(RANT!) I Want to KILL Some Fucking Goddamn Spammers!!!!

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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(RANT!) I Want to KILL Some Fucking Goddamn Spammers!!!!

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

<WARNING! EXTREME RANT MODE ON! Expect extreme amounts of strong language, ad hominems, hate speech, HIGH VOLUME, Colored Text, and general going-off-the-deep-end nastiness. >

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Ok I let my sister check her Hotmail a few minutes ago through MSN Messenger, and oh course M$N being M$N, it refuses to use anything but Idiot Exploiter. Bad news. Then poor Elisha (my sister) found mislabeled porn spam and found out after opening it. Immediately 19 (Count 'em, 19!!!) Porn Popups came outta nowhere including a few of those fucking consoles, shaking windows, and Flash ads. The worst part was what they were all for: FUCKING BEASTIALITY, SHIT/FECES, PEDOPHILIA/CHILD RAPE, AND SNUFF/MUTILATION PORN!!! I swear on the Goddess herself I am gonna make sure to make spammers' lives FUCKING HELL ON MOTHERFUCKING EARTH!!! EVERY GODDAMN SECOND OF THEIR GODFORSAKEN SADISTIC LITTLE SCUMMY LIVES!!! I also wanna kill a few or at least get their careers on the Internet permanently terminated. Maybe go RayCav on their asses... Worst part is that the very act of accessing those sites is probly a Federal crime too. These websites were truly sick too, to the point where they would make Patkelly, RayCav, and Marquis de Sade vomit till they're dry-heaving. I'm fucking pissed off and in a flying rage right now. What thew FUCK gives these fucking raincoater lowlife donkey-fuckers the right to INVADE my computer? MY COMPUTER with the Cable connection I PAY FOR?! If I ever see shit like that again, I'm forwarding it to the Feds!!! I hope the fucking pervert who sent me (ya it was my sister checking her mail, but its MY computer!) that horseshit enjoys getting anal-raped without lube, because I'm gonna pray to Goddess that happens to him, Xupiter, LOP.com, Gator, and the whole bunch of TERRORIST FUCKHEADS who think they can get away with assault with a deadly weapon (yes, thats how I see it. Spammer blasts illegal shit at you, Feds need to see your computer, find the shit, you're in JAIL!!!) without paying for it... I also would like for people to pray to their various deities for Bad Things™ to happen to all spammers no matter what snake oil they peddle... OK I'm stepping off the Soap Box now...

Feel free to run this thread under Darth Wong's nose, HoS it, delete it, etc etc. My faith in the Human Race has been irreparably and irrevocably damaged!
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Post by The Great Unbearded One »

I whole-heartedly agree with you.
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Post by Mark S »

You had faith in the human race before?
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Post by Lord Pounder »

I had a lot of trouble with Gator before. You need to go way deep in to Windows common files and hunt through the files there because they have a tendancy to mislabel themselves.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Sic 'em, Einy!
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Post by mitchshrader »

In the words of the late, great, Dean Martin..
" When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie
That's Amore "

So the folks who 'advertise' thangs that are illegal (child porn)
AREN'T breaking the law... but folks who HAVE child porn ARE?
I'm sorry, I missed the logic there..'n when identity theft is
Unprosecuted, DDoS offenses go unpunished, the 'legal system' has
a three to five year backlog on LEGITIMATE cases, thieves of billions
of dollars suffer no effective punishment, and you could die and be ReIncarnated waiting for a CIVIL judgment to work its way thru what
passes for a (*snicker*) legal Justice System.. do you REALLY bleeve
that a little spam is gonna make the buracracy rise to attention and respond effectively? Just forward it all to the Young Republicans,
and let generation Z worry about it. Through an anonymizer, of
course. And there is a Nearly bug-free Outlook Express version of a spam filter now..
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Go Einy. Spam messages piss me off no end.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Spam really sucks and usually it comes from overseas. However, if take some time to research the spam ( assuming you have time ) you sometimes win a minor victory and get the offending machine shutdown.

Last year my company got spam from a Unix box at Penn State. It was running as an open relay and when I notified the University's IT staff they closed that port down within 12 hours. I felt like I did my part in the war on spam. Even if it was a minor one. :)
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

reminds me of when I was on a school computer, and saw an innocent sounding dating site in the adress book - clicked it and it let to about 50 popups of hard core porn.

I have never x'ed out so many things so quickly.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Enforcer Talen wrote:reminds me of when I was on a school computer, and saw an innocent sounding dating site in the adress book - clicked it and it let to about 50 popups of hard core porn.

I have never x'ed out so many things so quickly.
Another big mistake is when students or workers go to whithouse.com instead of whitehouse.gov.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Re: spammers

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

mitchshrader wrote:In the words of the late, great, Dean Martin..
" When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie
That's Amore "

So the folks who 'advertise' thangs that are illegal (child porn)
AREN'T breaking the law... but folks who HAVE child porn ARE?
I'm sorry, I missed the logic there..'n when identity theft is
Unprosecuted, DDoS offenses go unpunished, the 'legal system' has
a three to five year backlog on LEGITIMATE cases, thieves of billions
of dollars suffer no effective punishment, and you could die and be ReIncarnated waiting for a CIVIL judgment to work its way thru what
passes for a (*snicker*) legal Justice System.. do you REALLY bleeve
that a little spam is gonna make the buracracy rise to attention and respond effectively? Just forward it all to the Young Republicans,
and let generation Z worry about it. Through an anonymizer, of
course. And there is a Nearly bug-free Outlook Express version of a spam filter now..
Wazzup Mitch? Sorry bout the rant earlier, but I'm still pissed from that shit. Nice of you to drop by from #spyware. Lata and enjoy your stay at SDnet!

BTW our IRC channel's #sdnet here at wyldryde.
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Post by EmperorMing »

With my hotmail account, if it doesn't look familier then I just delete it.

ALso, tell your sister how to set up mail filters. It *does* work to a degree... :wink:

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Post by Xenophobe3691 »

Yeah, I think I've been banned from wyldryde, or at least that's what it keeps telling me...

Anyhow, porn popups are FUCKING ANNOYING! I swear, I click on the wrong fucking link and fifteen of these things pop up, with NO EXIT BUTTONS! I have to ALT+F4 these things away! FUCK THEM!
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

The other day I got hit with a Porn Popup, that just detects your "Presence" on the internet. I had logged on to get AV updates, didn't even habe anything else running and this fucktard's porn pop-up rears it's uneaven form. (Hopefull it went along slouching to Bethleham)

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Post by Pu-239 »

When I used to use hotmail it worked with Mozilla.

Now I switched to Yahoo. Since I switch email addresses every month or so having a remailer like fuckmicrosoft.com is convenient. I use that address for personal stuff.

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Post by Dalton »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:The other day I got hit with a Porn Popup, that just detects your "Presence" on the internet. I had logged on to get AV updates, didn't even habe anything else running and this fucktard's porn pop-up rears it's uneaven form. (Hopefull it went along slouching to Bethleham)
You've got spyware installed, Colin.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Comparing popups on the internet to terrorist attacks and murders is a load of total crap. If you hate it that much you dont need to waste your money on an internet connection. The dead have no such choice.
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Post by Dalton »

And the zombie thread is apparently setting out on a rampage :shock:

Please keep it civil; don't fry Skimmer.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Dalton wrote:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:The other day I got hit with a Porn Popup, that just detects your "Presence" on the internet. I had logged on to get AV updates, didn't even habe anything else running and this fucktard's porn pop-up rears it's uneaven form. (Hopefull it went along slouching to Bethleham)
You've got spyware installed, Colin.
See http://Security.Kolla.de to get SpybotSD.

Oh wait, Thread Necromancy!?!!?!???? :shock:

AGGH KILL IT!! Kill it! Kill it!

*Unholsters Railgun, loads with Silver-Alloy Anti-Zombie Slugs, and aims at thread's center of mass*

Eat this!


DIE Thread!





*Sn0 rips the Zombie Thread's head off with Lightspeed Silver just before it could sink its horrific claws into his flesh*

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Post by Dalton »

Settle down Ein.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Dalton wrote:Settle down Ein.
Sorry bout that, it's a running gag. Plus I didn't see Sea Skimmer's post at all untill after my post.
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