Elfdart wrote:I guess Shane had a shitty villain in Jack Wilson (played by Jack Palance). He only had a few lines, and all he did was shoot a hog farmer in the street.
For God's sake, it's not as if each villain has some objective "bad-ass" metric, it's all about the
impression the villain leaves on the audience. And Darth Maul has nothing going on beyond the utterly superficial qualities of looking like Satan and jumping around like Bruce Lee while twirling a highly-marketable double-edged lightsabre. He doesn't even fucking talk.
Jim Raynor wrote:Seems to me that people are willing to be generous with the OT, which is often seen through rose-tinted glasses. Meanwhile the PT gets slammed over anything and everything.
Oh please, the OT had it's problems sure, but TPM really takes it to a new level. I don't even really care about Jar Jar or midichlorians. When I say "TPM sucks" I mean that TPM took uninteresting characters, a nebulous, uninvolving and often boring plot, and compounded that that with an annoying kid and a shitty, second-rate antagonist, resulting in a horrifying convergence of multi-layered cinematic mediocrity.
I suppose Darth Maul's (lack of) character brings us full circle to the original point the RedLetterMedia review was trying to make about the plot. Not only is Darth Maul a complete blank-slate character-wise, his
purpose in the plot is as undefined as his motive. TPM fanboys have been trying to make sense of the plot throughout this thread, but Maul's role only serves to further exacerbate the ambiguity here.
Why the fuck mas Maul even in this movie? Why did he follow the Jedi to Tatooine? Let's try to break this down, shall we?
So, Palpatine's actions are motivated by two inter-dependent, and possibly conflicting objectives: 1) Lead the Trade Federation to invade Naboo and force the Queen to sign a treaty, legalizing the invasion. 2) Produce dissatisfaction with the current Chancellor, in order to get himself elected.
As for the Trade Federation itself, their objective is essentially: Invade Naboo, force Queen to sign treaty, .... profit?
The first problem is that it's difficult to tell which of Palpatine's actions are in the cause of his first (ostensible) objective, and which are in the cause of his second (actual) objective. It's also totally unclear which events in the movie were part of his overall, far-seeing, Sith-inspired master plan, and which events led him to adjust his plan in an ad hoc manner. Did he intend for the Queen to escape and cast her vote, or was his original plan only a vague attempt to stir up disillusionment in the Senate?
The second problem is that even though it's clear that Palpatine is playing the Trade Federation for fools, his first (ostensible) objective seems to be at odds with his second (actual) objective. If the Queen actually signs the treaty, wouldn't that neutralize the crisis and counteract his ambitions to become Chancellor? If so, Palpatine must be walking a fine line between convincing the Trade Federation that they must force her to sign the treaty, and taking other off-screen precautions to ensure that she escapes. Otherwise, it's unclear exactly what the ramifications would be if the Queen were actually to sign the treaty.
...which brings me back to Darth Maul. So the Queen escapes Naboo, causing a hiccup in Palpatine's ostensible objective, but (seemingly) playing right into his
actual objective. So Palpatine tells the Trade Federation he'll send Darth Maul to track her down so they can force her to sign the treaty. But why the hell does he
actually send Darth Maul to track down the Queen? He's playing the Trade Feds for fools, but surely at least he and Darth Maul are on the same page? The only explanation seems to be that Palpatine really
did want the treaty to be signed, or at least wanted to
prevent the Queen from getting to Coruscant. But why? If the Queen never gets to Coruscant, how does Palpatine get elected Chancellor? Perhaps his original plan was simply to stir up disillusionment, causing someone else to cast a vote of no-confidence? But the Naboo Queen herself could only
help in this regard, so it would be in Palpatine's best interest to have her plead her case to the Senate. So again, why the fuck does he send Darth Maul after her? Palpatine doesn't
really care about getting the treaty signed, does he? So was Maul's excursion to Tatooine just to reveal the presence of Sith to the Jedi, with no real connection to the Trade Fed plotline, or was Maul actually after the Queen? None of this shit is clear.
In fact I recall back in 1999 when TPM came out, Sidious's actions seemed so incongruous with Palpatine getting elected that many fans speculated they were actually two different characters, with differing agendas, despite the fact we all knew Palpatine would end up as Emperor. (It seems silly now, but at the time it seemed too obvious that Palpatine and Sidious were one person.)
All of these problems don't even really amount to plot holes, because the plot is too amorphous to punch holes in. It's utterly boring to watch these characters do anything because their already bland personalities are exacerbated by incomprehensible motivations. Again, I'm not interested in some convoluted, fanboy explanation that makes sense of all this; I'm sure it all made sense somehow in Palpatine's warped, evil mind, but the audience is left utterly clueless.