Thanks for demostrating that you haven't been reading my posts. I've been actively stating those are the types of situations we want to avoid.Broomstick wrote: You don't have to love someone to be hurt by their death. You don't even have to know the person to be hurt by their death. Or do you think people who witness suicide-by-train aren't hurt? What about the guy driving the train, who is instantly put on leave, taken to the hospital for drug testing, and subjected to inquiries and even if cleared by his employer my still be sued by the suicide's relatives because he couldn't change the laws of physics and stop that train on a dime - you think that doesn't hurt someone? Do you think that no one witnessing that is mentally traumatized by seeing a human being reduced to mush?
Or, how about the old homeless guy who offs himself - you think whoever cleans up the resulting mess is happy about that?
By establishing a precedent that society is willing to help people die humanely who truly desire that outcome, we put ourselves in a better position to provide alternative solutions to those who seek to die in the first place.
And I consider that absolute inhumane and cruel.Yes.Ah, so if someone truly wants to die and yet suffers from no physical pain or terminal illness, you're position is 'fuck them, they need to stick around so other people don't get hurt'?
And so you think the fact you've also dealt with this aspect of life gives you the right to insist people should not be permitted to end their lives unless they have reasons you approve of? Just where the fuck are you getting this superiority god complex from?I have dealt with it you amoral shitstain.Emotional pain is a part of life. Dying is a part of life. Deal with it.
So you've established you don't think this reason is good enough. Fair enough. Now explain why me or anyone else should be subject to your personal criteria? What makes you so fucking special that I or anyone else should adhere to your standards?No, I'm saying they have to have a good enough reason to justify causing that pain and "gee, I just don't feel like living" is NOT good enough!See above. You're basically saying 'fuck anyone who wishes to die because their death can emotionally hurt other people'. You're insisting that their feelings and their desires mean nothing compared to others, even though it's their own life in the equation.
You're effectively saying that if I wanted to end my life, I have to have reasons you approve of, to which I reply "Kindly go fuck yourself."
So then you're in agreement that (ideally) no one should be forced into decisions contrary to what they desire.Stop misrepresenting my words cocksucker - NOWHERE in that statement did I mention "force". Or do you think that homosexuals are incapable of choosing to withhold information on their own? Are you saying that you would force someone out of the closet no matter how THEY feel about it?
I'm well aware you have a fixed criteria for permitting people to end their own lives. Now I want you to justify why other people should be held to your standards rather than standards they're perfectly capable of setting for themselves. I want to know what drives you to think you can play god and dictate who live and who dies, rather than admitting people have a right to chose for themselves.I care a great deal about such people, that is why I don't hand them a bottle of pills and say "swallow". The reason I don't condone their proposed action is because I care.
What should I do then? Have them locked up? Forcibly drugged? Hammer away at them telling them what a selfish individual they are for daring to think they have the right to end ther own life without my fucking permission?Then you DON'T love them. You are a worthless, scum-sucking evil piece of shit. If you aren't willing to act to protect your brothers you... you're just a monster.Let me put it this way: I love both my brothers very much. If one of them wanted to end their life, I would do everything in my power to give them reasons for living and staying around. If my reasons, arguments and feelings didn't change their desire and I have every reason to believe this is what they truly want, I would not stand in their way.
It seems to me you're operating under the premise that anyone who contemplates suicide without the excuse of severe pain or terminal illness must be 'crazy', or at the very least 'not allowed to do it'.
Because their life belongs to them, not to others. What part of this do you not understand?No - you will elevate the feelings of a suicide above all others. You still have not justified why the desires of the suicide (to die) outweigh those of multiple other people (not to suffer life-long pain).And I sure as fuck wouldn't pretend my personal feelings are more important than theirs. That would be seriously fucking selfish.
I already stated I would intervene; by doing my best to convince them not to do it. This would encompass everything from suggesting therapy, suggesting medication, family support, etc.If you don't care enough to intervene in the suicide of a loved one then you don't love them at all.I love my brothers enough to concede that their life is theirs. They don't 'owe me' anything.
But it appears the only intervention you think is 'loving' is that which absolutely prevents them from ending their life at all possible costs, even if it means binding them in chains.
You'll excuse me if I find such a perspective repulsive and worthy of absolute contempt.
What makes your value asessment of someone else's life superior to their own assessment of their life? What makes you think a group is always justified to impose their will/personal desires on a smaller one or an individual?I simply can not agree with your stance. You are putting one person's desire about those of everyone else who knows them. You are putting one person's pain above that of everyone else who knows them. Why is the suicide so privileged in your mind?
So by your logic, so long as the larger number of people are happy with things as they are, fuck what the individual or minority wants.Yet you can't see that a suicide's act of suicide inherently violates the rights of other people.No, I'm talking about living people's rights. A person contemplating suicide is still alive, and still has rights. The arbitrary and subjective nature of rights aside, I've seen absolutely no reason to place the rights of any person over another.Seems to me you're holding the dead person's "rights" as being more important of those of multiple living people left behind.
You honestly don't see a problem with this?
Alright, so then I'm safe to assume you are willing to accept the premise that anyone chosing to end their life does not immediately equate to mentall illness.You will STOP mischaracterizing my position RIGHT NOW. That is NOT what I have said, I have even given fucking examples to counter that argument.What I won't accept is your circular logic that mentally ill people contemplate suicide, therefore anyone contemplating suicide is mentally ill.
Neither do I; I merely subscribe to the notion that one's decision regarding their own life ultimately supersedes the concerns of other's opinions on what they should do with their life.I don't subscribe to the notion that the effect of one's actions on others is somehow irrelevant.
People can and will be emotionally hurt by someone chosing ending their own life. That's a fact of life; however it's most certainly not an excuse to take that choice away.