The fact that they were brazen enough to advocate it at all is more than bad enough.Advocating, is that the same as getting?
Uhhh...I said that, not you.
Who's to say that a woman or man might not be forced to comply with the ruling of a Sharia court by their ultra-traditional family?Again, they only get jurisdiction if all parties agree to it.
Even your own article admits that the experiences recounted at that one particular court are hardly representative of the whole community.
There is also the fact that you never disproved cases such as this.But not all councils are as committed to liberal interpretations of sharia. Estimates of the number of mosques across the country range from 1,000 to 2,000. They serve a hugely diverse Muslim community - at 1.6 million people, Muslims are the largest religious minority in Britain. Each mosque has its own imams, some of whom are scholars like Sayeed, while others are simply devout Muslims fulfilling a need for religious guidance in their communities. The Islamic Sharia Council is one of the oldest and most respected, but it admits that there is no single body that can claim to be fully representative of all British Muslims.
Neither is there any regulation of imams, or any benchmark for the quality of advice that they give. Abdul Jalil Sajid, former secretary of the mosque and community affairs committee of the Muslim Council of Britain, estimates that 35% of imams are unqualified. No one knows how many of them are operating in sharia councils, applying their own interpretations of Islamic law.
According to Cassandra Balchin, of Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML), too many of them promote a highly conservative interpretation of sharia that overemphasises the rights of the husband. "They don't seem to recognise the multiple forms of divorce that are available to women," she says. "There are usually no women involved, whereas in a lot of Muslim countries you can have women judges involved in family courts."
You simply tried to poison the well against the source, and left it at that.that no Muslim woman may marry a non-Muslim man unless he converts to Islam and that any children of a woman who does should be taken from her until she marries a Muslim.
Which is all well and good. However, you have yet to prove that Sharia courts are not used to make rulings on matters of child custody, and other such issues.A beth din is required or preferred for the following matters:
-Validation of religious bills of divorce (get, pl. gittin).
-Kosher certification of restaurants and food manufacturers (Hechsher).
-Examination of shochetim and the control of the shechita inspectors
-Conversions to Judaism with at least one member of the court being a rabbi who is an expert on the laws of conversion.
-Supervising the building and maintenance of a mikvah.
-Determination of "personal status" (i.e. whether someone is a Jew according to halakha).
-The authorization and supervision of mohelim.
-Questions relating to burial practices and mourning.
They have the same legal standing as private arbiters, which is to say none unless the parties agree to it. I'm sure most if not all other religions have similar institutions. Are you done bringing up the specter of evil Muslim pseudo-courts yet?
This would seriously overstep the boundaries of anything which this Jewish court you mention would be able to do.
Once again, the Madrid and London bombings and the various race riots that have occured across Europe would seem to be rather "threatening" to me.Feeling threatened and being threatened are very different here in the real world.
Give it a century. While Lebanon is an admittedly rather unique case, the simple fact of the matter remains that ethnic tensions, mass immigration, and former ethnic majorities in danger of losing their status don't exactly make for the most stable political environment.Oh, and do Muslims actually have REAL political power unlike in Europe? Which might allow them fuck over the Marionites more effectively?
We've already seen tensions boil over in France, Germany, Britain, and the Netherlands. If current trends continue, who knows how things might develop within the course of the next 20 or 30 years.
What "innocents" are you referring to here? It would seem to me that several thousand (Hell! Possibly even tens or hundreds of thousands) of (mostly Muslim) alienated youths took to the streets and just started torching everything in sight.but profiling innocents who associate with them is a sure way to get more criminals.
EDIT: Not that I necessarily blame them given their circumstances.
How many such little scraps do you think it would take to kick off French revolution part deux, particularly after the Muslims have had a few decades to reinforce their numbers there and the natives have had all of those years to become progressively more and more uneasy and angry about it?
How does my wearing an orange shirt affect your life?
What we have here is a failure to communicate!Do you even know what that means? Laissez-faire would mean less regulation you twit. Just because the phrase is French doesn't mean it implies greater government control.
I stated that I didn't care if you wore an orange shirt or a hijab, and that it'd be a cold day in Hell before the Euros ever deregulate (all those snotty little wage slaves in France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Spain have become fat and spoiled on all of the rampant state protectionism surrounding their mediocre jobs apparently).
Ya gotta listen mang!
I'm all ears for any suggestions you might offer.Oh good. Another one who thinks the status quo is wrong but doesn't have any fucking clue how to improve it. Line forms around the block.
No, you simply seem to be taking a "fuck the West, they deserve it" attitude about the whole thing. I have nothing against the Muslims. However, that doesn't mean that I'd simply let them take over if it were up to me to stop it.You refuse to even acknowledge the immigrant's perspective.
Dude, if they're willing to go that far out of their way simply to get into Western Europe, then they frankly DESERVE to get in.But that part of the world has really secure borders right? It's not really easy to sneak across from there into say Russia and then into Europe, is it?
Why not just make that the citizenship test?
Frankly, this is one of the best arguments for why immigration should be more heavily regulated. The Euros apparently have absolutely no fucking clue how to even begin to deal with all of these immigrants, and as a consequnce, ethnic tensions are skyrocketing.I didn't say it was right, but your nightmare scenario has these Muslims coming over here and taking over the country. Which if they can't vote or hold elected office does seem to throw a wet blanket on their plans.
Why not take things more slowly?