Deep Space Nine fleet battles - a thread for nitpicking

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Re: Deep Space Nine fleet battles - a thread for nitpicking

Post by Stofsk »

Hell, its one of the best character moments between Spock and McCoy period.
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Re: Deep Space Nine fleet battles - a thread for nitpicking

Post by Anguirus »

Actually, I felt Kirk vs. Chang was much more meaningful than Kirk vs. Khan. Khan and Kirk just kinda yell at each other over the phone for the whole movie. It handwaves their actual history so much that the backstory in Space Seed doesn't even really inform the film. And this is not aided by the fact that the reason for the failed colonization attempt is NONSENSE. Even the death of Spock feels only marginally connected to Khan's actual actions.

Chang, on the other hand, is obviously Kirk's opposite number, except more professional and more successful. His contempt for Kirk is so palpable during the trail scene that the battle of wills of the space fight is a lot more fun.

Plus, you get "I'd pay real money if he'd SHUT UP!"
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Re: Deep Space Nine fleet battles - a thread for nitpicking

Post by Krisnack »

I'd like too add to the bit about the way fleet battles were shown - the lack of formations used other then the wall of ships. At the very least, we should have seen a tetrahedron formation, or some type of battle tactic that makes creative use of the third dimension.
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