I doubt the legitimacy of the American government, which is so corrupt/negligent that entire cities experience drowning because some shmuck whose previous administrative experience was administering camel races in Saudi Arabia was put in charge of FEMA in the name of cronyism.Ryan Thunder wrote:Only if you entertain the notion that all superpowers are equally legitimate no matter what they do.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Yes, that's exactly what happens. The Ryans are afraid and angry if other nations do to them what America does to everyone else. Hypocrisy.
Oh, and they engage in torturing of illegally detained prisoners. They hand out executions like candy. Their mercenaries and deathsquads kill innocent civilians abroad and they can't even be tried. They invaded a country and led other western nations to a phony war founded on lies and deceit and defiance of the UN. Among other things that I don't recall off the top of my head.
The American support of murderous terroristic torture-happy assholes Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 80s, both led to multiple wars and invasions and bloody occupations that rage on from the 90s to this day. The American support of assholes like Ferdinand Marcos in my own country, in the Philippines, which led to the declaration of years-long martial law and the illegal incarceration and torture of many Filipinos, as well as the greatest theft in history with the dictator embezzling billions of dollars from the country and turning the Philippines from one of the Asian Tigers to the Sick Man of Asia. The support and funding of Nicaraguan Contras and other death squads in Latin America. The creation of the School of the Americas (please do read it) which taught right-wing murderers and torturers in South America the tools of their trade. The use of Guantanomo Bay as a torture center.I find it amusing that people almost inevitably have to resort to cherry-picking singular, unrepeated examples as counterpoints. That's not to say your other points aren't legitimate, but it is kind of funny to watch you scramble for them.
I find it amusing that you almost invariably shut your eyes to these multiple, repeated, historically recurring examples and counterpoints. That's not to say your other points aren't illegitimate, but it is kind of funny to watch you scramble for them.
How can we trust you? China abuses its own citizens, but compared to the USA it has not engaged in such broad-spanning feats of assholery in other people's countries - I mean, China never propped up a dictator in my country, China never propped up a Shah in Iran, China never funded death squads in Latin America.My point was; how can we trust them to not to fuck us over the instant it becomes both possible and convenient if they abuse their own citizens to the degree that they do?
The USA might not be abusing its own citizens, but from my point of view it looks like your country likes to do things that end up abusing other countries' citizens. In shitholes no one cares about (like my country, and the countries of many other people), political dissidents are getting their throat slits while their wives, children and families are chopped up and fed to pigs by these American-funded murderers, but while that is happening, you play your video games, listen to your iPhones, eat your McDonalds and watch reality TV. It is good that America does not abuse its own citizens.
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Perhaps we should declare actions done by those in power that harm or bully or take advantage of lesser countries to be unequivocally wrong, whether or not it's China or America or Lithuania or Tajikistan that's the perpetrator?Ryan Thunder wrote:Fine, let's pretend they're all the same. Everybody does whatever the fuck they want and anybody who complains about anything anybody else does that's not to their advantage is just a blithering nationalist.
Now who am I supposed to side with without being a self-serving prick?
The mindset that "it's okay if I do it, but it's not okay if you do it, even though 'it' is something bad" has led to human suffering throughout history. Yes, it's impossible to make it stop. Yes, people have been killed and butchered, they are being killed and butchered, and they will be killed and butchered. But don't you think it would be best for us to realize that it is wrong, and to say out loud that it is wrong no matter whether its China or America or Slovakia or Burkina Faso that's doing it?