Having the Queen sign the treaty gives a kind of bullshit legitimacy to the TF's invasion and occupation, which the skittish Federation wants to make things "legal". They can hold up the new treaty and say "Looky here, she invited us to Naboo and it's all legal!" This helps Palpatine in three ways:stormthebeaches wrote:Why? Why does Sidious want to drag the Queen back to Naboo? How will that benefit his plans?You're seriously overthinking this and trying to create bigger problems than there actually were. The stakes really aren't that obscure. First of all, you didn't mention that if Darth Maul finds them then he's going to try to fucking KILL Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. There go the main protagonists of the movie. After he kills our heroes and hauls the queen back to Naboo, the corporate assholes would get what they want, or at least the government's ability to stop them would be undermined. Also, that evil-looking wizard guy who's pulling the strings will see more success in his conspiracy.
1) The TF (who denied committing any aggression against Naboo) will be on record as attacking the hapless planet, and the entire Republic will have the document to prove it.
2) The Queen and the rest of Naboo's government would be locked up or dead -out of Palpatine's way.
3) Palpatine can play the victim for all it's worth: "Look what they did to my home planet! "
Killing an adolescent girl will really drive home the point, just as the execution of Lady Jane Grey helped earn Queen Mary the nickname "Bloody Mary".
None of this can happen if the Trade Federation gets cold feet (which they were showing less than a minute after the Jedi arrived) and chickens out of attacking and occupying Naboo.