EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Sponsorship works, yeah, but one of the unspoken rules is that the person you are sponsoring has to be close enough that you can go punch them in the arm when they get you both banned.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Blayne »

Thats hilarious, I have the same standards when lending people my carrier "Do you live in Montreal? .... Yes? Okay, give me your address."

However I'm told that now as of Delve War 3 they're hiring all out "anyone" to fill out their space, can anyone elaborate this?

Now as for the siege on NOL turns out that soon after I logged the Goon cap fleet left and our HAC gang was still there and continued to blob the station for several hours until somewhere close to downtime.

And ratting is pretty lucrative I forgot how much isk I could make, unfortunately its either ratting or mining not both it seems I don't have enough characters yet.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Blayne wrote:However I'm told that now as of Delve War 3 they're hiring all out "anyone" to fill out their space, can anyone elaborate this?
This is pretty normal. Goons tend to lose interest and stop playing if there's nothing going on so there's periodically drives on the forums to get them to come back and to recruit new people.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by GuppyShark »

This whole 49- situation is really poor. Endgame PVP = staring at the character select screen?
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Commander 598 »

Heh, has the station been named back to "49- Node Crash Control" yet? :mrgreen:

The "problem" isn't really a problem, it's just that 49- is like THE gateway to the fabled Fortress Delve and thus a major strategic location which of course results in massive fleets wrestling for control of it.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Commander 598 wrote:Heh, has the station been named back to "49- Node Crash Control" yet? :mrgreen:

The "problem" isn't really a problem, it's just that 49- is like THE gateway to the fabled Fortress Delve and thus a major strategic location which of course results in massive fleets wrestling for control of it.
49-U was pretty damned crowded last Sunday. One of my homies was having a pain-in-the-ass time running aorund the place getting screenshots and counting caps and such. Shame about the node crash. Would've been an epic fight with all the caps and supercaps in system, never mind all the frigging BS and support/antisupport, and tackle in there. Think the system peaked at 1165-1167 when the node said "Fuck you all, I'm out like Ellen Degeneres...".
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Stark »

This thread now has the best description of 'titan' outside the various EVE wikis. Coffee, what's going on in your zone? I might finally have time to get back in this weekend (4 day weekend = yay).
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Mr. Coffee »

We've got what approximates a war. Not really sure what to make of it except eldery epileptics could fuck with more coordination then this. Great time for getting some PvP and we get to kill Russians, which is kind of a bonus.

Edit: Oh, yeah... Almost forget to tell you that according to -A- we're now Goon allies or something. Command denies it up and down, but it's amazingly coincidental that most major operations in Catch and 49-U seem to happen almost simultaniously. Also, I'm loving covops shenanigans. Was in HED-GP the other day and watched some guys from BR1CK camping the hell out of the Keberz gate making balloon animals with warp disruption bubbles. At one point the made a teddy bear out of 4 large and four medium bubbles and told me it was to commemorate CVA's "war" with -A-. Then they lit a pair of medium and pair of small bubbles and gave the bear tits.

Good times.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by wautd »

Well, I did it. Due to lack of anything else, I finally started training on Advanced Spaceship Command in order to get myself into capital ships. Oddly, the sky hasn't fallen down yet as I first feared.

Speaking about capships, I wonder how viable an Escort Carrier or Pocket Dreadnought would be as a cheap man's carrier/dreadnought. I think it would fill the niche between battleship and real capital ships quite nicely.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Lagmonster »

I have it mind to be an ironmonger until I have skills somewhat past "cannon-fodder" and more than thirteen-million to my name, which in EVE terms seems to be grounds for welfare assistance.

Do warfare systems ever get short on critical supplies that are hard to get easily? Coffee recommended T2 tech and stuff on a general scope, and I've had good luck playing gingerbread man with some of the most incompetent tacklers in the universe, but I haven't been able to nail down anything really profitable yet.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by RedImperator »

Well, POS warfare sucks donkey balls. Joined up last night for a big CVA operation in -A- space, taking down one of their POSes. Lagged to shit, didn't get in on a single killmail, and got podded by a red bomber when fifty of our guys tried to jump through the same gate at the same time.

On the other hand, running with small gangs in and around G5 is fun. So are frigate/cruiser blobs. Did one of those last weekend. The highlight of that adventure was the red who lost two drakes to the same gatecamp. Not exactly epic lulz, but worth a good chuckle.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Blayne »

Looking at Fountains markets right now alot of the systems outside the market hubs seem to be piss poor in stock I lack the market order skills to supply the 200+ sell orders of all the T1 crap I loot from ratting. I figure all of the useful t1 mods people would buy.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Commander 598 »

Hey Coffee, maybe it was a good thing you didn't get in:

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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by wautd »

what happened?
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Commander 598 »

Prevailing rumor seems to be that someone (Hint: niart and/or kartoon) didn't pay the bill...which is automatically payed.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Commander 598 »

Update, I think this says everything we need to know:

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b329/ ... 124803.png

Also Kartoon is nowhere to be found.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by GuppyShark »

There's always Providence! :P
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Havok »

Wait, so Goon Swarm is gone? Didn't that happen to the other big group last year? BoB?
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Nephtys »

So long, and thanks for all the sov?
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by GuppyShark »

It's exaggeration, they've just lost a bunch of systems. It's not a complete disbanding BoB style.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Blayne »

Appears to be a result of a bug from fiddling with Wallet divisions.

In other news the war continues to progress inch by inch with the fall of 8WA-Z6! There's about 10 or so systems in Delve that now belong to the BLASTIT alliance.

And in other news never join a fleet with a foreign FC you won't be able to bloody understand them.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Blayne »

sgt cruz > 02:58:40 Notify R E D E M P T I O N has claimed sovereignty in M2-XFE on behalf of Black Star Alliance
Woot! *opens hard liquor cabinet*

CVA uses the opportunity to begin assaulting -A-'s holdings while the entire -A- fleet is trapped in the crash and unable to log in.)
Naughty CVA *tsk tsk*


Is a nice article on the new Delve war and the Dominion sovereingty mechanics in action by The Mittani.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Mr. Coffee »

The hilarious thing is Sir Molle is acting like this is somehow karma, when instead of a director going rogue it was probably someone getting so high they forgot to transfer isk to the right wallet. On the upside, at least this war CVA's got going with -A- will help us get rid of all the damned carebears this lame NRDS policy seems to attract.

Also, Blayne, you're still a carebearing lameass and no one wants to play with you.
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Bluewolf »

Even the the greatest Alliances suffer from the greatest of human errors. It will be interesting to see what GS does next. Judging by SA's MMO HMO section then they are recruiting again. They may get a lot of new blood which is always nice. Too many people get suckered into the life of the Carebear and then never leave.

Oh and Coffee, what do you mean by carebears? Like typical "let me mine this rock/whaah you killed me :(" style or "Fuck it this PVP stuff is too hard *aligns to gate and runs off*?
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Re: EVE-Online Dominion, who wishes to play?

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Bluewolf wrote:Oh and Coffee, what do you mean by carebears? Like typical "let me mine this rock/whaah you killed me :(" style or "Fuck it this PVP stuff is too hard *aligns to gate and runs off*?
Bit of column A, but of columb B. Problem with the whole NRDS thing is anyone that wants to come out to 0.0 is able to as long as they aren't on the KOS list. Means we've got nuets crawling all over the place getting in the way. Sometimes they turn out to be the sort of bloodthirsty savages we can use, but mostly their either carebearing or alt-scouts for the bad guys.
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