How about the battles we do know about aren't substantially one sided.TC Pilot wrote:
Do you have any evidence of stalemate, just throwing that around to be an annoying contrarion??
How about both Homeworlds supposedly cop it in equal measure.
But even if I was just playing devil's advocate, you have to put evidence for the war going heavily in the Daleks favour. All you have done is edited a quote from the Doctor to make it seem that way.
Way to miss the point retard. It means that despite being defended Skaro also took some hits so the exchange is definitely not one way or heavily in favour of the Daleks.Or you can actually add some content into your insubstantial garbage. How is Skaro "devastated" and what, if any relevance, does it matter to a species engineered precisely because the planet was so horribly fucked up to neccesitate the creation of something like the Daleks in the first place?
The strawman is so funny since I already stated the 10 million fleet exist. I just stated they were elsewhere with evidence pointing out that at least one element was at another location.Typical Trektard-level argument: we don't see it so it can't possibly exist.
Now fuckwit, why don't you back up your case that their is a 10 million fleet of ships orbiting Gallifrey circa around the End of Time. A 10 million fleet which allowed Rassilon to plan his escpae unharassed, a 10 million fleet which the Time Lords weren't even concern about even though they are supposedly right on their doorstep. One would think the Dalek fleet would hurt them right NOW, while the Doctor would only destory them later in the final day.
But you won't provide evidence. Because you are a goddamn chicken shit. Instead you just fucking state the ships are there and when everyone else points out the only ships seen are those on the ground you will just say "we don't see it so it can't possibly exist." You expect us to prove a negative. Moron.
And they won't be able to put out the fire given time?
Guess the Time Lords are really up shit creek if they can't even put out the fires in their own capital then.![]()
Though from the looks of the surface in the orbital shots, looks like Gallifrey's sustained BDZ-level damage.
Were you this stupid all the time, or maybe drugs and alcohol just blew your brains out. I already stated what was wrong with your sentence before, but you can't be half arsed reading.You tried to accuse me of dishonestly ignoring the other threats, despite the fact I explicitely cite them as "Time Lord-defeating threats" in the same fucking post. In short, go fuck yourself and come back when you can learn to read.
Your strawman is oh soooo obvious. One I never said the TL "solely" defeated by these threats fuckwit, so learn to read. I only said they were the threat which finally made the TL throw in the towel. The fact that the Doctor emphaseis NOT JUST the Daleks should have indicated this was where the concern lies. The fact that you failed to mention these other threats initially until called upon it means you have on grounds to whine like a little pisshead when I pointed this out, but I see that doesn't stop you. However thanks for the quote, because its exactly as I said.
Funny how you can't be arsed to quote it. Probably because you know you're just a lying sack of shit at this point and realize you're just bullshitting your way through. So let's look at the actual quote:
"You weren't there, in the final days of the war. You never saw what was born. But if the time lock's broken then everything's coming through, not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travisties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-have-been King and his Army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres. The war turned into hell. And that's you've opened, right above the Earth. Hell is descending!"
"My kind of world."
"Just listen! Because even the Time Lords can't survive that!"
In short, and as I've already said, your attempt to equate the Time Lord "defeat" solely to these other threats, which we know fought the Daleks as much as the Time Lords, is blatantly dishonest on its face.
a. these monstrosities appeared in the "final days"
b. war turned into hell in the "final days"
c. even the TL can't survive that (Hell)
Sounds like he is worried about these new threats. But I see you are going to selectively read the quote just like how you selectively read my statements and derive a strawman interpretation.
The fact that the daleks are also fighting them, or at least one of them (Nightmare child) means what exactly? That the TL were afraid in the current (weaken state for both sides) that they won't be able to stop these threats unless they play the universal destruction card. Thanks for playing.
Hey fuckwit, what "everyone knows" isn't always right. Especially when a hack writer just changed what we thought we knew.
And as everyone but you seems to know, the war was always primarily one between Daleks and Time Lords.![]()
But use the creationist "every one knows" arguments, because you are one of those imbeciles who think in the absence of evidence its actually a good argument.
Oh my god, how dare I point you are being a dishonest turd. Its not your fault, its everyone else's fault for nitpicking you. Even when its fucking explained to you in terms a child can understand why such a use to improper word choice is deceptive, you just whine like the cry baby you are. You don't even try and defend it.
Whoopdeefucking doo. Jerk off to your inane nitpicking on your own time. Though I wouldn't be surprised if you can't; you're compensating awfully hard at this point.