as Quaritch thought it would anyway. If they had a spare sattelite thruster on hand slapping a bunch of junk on it and using it as an improvised RFG would probably have been a better idea, but again, I'm skeptical of how much good it would have really done.
And finally, why didn't the human miners do their mining with tunnels. Surely, for a mineral worth 20 million dollars back on earth, they could build whatever support was needed to support home tree underground and then mine out the reserves?
It simplified the logistics chain only to use the simpler equipment required for open-pit mining. Given that they were dealing with a sparsely populated world and shipping was supposedly super-expensive it probably seemed like a sensible decision at the time.

PS, his fanfic has the Na'Vi and/or Eywa act like retards for not making any attempt to negotiate with humans when they came back or any concessions when threatened with getting smacked with a dino-killer (let's leave alone the assumption that the human society in Avatar needs unobtanium bad enough to commit genocide over it). They act like much worse retards there then you can accuse them of acting like in the film.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Samuel »

Like I said, I figure it's probably to attract nocturnal polinators.
Also, whenever they are touched they light up. It could help attract predators to eat the herbivores that would otherwise get them. However, as more plants have the adaption, they would have to get brighter in order to compete.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Jim Raynor »

Arun2110 wrote:The Na’vi had no great stores of food and what there were for the Omaticaya burned down with their tree. As a people they hunted their daily meals and lacked the logistical wherewithal to support large concentrated populations (this was the primary reason for the small size of their tribes.) When Sully united the various tribes for his war, he did not understand that he had at best a month to win the war before his army started running out of food. Fortunately for him, the idiot Quaritch ignored this factum as completely as Sully himself did.
Did this fucktard writer miss the part where thousands of Na'vi were surrounding the human camp, preparing to overrun it? Quaritch knew that offense is the best defense, which is why he reacted with a preemptive strike against the tree.
For that matter, why use explosives to off the Sacred Tree? Why not simply crash the big re-entry vehicle at supersonic velocities in a ballistic trajectory?
Yes, sacrifice one of the few (couple?) actual spaceships that you have, when any resupplies from Earth would have taken half a fucking decade to get there. Because jumping straight to a kamikaze attack is more sensible than simply dropping bombs. Oh, wait.
Junghalli wrote:PS, his fanfic has the Na'Vi and/or Eywa act like retards for not making any attempt to negotiate with humans when they came back or any concessions when threatened with getting smacked with a dino-killer (let's leave alone the assumption that the human society in Avatar needs unobtanium bad enough to commit genocide over it). They act like much worse retards there then you can accuse them of acting like in the film.
You know, I thought fanfiction implied that the author was an actual FAN of a fictional story. This "fanfic" was nothing but bashing, and unfounded bashing to boot. The writer clearly missed the point on numerous things, if in fact he was being honest and not intentionally twisting the facts to fit his own personal dislike of the movie.

What kind of brain-damaged dork thinks "suck asteroid losers, humanity FUCK YEAH!!!" is an appropriate sequel to the story of Avatar? Or that giving Neytiri a terminal illness out of the blue, is a good way to start story? And then that obnoxious author insert character Admiral Deepak takes over in Chapter 2, going off on a monologue about how everyone in the movie sucked.

I'm tempted to do a point-by-point critique of this awful mess. But the "story" is so short that anyone can skim through the stupidity for themselves in a few minutes.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Zor »

A breif glance through that has given me all i need to know about this crackpot

As for the Nerd Rage, i am certain that a big chunk of it comes from general anti-furry sentiment. That "fanfic" is pretty good confirmation of this fact and don't expect logic from those who support it. Blue skinned girl with tentacles in place of hair is fine, but add some pronounced Canines, stripes and a Rhinarium and you get her generating a sizzling pot of Nerd Rage.

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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Sarevok wrote:The fanfic is excellent. It does not take sides. It slams RDA for being incompetent assholes who were acting like amoral colonials. The Navi don't receive any blame. Jake and the traitor scientists had very good intentions but their methods were wrong. They chose violence instead of negotiation.
Are you AN ASS?

Schindler and the traitor Polish partisans had very good intentions but their methods were wrong. They chose violence instead of negotiation AFTER the fucking Nazis destroyed their homes, murdered their loved ones, and initiated the violence by committing fucking atrocities.

Jesus Shitchrist, the RDA were the ones who went to the Soul Tree with the intention of destroying it in a deliberate act of terror, calling it a "preemptive" strike. The only Na'vi "violence" was the fucking act of self-defense!

How the fuck do you negotiate with a bunch of assholes who'll only say "no" when you ask them "please don't evict us from our homes"? How the fuck do you negotiate with a bunch of assholes who intend to commit violence and wage war when their demands aren't met?
Why does everything glow? Bioluminescence requires energy and there’s only so much of it in any ecosystem. So, unless it offers an advantage in attracting mates/prey or evading predators, genetic mutations that lead to it will be less competitive than those that don’t and will therefore lose the evolutionary race. And yet, everything on Pandora glows…
Bioluminescence requires energy and there's only so much of it in any ecosystem that has evolved in an environment where flying sky-mountains are a common occurrence.
For that matter, why use explosives to off the Sacred Tree? Why not simply crash the big re-entry vehicle at supersonic velocities in a ballistic trajectory?
Because there are flying mountains everywhere around the Sacred Tree?
Was Quaritch such an idiot that he did not fortify the mining base with trouble brewing on the horizon with the locals? I mean, his people are several thousand years more advanced than the Na’vi and more organized, too, and he says a group of 20000 will overrun the human base if they charge enmasse. Didn’t he order the construction of ditchworks (or whatever they call those), the clearing of killzones, the laying of mines and generally fortifying the base? All he’d have to do is hold out for a week or two and any “army” of Na’vi would melt away as the neighborhood ran out of food.
Why didn't the Shell company order a shitload of landmines around its oil wells?

Mines and additional fortifications are also a bitch to transport when your supplies take lightyears to ship.

They had guys with guns, they had gunships with guns. That was enough. Jesus Christ, the RDA was a fucking mining venture not a fucking military campaign. Jesus Christ.

Are these people dense? Are they retarded? This isn't even the Goddamn Batman!
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Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by PeZook »

The guy isn't even consistent with the movie. He invents numbers, capabilities the RDA didn't have (like FTL), criticizes them for not doing impossible things ("LOL build orbital stations! Just in case we need to bomb the planet from orbit!"). Mentioning his invention of Quaritch being a "civilian relations puke" for most of his career is just pure cruelty :D

And, of course, he needs to extensively justify how starting an economic recession is somehow less moral than genocide. Not that he ever justifies that lack of unobtainium will cause an economic collapse: in the beginning of the movie, the US economy is already shit, even with unobtainium flowing freely.

Also, this:
Deplorable though were the decisions that the Head of the Mining Operation Parker Selfridge and Quaritch made, their actions were illegal and in direct violation of the mining charter. Sully could have gathered evidence of their actions and pleaded the indigene’s case with the concerned authorities after returning to Earth. This process could have taken a decade – due mostly to the transit times between Earth and Pandora – and a few Na’vi tribes may have suffered at the hands of the miners, but it would have preserved the peace between our peoples.
Yeah, after fifteen years of abuse at the hands of the RDA while the company fought a legal battle on Earth, the natives would've been totally fine with a diplomatic solution. Sure.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, the funniest part was the one about doing a kamikadze run with a ridiculously expensive SSTO spacecraft to blow up a fucking tree. Not to mention the humans need the shuttles to refuel their interstellar starships :D
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by NecronLord »

What the hell is this about holding the Na'vi up until they starve? Napoleon could sustain five hundred thousand men in the field with far inferior logistics ability - he had a few spotter baloons. They have an entire airforce of banshees they can use for provisioning.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Nazi Germany was in total economic shit before the war. This justifies the Holocaust and World War 2. All those repossessed Jewish gold (EMINENT DOMAIN! :lol:) and those shaved hair used for textiles, not to mention the slave labor and all the lebensraum, justifies this. lol
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shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

On another note I'd like to say that this is amazing, really.

Though simplistic and stuff, Cameron seems to have touched people very deeply with Avatar. I mean, in here, you can see all the milwankers and fucktards rise up in a tide of utter ugliness as they try to justify morally reprehensible military actions. Despite the very basic storytelling, Cameron was trying to show us that same ugliness that haunts our humanity, and I think he's succeeded quite profoundly in a metafictional way.



Call it... audience participation. :wink:
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by K. A. Pital »

Sarevok wrote:Jake and the traitor scientists had very good intentions but their methods were wrong. They chose violence instead of negotiation.
"Traitor scientists" :lol: Like they (scientists) should have had loyalty to some greedy corporation perfectly willing to graze the Na'Vi or even mass slaughter them to get the unobtanium. Why?

Oh, betrayal! The star-spangled banner of the RDA, kill a Na'Vi for Mommie and all that... Let's all be loyal to Shell Helix or, for a more apt analogy, the East India Company. We can even devise sort of a hymn - "God save the... um... fourth quarter profits... yeah".
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by PeZook »

Stas Bush wrote: "Traitor scientists" :lol: Like they (scientists) should have had loyalty to some greedy corporation perfectly willing to graze the Na'Vi or even mass slaughter them to get the unobtanium. Why?
But Stas! The RDA paid for their transportation! This means the company owns their souls! Didn't you see how Grace was compelled to do anything Selfridge said? It was totally in the movie, dude! Totally!

Personally, I think by "traitor" he means something more like "race traitor". But I'm sure he has many black friends and so cannot, by definition, be a racist fuck!

(Witness his accusation that Sully must be a perverted animal fucker if he falls in love with a Na'Vi woman)
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

A traitor just like Claus von Stauffenburg! That fucking couch-jumping dyslexic Scientologistic Stuffenshroom self-served his conscience by betraying his country and his pledge to the Fuhrer! Him, Jake Sully, Sigourney Grace Ripley, Friedrich Olbricht and all the other traitors in the July 20 Plot! Why, if only the Wolf's Lair's opened windows, and an oaken table, had saved Quaritch from that suitcase bomb's blast...! AVALKYSHROOM!
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by mr friendly guy »

Anguirus wrote:Is anything sadder than an armchair genocidal warmonger?
An armchair genocidal warmonger who actually advocates to doing it to real people in real countries. At least the Avatar haters confine their stupidity to fictional universes.

As for Sarevok, what is his problem? Ever since he saw the trailer it rubbed him the wrong way, first with him stating what military tactics RDA should use (before even knowing their capabilities or the capabilities of the Na'vi) to his laughable orbital bombardment with the same imaginary WMDs Saddam had when its fucking obvious even then that they lacked such weapons. Then after seeing it he got his nerd fantasy about beating the Na'vi, stating in another thread how he would win by corrupting captain planet Eywa so it turns against the Na'vi.

Not only does he indulge us with his nerd fantasy of military victory, he entertains us with his resultant propaganda piece. I mean what victory would be complete without pseudo white human supremacists justification? * They are primitive, they aren't civilised. Their standard of living isn't as good as ours. Throw in a few perjoratives like "hereditary dictatorship" even though anyone seeing the movie can tell you its not true and there you have it. Its oh soooooo obvious he gave this so muuuuuuch thought. Don't strain your brain too hard mate.

* I am fully aware he is from a country which is predominantly Muslim, however the choice of words he uses is so eerily similar its creepy.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Come to think about it, who elected Quaritch or Selfridge democratically? Those barbaric primitive fascist dictatorial monarchial authoritarian bastards!

If we removed the loincloths, the spears and arrows, and the guns and the VTOLs and the technology... if the RDA and the Na'vi were presented to us without their clothes or technology, naked... whose actions in the movie were more barbaric and violent and primitive and savage and disgraceful and shit, eh? I bet it would be the guys who launched an unprovoked attack to destroy other people's homes because of nothing else but pure greed. Just like a primitive shit-fucking Cro-Magnon killing another man so he can steal the dead mammoth corpse for food. If he does it with a rock in his hand, or a rock from space, it doesn't matter, he's still a little fuckpiece.

And that's what these people are rooting for.

Outstanding. :lol:
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by Starglider »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Just like a primitive shit-fucking Cro-Magnon killing another man so he can steal the dead mammoth corpse for food.
So what you are saying is, one man (the Na'vi) finds a dead mammoth (mineral resources), but he has just eaten so he doesn't need it. Another man who is starving to death (the humans) comes along and pleads to be allowed to carve up the corpse for meat. The first man refuses because it would make a mess. A fight breaks out and the starving man looks like he will win, until the first man's pet tiger arrives and kills him. The first man goes back to staring at the dead mammoth, which is still useless to him.

You are seriously saying that in this scenario the starving man is motivated by 'just greed'?

Ethically, the problem with devastating the plant is that it's a completely disproportionate response. There are almost certainly mineable deposits not near an inhabited area; the humans should fund a full planetary survey, and if for some bizarre reason the deposits are only found in populated areas, they should at least try negotiating with a dozen different tribes to find one that will negotiate. Pre-Sully, there would almost certainly be one that would (if nothing else they may need military assistance; we know they have wars against each other). Now, if everyone is convinced humans must not be negotiated with, it might not be possible. In which case the next best option is deep shaft mining, with fortified compounds and a best effort made to hack or jam the planetary sentience to negate the threat.

If this doesn't work, and operations are impossible due to persistent native and wildlife attacks, then the minimum necessary area to serve as a killzone should be reduced to ash by multiple small impactors. Emplaced artillery and/or ortillery strikes will wipe out anything attempting to cross the zone. If for some reason this perimeter cannot be secured (e.g. the entire planet really is suicidal and prepared to throw millions of bodies into the killzone), then megaton level strikes on neural nodes will be necessary until resistance is subdued. At no point is an extinction event necessary to continue mining.

Of course an extinction event is probably cheaper, and 'humanity RAR' wankers like Darth Hoth will no doubt advocate exterminating the Na'vi just due to the faint possibility of them becoming a real threat to humanity in the future, but those are completely unethical reasons to lob a dinosaur killer. Sadly though that doesn't invalidate the fanfic scenario, because real human governments are full of deeply unethical people (particular in times of strife an desperation) - so I would not be surprised at all if that is the actual outcome.
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Re: Avatar review thread - NO SPOILERS UNTIL FRIDAY

Post by open_sketchbook »

I think it's more like a man killing another man for the mammoth corpse because it's closer to him than nearby dead deer. To the killer, the life of another being is worth less than the small amount of effort it would be to walk a little farther.

That's exactly the scenario here. There are lots of places to mine; we see piles of the stuff under the holographic map. However, the little shitstain CEO wants more of the stuff faster in order to report better numbers. They say this in the film, straight up. The thing is, unobtanium is going to get back to Earth because the planet is fucking loaded with it; he just wants to stripmine the place so that he gets more money. Even if Earth needs the stuff to survive, it's not as though they are not getting it. He just wants to get it faster to make more cash. Meanwhile, his military attack dog is basically, for lack of a better word, a racist arrogant fuckwit who wants to play god-in-a-helicopter against a bunch of primitives so he can laugh at their ineffectiveness; he's jockeying for the attack long before it's clear that the natives won't move, and dialog indicates his machine-guns led to the initial breakdown of order.
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