If your B-1s and B-2s are moving to avoid the PAK-FA, they expend more fuel to evade the defenses and they may also have to dump their bombs to make a quick getaway or evasion. The PAk-FA will also be working with ungodly awesome Russian SAMs and the MiG-31 Foxhound, and will be using all manner of long-range BVR missiles. Can America Fuck Yeah that? Or will Russia, yeah, fuck America?Count Chocula wrote:A better question would be, how effective is Russian ground defense radar and PAK-FA fighters at intercepting 20 B-2s at altitiude and 90+ B-1s on nap-of-the-earth thunder runs? Your stealth don't mean shit outside 20 miles' range if the hostiles are looking to avoid you.
Those, and Soviet AWACs and high-mach MiG-31s.Count Chocula wrote:In case of war, you're right, the balloon would go up and the WHORES WHORES WHORES shrooms would bloom. In that, hopefully NEVER to happen, environment, PAKs would still not be facing our fighters, but trying to shoot down our bombers. B-2s and B-1s don't have offensive radar fits as far as we know, and if they did, would sure as shit not be radiating on the way to give Potemkin Village a megaton parting gift. Your PAKs' effectiveness in intercepting our bombers, along with your surface search radar, would be the deternminants.
Lose-lose for you if you avoid. Your bombers have to run away like bitches to avoid getting shot down. If they are diverted from their bombing mission and fallback, that counts as a victory for Russia.PAKs would give off less backscatter from ground-based radar for our bombers' ECM to detect, but in this doomsday scenario the PAKs would also have their radar sets on and emitting. If you count on GCI, we get through; if you go active, we see you and avoid. Win-win for us. Bad overall, because megadeaths suck.
The Russians are great with extended-range missiles. As for passive detection, the PAK-FA has IRST. The F-22... not so. The F-35 does, but it's shit.The future for tactical combat seems to reside in the combination of stealth, advanced passive detection, and missile technology. Thrust vectoring is cool as shit, but I'm starting to hold the opinion that if you're at dogfight range, you've lost control of the fight. Low observable tech and extended-range missiles seem to be the future for tactical aircraft, with LO at first place on the list of requirements.
If it takes less PAK-FAs to kill an F-22 then the amount of Flankers it would take to kill the F-22, and if the PAK-FA is cheaper overall than the Raptor plus revenues with selling it to India, then the Russians gain quite a bit even if their plane can't quite killfuck the F-22.The F-22 is a tactical fighter. In that role, I think HURR HURR that it would spank the PAK-FA, especially with AIM-120Ds. If what you say about foreign sales is true, though, the two would most likely not meet in the air. Given the missions, especially if the PAK is a Russia-only plane for defense, you'd be gunning for bombers and a PAK and F-22 would never go nose-to-nose. My first posting was based on my thinking in a "Spy vs. Spy" scenario (Google the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show for context) match against fighters. Strategic realities are, of course, different.
The Russians, in my opinion, don't seem to be interested in fielding the single best badass killfuckerizing do-all superweapon. I mean, shit, that's why they've got a hundred different kind of fighters and fighter variants. Your American planes - from the F-22s to B-2s to P-51s - won't just be facing Flankers and Fulcrums, AND Foxhounds (or even ancient Foxbats ), they'll also be facing PAK FAs now. Meanwhile, they've got all sorts of S-300/S-400/SA-2s and S-whatevers defending the airspace. And when that happens, they'll have Tu-22Ms and Tu-95s and Tu-160s and Su-34s and Su-24s and Su-25s throwing shit back at you.
The Russians have never been about fielding a single badass system. The Russians have always been about burying you.
The Soviets don't neeed stinking badass bourgeois F-22s. Instead, they'll fuck you up with the sheer perfidious prevalent propensity of populous proliferated proficient proletarian PAK planes!