Me: Boss, I won't be able to make it in tonight.MKSheppard wrote:Join the club mein fuhrer.
Boss: What? Ryan called it in too. Did you two coordinate this?
Me:No...but you see the snow plow hasn't came through yet and...
Boss: I need someone to open up the NOC.
Me: Look, I can't get out. Hell, I can't even take the Metro in, there's no above ground service. The government is going to be closed tomorrow too.
Boss:The desert won't be closed. Need me to come down to help shovel you out?'re offering to drive down to Fairfax, from Baltimore, to help shovel me out.
Boss: I really need someone to open up the NOC.
Me: Fine. Whatever. I'll dig myself out, don't bother heading down, by the time you get here I'll be finished.
*proceeds to cut a path through about 40ft of snow, including multiple berms, form my parking spot to the main drag.*
Lady: What are you DOING?
Me: Shoveling a path out.
Lady: You are pushing that snow back onto MY CAR. My husband spent all afternoon shoveling it out!
Me:Then your husband did a bad job, as he just piled it all into a mound right dead center of the road.
Lady:I'm going to to go get him! *disappears, never to return*
Me:What the hell?
*Korean man pulls out in car and inches along behind me*
Me:Hey, what are you doing? Are you planning on helping?
Korean Man: *blank look*
Me:Look, I'm doing this for me, not you. If you need to get out so badly why don't you step out and help?
Korean Man: No! You maintenance!
Me: Look sir, if you're going to fart around like this, help me out.
Korean man: *Scowls, rolls up window*
Me: Fine. *Proceeds to fling snow on car windshield. Korean Man backs up into his parking space*
Korean Man: I tell manager!
Me: Go ahead.
*finally clears a path, runs in, shits shaves shower, gets phone call asking to pick other guy on Mids up, drive along on shitty ill-plowed roads before pulling in about an hour late. phone in NOC rings*
Boss: Why are you late?
Me:Look, I had to shovel my way out to the street. My arms and back really hurt.
Boss: If it was going to take you that long to get out, why didn't you say so?
So here I am. Yippee.