adam_grief wrote:As stated above, they have a big ass ship in orbit and they only raised the shields after the droid army was within eyeballing distances. It reflects pretty poorly on the droid army. But it's not like they were really portrayed as hyper competent prior to this...
Formless wrote:And because they live underwater it would make sense for them to 1) not have the same level of geologic knowledge we have 2) have beliefs that correspond to their lifestyle. The idea that the ocean going to the center of the planet is an irrational belief in their culture is consistent with that, especially #2.
No evidence to suggest that they have beliefs like that. Just more guesswork.
The fact that you have not ruled out the possibility makes your criticism bullshit. And its STILL far more parsimonious than assuming that the character is omniscient and the planet is actively giving the finger to the laws of physics.
Actually, given that this is star wars, that the bongo can withstand core temperatures and fly through the planet core is pretty parsimonious, given that this is what he said would be happening and that it would not be impossible for SWtech.
You can't use something being impossible in real life as evidence to suggest that he is full of shit when claiming that something impossible is happening.
I am sick and fucking tired of hearing fanwhores make this idiotic assumption. If we take this argument to its logical conclusion, we can't say
anything about the universe we are talking about because we have no way of knowing what the rules
are. On the other hand, if it looks like a planet, smells like a planet, goes around a star like a planet,
then its a goddamn planet, with all the laws of physics that apply. You can't just throw out laws of physics whenever they suit your whim, asshole, especially when your own criticism is based on the fact that the line makes no sense in context of those laws.
When told to put up or shut up, put up or shut, you son of a handjob! Have you ever read
Fuck, you have never read the main website have you?
I've read quite a bit of it, but not every page. Perhaps you should give me more specific instructions on where to go, since there's quite a bit of content there.
Here is a good place to start. The whole thing is relevant, but scroll down to the part where he deals with dialogue vs visuals directly. However, even if you are trying a literary approach to your criticism (you aren't) the authors intent was clearly that they are primitives whose knowledge of the universe has limits.
There are plenty of things that people state but we don't actually see. The force binding the galaxy together is something I can think of straight away - we never see that, don't get any evidence for it. It also doesn't make much physical sense. Is this a reason to doubt his assertion?
The fact that the people who claim that it does can demonstrate that they do in fact have superhuman powers gives them some authority to make that claim. And besides, the more mystic elements may in fact
be wrong. Ever think of that? That's why I don't care that much about the midichloriens bit, because its a big galaxy and its not unreasonable to expect there to be people with divergent beliefs. Its a nice touch of realism.
Physically stupid things are perfectly at home with Star Wars. Hell, maybe the core of Naboo is actually liquid water, at reasonable pressure. Physically stupid? Damn straight it is. Insultingly stupid, actually. But then again, he said we're going through the Planet core, and the next scene is them flying through liquid water at reasonable pressure. That idea has more weight behind it than yours does.
Oh, hey, what do you know!
IF the core of Naboo were made of water, the planet wouldn't have earthlike gravity because water has
nowhere near the mass of uranium that the earth has at its core. As well, lifeforms the likes of which we see attack the hero's vessel could never survive at the kinds of ludicrous pressure and heat you would expect the core of a planet would exert even if it
were made of water. Among other reasons, if it
did have a core made of water, it would have to be
ice due to the pressure. And if it
were like you suggest, getting to the core would reasonably take well over a day at the speeds the hero's vehicle moves at because the core of an earthlike planet is unbelievable far away from the crust. What we see is the characters in a submarine go through an underground sea. We never see any of these things science predicts we should see if they were going through the actual core of a planet made of water. The level of stupidity you are engaged in is so unbelievable its making me wonder if I'm not talking to a chatbot.
Hohoho! That's better than I could have hoped for. And it's too! Oh well, you'll just claim that it's not canon and that even though we have no higher canon contradicting it (and it's literally exactly what the movie says), we should just continue to go with your assumption because you really want to prove that TPM isn't stupidly written.
1) I never said that TPM isn't stupidly written. I said that its
less stupid than AotC, and i explained
2) Good fucking god, see above you complete stubborn shitwit. According to canon, the movies are the highest authority, and according to what we see in the movies
this is simply not what we see.
What, you don't know what hyperbole is, or are you unable to read properly?
I like watching you backtrack when your own words are right there for everyone to see.
Midichlorians is George Lucas rubbing his ass all over your childhood.
One of these statements is calm, and stating that Midichlorians is basically violating the original trilogy. The other is an all capitals exaggeration, implying that I was crying over it. Hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration for effect, ergo, your statement was hyperbole. Ergo my statement was accurate, and you're now clutching at straws.
Midichlorians is George Lucas rubbing his ass all over your childhood.
George Lucas rubbing his ass all over your childhood.
rubbing his ass all over your childhood
rubbing his ass all over your childhood
your childhood
You call that calm you lying sac of shit? Fuck you. My statement exaggerates only slightly to demonstrate how you sound to everyone else. That's not hyperbole its caricature at worst. You on the other hand have the gall to claim that your words were calm and rational when its right the fuck there for everyone with eyes to see what a backtracking liar you are.
Oh yeah, you replied to them, but you're saying I'm childish based on one of them, as though having one weak criticism (which is contentious anyway) somehow makes all of them childish?
Wow, you are just incredible. I never claimed your other points were childish, I am saying that
you are acting childish, which your own words which everyone can read (and indeed one other person even commented on to make the same point) shows. Shut the fuck up.
Thar be opinions in them thar hills.
So tell me how the midichloriens actually affected the
plot in a negative fashion? Oh, right, you can't. You also cannot apparently give me one example of bad writing in TPM which had as significant an affect on the plot as the climax of AotC, which is what I have
repeatedly asked you to do.
Of course The Force Did It is lazy writing if that's the only thing going on in your plot. But you know what's worse? Pretending that it isn't magic and trying to explain your mystical element.
Because mysticism is
so important to the story that it couldn't be removed and still be coherent. Oh wait.
The Force isn't just a plot device, although it's sometimes used in that way. If you're asking whether I think Deus Ex Machinas involving the force are lame, of course, they're lame regardless of what you call it. But The Force is also an important plot point in both trilogies, and explaining it as midichlorians does the plot an extreme disservice.
As opposed to giving us an insight into Qui Gon's character? You really are an unthinking fanwhore, aren't you.
Point is irrelevant, OT has mysticism in additon to good writing. It's not some kind of dichotomy.
Which it didn't need, and which only ever serves as a bullshit plot device. Just because it was in the OT doesn't make it any less stupid. But of course, being the fanwhore you are, you just had to regurgitate the same old same old talking point unthinkingly to prove your geek cred.