Are You a DarkStar Fan?

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Lord Poe
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Are You a DarkStar Fan?

Post by Lord Poe »

Are you a fan of DarkStar? How about Guardian 2000? Or if you prefer, the garden variety Robert Scott Anderson? Well then, you absolutely NEED to go to this website:

Here's what Scottie thinks about it: ...

"Yes, there's a madman out there who, at last report, wanted my death for my
interference in his plans to win back our mutual ex by way of framing me for
such lovely items as the firing of automatic weapons into her home, engaging
in mail fraud in an effort to get her fired, as well as many other
entertaining events. Though the arrest seemed to slow him down, he is free
and with a clear record, and as he likes to occasionally bother me online
(where some of the drama unfolded), I prefer to keep as low a profile online
as possible, with the exception of my personal website and a few writings at
an anti-creationism website. Dalton, being a gentleman, acquiesced to my
request that he remove my name from his site . . . I didn't bother asking
Wayne, since I figured he'd either ignore me, use the above story to his own
advantage, or else try to pull an Ian and help the madman out. What the
madman has in financial resources he lacks in web savvy (though he is
familiar with a Yahoo! search), so a little caution goes a long way.

Until now.

I must assume that Ian has been made aware of these facts, recently shared
with another ASVS denizen . . . so, being the champion of honor and nobility
that Ian is, he's decided to offer the madman one-stop shopping for all his
stalking needs (even with some erroneous conclusions), so that the madman
need not even bother trying to figure out where I work or my phone numbers,
things which have eluded him thus far.

So yes, ladies and gentlemen . . . Ian has reached a new low. This has
gone beyond Trek versus Wars . . . this isn't "I don't like you". He's
actually attempting to get me killed, fired, or at the very least harassed
to a far greater extent. I cannot begin to express how deeply disturbed I
am at Ian's behavior.

Ian . . . remove the site.

If you don't, and if I should learn that your site has contributed in any
way to any act against myself or my family, I will find you. This is not
a threat.

You want me gone from ASVS? Fine, I'm out. You want me to concede all
my arguments? Fine, they're all conceded. If this is what it has takes
for you to win, then I don't care to argue with you anyway.

Leave me and my family alone.


Join the hilarity! Visit The Robert Scott Anderson website today!!

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Post by LMSx »


Did I miss something important?
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Post by Mr Bean »

Did I miss something important?
Don't you always? :P

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Post by Master of Ossus »

Wait, who set up this website? Was it really established because of his atrocious online behavior?

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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Is that legal?
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Post by Mr Bean »

If you have a computer on the Net then you can find a Street Address
Find the Street Address and you can find out information
Look hard enough and get thier SS number and you could get thier Crimimal and Medical Records

People have not relised it yet but any sufficently motivated person can already find out everything about you with somthing as simple as your Home-Address

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Post by Ender »

I want to find out how they went about getting all this information. I have a few enemies I'd love to do that to.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

The joke is that Scooter is paranoid.

Anyway Poe, I happen to think that this is over the line. Scooter should be allowed his anonymity.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

anarchistbunny wrote:Is that legal?
To the best of my knowledge, it is.
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Post by Stravo »

I'm sorry guys but this just isn't funny, in fact in many ways its VERY creepy. This is just a message board and we're all here to have fun, share in our hobby. There is bound to be a few idiots or two, but why stoop to this when ignoring them is just as fine, and takes far less effort on anyone's part.

Why debate with anyone if the response will be the posting of your home address, etc. BTW as someone who had to deal with a stalker in the past...this is NOT cool.
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Post by Mr Bean »

As I've been suddenly getting on a rant and saying, your not secure aginst somone who wants to know everything about you, Your best defense is to be as boring as hell whenever possible Or toss up a Decoy

But your right the website has to go, Just because you can in no way means you should

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Hmm... Maybe I should then cancel that delivery of the two-dozen severed rabbit heads. :roll:
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Post by Stravo »

Mr Bean wrote:As I've been suddenly getting on a rant and saying, your not secure aginst somone who wants to know everything about you, Your best defense is to be as boring as hell whenever possible Or toss up a Decoy

But your right the website has to go, Just because you can in no way means you should
Ah, NOW I understand why you're quite the bore Mr. Bean.... :wink:
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Re: Are You a DarkStar Fan?

Post by DarkStar »

Lord Poe wrote:Are you a fan of DarkStar? How about Guardian 2000? Or if you prefer, the garden variety Robert Scott Anderson? Well then, you absolutely NEED to go to this website:

Here's what Scottie thinks about it: ...

"Yes, there's a madman out there who, at last report, wanted my death
Those days are over . . . the threat has been neutralized . . . but Wayne and friends still hope someone will try, apparently. I find it amusing . . . the point of their quest is now moot, which means that they're just making fools of themselves.

If ever anyone needed proof that Wayne, Kynes, and friends are sick fucks, this would be it.
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Re: Are You a DarkStar Fan?

Post by Crayz9000 »

DarkStar wrote: Those days are over . . . the threat has been neutralized . . . but Wayne and friends still hope someone will try, apparently. I find it amusing . . . the point of their quest is now moot, which means that they're just making fools of themselves.

If ever anyone needed proof that Wayne, Kynes, and friends are sick fucks, this would be it.
Wayne merely posted a link to the RSA FAQ, which has a bunch of quotes about how concerned you are (when several people were just skullfucking you) about your family... and you say that Wayne & Co hope that someone WILL try and stalk you.

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

That was very creepy. I wonder how many prank calls DarkStar received. Of course, I'm not going to get off my computer at 1:30 in the morning, get a shotgun, and drive down to Mississippi. Other people can do that. :twisted:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

On second thought, I won't cancel that delivery.

I'd better pack them in ice to make sure those heads are still fresh when DarkStar gets them. :twisted:
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"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
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Post by LMSx »

Don't you always?
Quiet, you. :evil:
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Well things certanly can get out of hand, then again, what did DarkStar expect? Being a lying evil troll can hit you in the face.
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Post by TheDarkling »

Prank calls and such is exactly why that sick freak the ASU coward had to be banned and I cant believe anyone else would stoop to that level, for shame :x .
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Has anyone actually done any prank calls to DS?
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Post by Pendragon »

That was low...

I know at least in Sweden it would be illegal. Up until now I thought it was a stupid law.


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Post by TheDarkling »

His Divine Shadow:
Yes, there's a madman out there who, at last report, wanted my death for my
interference in his plans to win back our mutual ex by way of framing me for
such lovely items as the firing of automatic weapons into her home, engaging
in mail fraud in an effort to get her fired,
well according to Darkstar that guy did far worse than prank phone calls and some ASVS guys liked it - that was my point, that and the fact Poe also seems to think its amusing.

It could be false of cause but we have no way to tell.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

I believe who he is talking about is Kynes, the same guy who started the RSA website.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

No, I found the original thread now, it's not Kynes. ...
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