Actually, I'm arguing Cloning Force Sensitives, and that rapid cloning is possible even with complex patterns.
Quite frankly, Thrawn's 10 year timer on his clone is a Thrawn choice. Could be a requirement for his species, could be Thrawn's choice, could be the Emperor remotely screwing with him (whatever).
Incidently, I agree with you, a 10 year growth cycle on the back-up clone of the leader of the Empire is rather foolish if not required.
Shall we get back to the main arguement of if it's possible to rapid-clone force users, and imprint them?
If so, here's my support on that.
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I never thought Karen Travis would actually prove useful for something.
In Star Wars: Betrayal, Darth Vader kills an Emperor's Hand named Sa Cuis (in approximately 19 BBY).
2 Years later in 17BBY, Vader is training Sa Cuis's adult clones in Lightsaber combat and the Force.
This is after the Emperor had established his Spaati Cloning Facility on Coruscant's second moon.
(Now, I haven't read Betrayal, so if there is anything in there to suggest that the clones were grown outside of the facility, or in a non-flash imprinting manner, please, enlighten me.)
There were also the pre-clone War Kamino grown clones, X1 and X2 (Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron I believe), clones of Jedi Knight Falon Grey.
Combine that with the fact the Luuke Skywalker clone was created on Mount Tantis, and had Force-abilities (admittantly, the extent of which and circumstances of the Luuke clone were unique, thanks to C'boath).
Thrawn was also experimenting with cloning force users, including Kam Solusar.
More telling, is there was a Jedi Enclave on Tattooine that had Cloning Equipment in it. (Galaxy of Fear: Clones)
After the Battle of Yavin, while searching for Luke, Vader entered the remains of the enclave, was injuried by a trap, and the cloning facility within cloned Vader.
The cloning technique was not perfect (it somehow acquired a Flash-like imprint of Vader without him actually getting into a Flash-Scanner), and Vader tore the Clone apart when he revisited a short time later (about 5 - 6 months later. Hard to know without a definative dated timeline).
For more detailed information, start here
There is a lot of canon evidence to support the growing of Force-Sensitive clone (C'boath, Sa Cuis, the Emperor, Falon Grey, Luke, Vader), and the clones themselves being Force-Sensitive.
There is canon evidence to support it's possible to rapid grow and Flash-imprint a force sensitive clone (possibly C'boath, Luke, Vader, possibly Sa Cuis)
The question would be, is it a good idea to rapid-and flash clone Force-Sensitives?
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I've been asked why I still follow a few of the people I know on Facebook with 'interesting political habits and view points'.
It's so when they comment on or approve of something, I know what pages to block/what not to vote for.