in my case, the nostalgia is because I'm more into the roleplay/gameworld side of things than the actual reaching the endgame and raiding, I mean, I never got to Outland because I wanted to do all the quests in Azeroth, explore all the content, read all the stories. Before I cancelled my subscription the last time, I had joined an RP guild that was working its way through the old raids, and thus got to see Onyxia, get Quel'Serrar, do Blackrock Spire (save Blackwing), knock on C'tun's door, harass Ragnaros' minions, and, overall, get to see and do stuff I wouldn't have done otherwise, since everyone else was busy in Outland/Northrend.
But, then again, I'm part of a minority, and I understand the flaws of the original content. In my opinion, that the content became obsolete was the major flaw to begin with anyway (As happened with the original Nax). Hopefully, with Cataclysm, they'll rework some of this content so everyone gets to experience it. I mean, the different difficulty settings could be applied to make even the starter dungeons worth doing for endgame players.
And I'm sorry, but the most mind numbing and horrible set of quests are the ones that actually wore my patience down last time: The Silithus "robe" quests. My goal was to simply kill each of the minibosses once, as well as complete each of the repeatable quests exactly once. And I failed. It is horrible. The grinding. The turning in documents and hoping for the appropiate recipe to drop in the mail. THE GRINDING!
As for corpse dragging, I did that a lot during events like the Lunar festival to get all the coins possible, so yeah, I dragged my lvl 20 BE priest to the fucking Dark Portal (Although the way there was easy, as I went through a secret passage in the mountains, walking between Zul'Gurub and the Blasted Lands, they way back was tougher). Found out that, if you log out while in ghost form, upon login you can walk to the nearest graveyard and respawn there, instead of being sent to the graveyard nearest to where you died. It sucks when you don't know where a graveyard is, though.
Also found out that the Lunar festival dress has no durability, so no need to have my girl go naked
(Yeah, I was bored of Silithus)