Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

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Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Big Orange »

Here's an official release by the BBC on what to expect in Steven Moffat's first season of Doctor Who:
A new era of Doctor Who begins in Spring 2010. This latest series of the BBC’s flagship drama programme sees Matt Smith’s debut as the new, Eleventh incarnation of the famous Time Lord alongside a new travelling companion, the enigmatic Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).

Together they explore 16th century Venice, France during the 1890s and the United Kingdom in the far future, now an entire nation floating in space.

As always, wherever the Doctor goes, his oldest enemies are never far behind – the Daleks are hatching a new master plan from the heart of war-torn London in the 1940s. But they are not the only strange creatures the Doctor and Amy must face – there are also alien vampires. humanoid reptiles, old enemies such as the Weeping Angels, a Star Whale, and a silent menace that follows Amy and the Doctor around wherever they go…
Radio Free Skaro

Daleks are a bit ho-hum now and Weeping Angels were better off as one-shot villains, but I like the concept of the British Isles turned into a giant spaceship, more gothic sounding historical stories, and the "silent menace". And big name cult novelist, Neil Gaiman, is going to a episode writer for the show in the future.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Thanas »

And half of it makes me gag. Daleks again - urgh.

Oh, and once more a silent menace that follows them around wherever they go...hmmm let's see, what does this remind me of...oh wait, it is just every season in nuwho there was a silent menase or other big thing following them around the whole season...Bad Wolf, Vote Saxon, the song is ending/rose sightings....

Like I said: Urgh.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Ford Prefect »

This sounds largely like the sort of stuff that Doctor Who didn't need more of.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

I hope whatshisname, Muffin Moffat, at least plays it off well. I mean, in the four seasons of nuWho we always got Daleks, but while it wasn't super hot shit, the little pepper pots were always entertaining - especially when we get treated to batshit Dalek Emperors and Davroses. Man, what nutsoes.

I disapprove of the returning Angels. Unless they play it awesomely, which I doubt. :(
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by mr friendly guy »

Alien vampires could be good. It doesn't even have to be the same vampires from the Classic series but it would be a nice touch. Yeah I have a thing for vampires in fiction, so there.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Revy »

I read on the wiki that apparently they've been slipping in the number 666 into several episodes and specials, in the same way that BadWolf, Torchwood and Saxon were slipped in. Some people think that means the Beast might be making a return.

One thing I wouldn't mind having - how about more than one companion? The Doctor used to travel with more than one person didnt he? Heck even when they started nuWho they had a couple of episodes when they had multiple companions. I'd like that more than the usual 'Doctor + 1 Female human' they have all the time now.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Captain Seafort »

Revy wrote:One thing I wouldn't mind having - how about more than one companion? The Doctor used to travel with more than one person didnt he?
One, Two and Five did, but Three, Four, Six and Seven used the "Doctor + one female human" pattern. The only occasion any of them broke the pattern was when Adric joined for Four's last four serials.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by thegreatpl »

hmmmmm, i think you guys are right, now that i think about it; we have been seeing too much of the Daleks. there have been way to many appearances. from what i know of the old series, they didnt appear much at all. i think there were less than 10 stories featuring them i can only think of maybe 7 stories off the top of my head, and those were spread over a 20 year period. there have been way more than that in the new series.

we need a break, or something different. besides, we have several other factions that would make great villains; not least the other combatants in the Great Time War, such as the Depravations of Skaro or the Nightmare Child.

about the angels, i dont know. they might make a good villain, but it depends how they are portrayed.

incidentally, looking at the official trailer on the BBC website, there are several more interesting things:
+ the dalek shown looks like an old style one. its grey. and then there is view of something that could be another Dalek, its white, with a gold eyestalk. so they could be new ones, or one of those old factions. they did have a civil war at one point, and i remember watching an episode where Imperial daleks fought a rebel, older style faction. Hell, these could be the Depravations of Skaro. we still have no idea what those are.
+ the angles look like they are on a ship, or some sort of facility. and there are soldiers fighting them. so this would be a different fight altogether. whats more, it looks like there is very little light there in the first place to see them with, so stopping them could be hard.
+ the vampires look like they are in a past episode. probably Venice.
+ the Reptiles look like they are warlike. at least one o them has a gun. however, there seems to be at least one civilian in there, who seems to run away.
+ Amy looks to be a police officer from a few scenes.
+ the Doctor himself looks to be much more violent in this one. seems to be willing to use a gun. and resort to using his fists.

im pretty sure that this isnt the only time that there has been a menace following silently in the shadows. i'm pretty sure that Fenric did so in the old series, and there was the ring of time, and i think i remember hearing that the master did so for a series as well. sure, there were fewer of them, but they were still there. of course, since i have never seen anything but single story lines of the old series, i cant actually tell you what they were about, except from reading about them.

that Star whale sounds good.

entire nation in space. now that does sound interesting. but does that mean the island has been turned into a spaceship, or that the British isles has been transplanted into space.

hmmmm, the beast returning. that would be interesting. multiple companions might also be nice. more people and points of view to follow. but then, might it get overly complicated.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Bedlam »

+ the Reptiles look like they are warlike. at least one o them has a gun. however, there seems to be at least one civilian in there, who seems to run away.

The Reptiles seem to be Silurians or Sea Devils. There were a sentient species on earth at around the time of the dinosaurs. They hybernated to avoid a catastrophy and overslept. There a bit surprised to wake up and find Humans all over the planet.

There should be a whole civilsation of them so soldiers and civilians.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by takemeout_totheblack »

Let the Daleks go into incubation for a little while! Why not bring in the Toymaker if you want to get good and obscure? Or maybe Omega? I dunno, they should get crazy with the mythos, or at least be a little more creative than 'monster of the week returns' or Daleks 2: Electric Boogaloo'. That said, Star Whale sounds at least a little interesting, and I always wondered how the Doctor would neutralize the galactic threat that is The Twilight Saga (I know, I know... let me dream at least...)
As for the new Doctor, could it be that Venusian Aikido is making a triumphant return? Are his gun-happy 5th Doctor roots showing themselves?
Probably not, it could just be an action-packed trailer to catch the interest of new people whilst ensuring that bile filled veterans watch to tear it apart at the slightest transgression! Either way, I plan to watch, Steven Moffat hasn't let me down yet!
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by DaveJB »

One thing that at least sounds somewhat encouraging is that - if Doctor Who Magazine is to be believed - Moffat is treating his new producing partners (Piers Wenger and Beth Willis) as actual creative equals. Doctor Who tends to be at its best when it has a team of writers and producers all on the same page, and at its worst when you have one egomaniac running amok on the series - like John Nathan-Turner on "The Trial of a Time Lord," or like RTD throughout pretty much his entire run.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Was RTD's run truly that shit? I derived great entertainment from nuWho and it was totally not-shit through and through. Hell, my evil sistor liked it.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by DaveJB »

Oh, his overall run was pretty good, certainly better than what JN-T or Graham Williams managed. However, there were moments, particularly in S4 and the specials, where you could tell that RTD was going off the deep end in his writing, and no-one was really bothered enough to reign him in.

Personally, I think that if RTD had applied the "three year rule" to himself and left after Last of the Time Lords, we'd be talking about him as one of the show's greatest-ever producers, but his last year-and-a-half in charge seems to have soured things for a lot of people.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

As a person who's exposure to Doctor Who is measured only in the new series, I really didn't find any of the last season stuff objectionable. Sure, it was fanservicey and maybe a bit of it was unnecessary (Rose Tyler whatevers, lol HUEG GUN!), but it wasn't actually bad. I think. :)
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Stofsk »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Was RTD's run truly that shit? I derived great entertainment from nuWho and it was totally not-shit through and through. Hell, my evil sistor liked it.
Meh. I liked some of it, but I'm not a DocWho fanboy, I'm more a casual viewer. I disliked David Tennant more, but the writing simply got repetitive for my tastes. The last thing I saw was the Daleks coming back AGAIN, which even as a casual viewer got to be tiresome. One thing I did like though from the last season I saw, was how Donna had to be left behind on earth because for some weird reason her life was at stake, but it was all the Doctor's fault - or he felt responsible/guilty for it.

Generally speaking though I'm not a fan.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Gramzamber »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Was RTD's run truly that shit? I derived great entertainment from nuWho and it was totally not-shit through and through. Hell, my evil sistor liked it.
Personally I've liked most of it, though that last Christmas special made me want to hunt RTD down and bitch-slap him till he retconned it out of existance.
I also liked Tennant, he's actually one of my favorite Doctors. But his insipid brooding over his own death was absolutely sickening. Show some dignity, man! Also, yes, Daleks are far, far too overused.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

I preferred Doctor Destro myself, but Tennant was cool. The Doctor himself isn't too compelling a character, it's the stories that he's in that makes the grade.

I liked Davros. I love it when these villains ham it up, mang.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Gramzamber »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:I liked Davros. I love it when these villains ham it up, mang.
I could never stand Davros due to his hypocrisy.
Sure it's nothing for villians to be hypocrites but Davros... well let me put it this way, you don't get to name someone "destroyer of worlds" when you yourself were about to commit multiversal omnicide!
Also that whole exposed ribs thing. Eeeeeuuuuggghhh. I was eating when I first saw that damnit.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by mr friendly guy »

Davros should have been left dead after his first appearance, where he discovers to his horror his creations turn against him. The you reap what you sow bit was just very strong in Genesis of the Daleks. But Terry Nation loved him so much they bought him back as a fucking genius, so awesome that despite being what centuries out of date could still come up with state of the art technology. Ok that wasn't so bad, but they could have let him die. Some other Dalek could have come up with the wank reality bomb concept, it didn't need him.

I don't really have a problem with Davros's hypocrisy. A lot of people are hypocrites like certain migrants to my country telling other migrants to go home we are full and ranting against our multiculturalism which was here before they arrived. Villains are by nature hypocritical, moreover naming the Doctor destroyer of worlds would actually hurt the Doctor, since he doesn't exactly get a high from destroying things. If the Doctor was to named Davros the destroyer of worlds, Davros would most probably consider that a compliment.

And yeah, David Tennant was one of the better actors to play the role, although his emo scenes started to get grating, although that was most probably RTD's fault. But the best Doctor ever is Tom Baker. :lol: :P :mrgreen: :wink: :D
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Gramzamber »

I guess I dislike Davros' hypocrisy so much because yes, his words actually did hurt the Doctor, and I don't think the Doctor should care about anything Davros says.
Hell the last time the Doctor and Davros met, the Doctor basically told him to go fuck himself - he wanted to be a smartass and dick around with Skaro's sun and now he was going to pay for it.
Maybe I'm biased though as that was the 7th Doctor, my personal favorite (I grew up with Sylvester McCoy's run). I can see why Tom Baker is more of a universal favorite, he has the best voice ever for one thing.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by mr friendly guy »

I grew up in Colin Baker's and Sylvester McCoy's run (actually had the pleasure to get autographs from them when they toured Australia with Katy Manning, who is now an Australian citizen anyway).

However Australian television repeated a lot of Tom Baker's run while I was also growing up. I especially liked Tom during the run where Elisabeth Sladen was playing Sarah Jane Smith, although as a rule most of his run up until Romana left was pretty good, ie where he still had enthusiasm for the role.
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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

why am I now picturing the Daleks getting owned by the gas mask kids, who ask "Are you my mommy?"

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Re: Interesting Developments For "Doctor Who" [Spoilers].

Post by Blayne »

We totally need a power trio or a five man gang, something that we can spread out character development for, we need Romana back, and at least 2 males to showcase different demographics, someone nerdy and someone kinda nerdy but cooler looking at a minimum.
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