Build your own corps

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Build your own corps

Post by Bedlam »

For people who don't follow DC comics during the current mega cross over event there have recently been created a number of 'corps'. Each is a organisation based around a certain colour which has powers based on a certain emotion, the stronger an individual feels that emotion or can create that emotion the more powerful they are, the colours / emotions are: -

Red / Anger
Orange / Greed
Yellow / Fear
Green / Will power
Blue / Hope
Indigo / Compassion
Violet / Love

For the DC universe and other fantasy universes who do you think would be the most powerful in each corps i.e. who has the most anger, fear etc. For the DC Universe I would go for: -

Red = Doomsday, the guy just seems angry at everything and wants to destroy it
Orange = Braniac? He seems to want to know everything and then stops everyone else from knowing it
Yellow = Scarecrow, I'm going with the in universe example here, Crane just seems to know more about fear than anyone else.
Green = Batman, You could probably put him into any of the Corps but to me hes most about pushing the limits of what humans can do through will power. Stretching the DC universe to include Vertigo I'd go with Lucifer who's an embodiment of willpower and out of universe Judge Dredd.
Blue = Superman, my personal interpretation of Superman is as a beacon of hope. Another one that you could probably put into any category
Indigo = I cant think of anyone specifically, the closest I could think of was Ice but I decided to go for Violet with her instead. Maybe Martian Manhunter?
Violet = Ice, She just seems so sweet most of the time and seems to love everything.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Majin Gojira »

There's only one thing I have to say:


I'd be more linient if it was something like Courage (which it does touch towards), but that's something elseentirely.

But courage is still a stretch as an emotion.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Batman »

Well it's not like Greed really is an emotion either. :D

And I thought I was canonically not all that hot with the green ones?
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Steve »

We do these once and a while...


Short list of potential ring-slingers?

Green - Willpower
Elisa Maza (Gargoyles)
Goliath (Gargoyles)
David Xanatos (Gargoyles)
Fox Xanatos (Gargoyles)
Jade Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures. Yes, the single digit aged girl. Well, she might be 10 or 11. Just look at her antics through the show and tell me she's not a little bundle of pure grade willpower that will draw a GL ring like a super-powered magnet draws iron filings.)
James Kirk (Star Trek... and I think that mental image just made my brain break worse than the one art pic I found of JL/JLU Shayera Hol as a Jedi)
Kira Nerys (Star Trek DS9. Less mind-breaking than Kirk for some odd reason.)
King Varian Wrynn (WarCraftverse)
Tirion Fordring (WarCraftverse)
Varok Saurfang (WarCraftverse)
Warchief Thrall, son of Durotan (WarCraftverse)
Yuna (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
Ashe (Final Fantasy XII)
Auron (Final Fantasy X)
Balthier (Final Fantasy XII).... okay, Balthier might be stretching it. Just being willful isn't enough, you have to have the right kind of willpower, as Ollie (Green Arrow) found out in Rebirth. Also, this is the last Final Fantasy entry, since there's honestly a couple dozen one could easily list here.
Hrm... some Chrono Trigger characters too, arguably. Most. No, all, even Robo is eligible.

Red - Rage
Demona (Gargoyles - the thought of Demona with a Red Ring is scary)
Goliath (Gargoyles. As what happened with Guy and Hal, it's clear that you don't have to be generally pissed off at all times to get the ring, you just have to be pissed off at the time it comes for you. And when Goliath gets pissed he can get as scary as Demona.)
Garrosh Hellscream (WarCraftverse. He's just always so... pissed off.)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII. Okay, near the end he was more the classic megalomaniac, but early on? Red is definitely his color.)

I consider Red somewhat tricky because, again as we saw with Guy and Hal, anyone can get the Red Ring coming in, unwanted or announced, if they just happen to be pissed the fuck off at the moment the ring's flying by.

Blue - Hope
Prophet Velen of the Draenei (WarCraftverse. Even with some power of prophecy, keeping a society as constantly fucked over as the Draenei going, and going strong, requires someone quite in line with the power of Hope).
Satai/Ambassador/Entil'Zha Delenn (Babylon-5. Hope is just one of those things that Delenn runs on. Blue fits her like a glove.)
Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII. Tell me the Blue Lanterns don't suit her personality. Only Indigo might fit as well or moreso. I almost listed Yuna too, but I think that most of Yuna's other relatable attributes, no matter how strong, are still somewhat overshadowed by her willpower.)

Orange - Avarice
Pick a Ferengi. Virtually any Ferengi. Their whole freaking culture is based on Avarice. (Star Trek)
Or a Goblin. Almost any Goblin. (WarCraftverse)
I think almost all of the Final Fantasy villains eventually fall here, with some notable examples. The most prominent I'd list are Vayne Solidor (FFXII), Dr. Cidolfus Bunansa (FFXII), Ultimecia (FFVIII, the whole time compression thing so she can rule all of reality), Emperor Geshtal (FFVI, wanted to conquer the world, learned you shouldn't trust sadistic harlequins) and Zemus (FFIV, who's evil was from his greed, his want, for a planet to live on again).
David Xanatos (Gargoyles) Particularly earlier on in the series.
Thailog (Gargoyles)
Queen Zeal (Chrono Trigger)
Certain incarnations of Norman Osborne, especially his "Spectacular Spider-Man" version.
Same for Doc Ock from Spectacular Spider-Man, or Tombstone/Lincoln Thompson/The Big Man.
Valmont (Jackie Chan Adventures)
Daolon Wong (Jackie Chan Adventures. Dark Chi sorcerer in constant search for greater power.)
Drago (Jackie Chan Adventures.)

Indigo - Compassion
Princess Schala Zeal (Chrono Trigger)
Penelo (Final Fantasy XII)
Riddel Viper (Chrono Cross). Though, granted, that has some impression decay since it's been so freaking long since I played CC.
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Dr. Richard Franklin (Babylon-5)
Delenn (Babylon-5 - if she doesn't get Blue, she gets Indigo)

Yellow - Fear
Kefka Palazzo (FFVI). Sweet Zombie Jesus, Kefka. Fear is his thing, moreso than any of the other colors of the spectrum. I mean, sure, Red might've snagged him on the Floating Continent if you have Celes along at the climactic scene, but other than that....
Demona (Gargoyles)
A lot of other Gargoyles. Actually, it's arguable that a lot of Gargoyle Clans heavily relied upon the fear they provoked in Human combatants to rout them even with inferior numbers. Sure, they had superior strength and gliding ability, but most of the Gargoyle Vs. Human engagements of the series always indicated that the Gargoyles worked best when scaring the living shit out of their enemies, what with the howling shrieks and screams and glowing eyes from anger. I imagine the yellow rings would seek out a number of them for the same reason one sought out Batman.
Eddie Brock/Venom (Marvel, multiple incarnations from shows to comics)
Tarakudo (Jackie Chan Adventures. 4th Season Big Bad. Does this in style.)
Shendu (Jackie Chan Adventures. Arguably his seven sibling demon sorcerers should be included in this.)

Violet - Love
Rosa Farrell (FFIV)
Terra Bransford (FFVI. In the same fashion Wonder Woman got the Violet ring, Terra by the end comes off to me as someone who loves the living, be it the kids of Mobliz she helped care for after Kefka ruined the world or her comrades.)
Tifa Lockhart (FFVII. Again, might be some impression decay given how long it's been since I played the game, but I always got the vibe that Tifa loved Cloud and followed along to help him mostly out of that love, even if it is unrequited. And IIRC the game even implies that if you, the player, have Cloud pay maximum attention to her through the game, then the night before the team descent into the Crater starting in Disc 3 that love is, well, no longer unrequited. *cough*)
Some might argue Rinoa belongs, given FFVIII was built along the love story between her and Squall. Honestly, I didn't play the game and barely remember anything of note from it.
Yuna (FFX/FFX-2) Honestly the only other ring I'd consider her for. Her willpower sustained her on the pilgrimage and led her to refuse tradition if it was clear it wouldn't actually end Sin for good. But much of the reason she did all that was her love, for Spira and its people, and the desire born of that love to end the cycle of death once and for all. And, of course, the basis of FFX-2's plot is about trying to recover her own personal, lost romantic love.
Tyrande Whisperwind (WarCraftverse). She's been in love for ten millennia. With a man who's been in magical hibernation for 90% or so of that time. Need I say more? I'd consider Malfurion for the color too, save that, well, it seems only chicks get to be Star Sapphires. Given the uniforms.... :P :mrgreen:
Maybe Eliza Maza from Gargoyles as well, later on, given the whole "in love with Goliath" thing.

Naturally there are more characters that would work, but those are the ones I'm thinking of right now, take it as you will.

As for the argument about Willpower != emotion, the way the spectrum works is that it's not presented as an emotion per se. Green is the center of the spectrum, the most pure of the spectrum energies because it has no emotional underpinnings that can influence the wielder as the other colors do their own. It is the basic impulse of Life.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Formless »

Steve wrote:I think almost all of the Final Fantasy villains eventually fall here, with some notable examples.
I don't think all, though-- Sephiroth for example had a flat out God Complex and didn't give two shits about wealth. Rufus Shinra and his corporate lackeys on the other hand...
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Steve »

Avarice isn't always about wealth. It's about want, a hunger for more of anything.

Lex Luthor is one of the wealthiest men in the world in the DCU. The Orange Ring spawned from Larfleeze's picked him because he still has an insatiable appetite for more. More power, more possessions, more sustenance, it's all the same.

Not that you're wrong, the Shinra Execs would qualify in some way for an Orange Ring. Sephiroth may or may not post God-complex. After finding out his origins, up to when Cloud dumped him into the Lifestream, he was a shoe-in for the Red-ring.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Formless »

Oops! Didn't see that. Its a long list. :)
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Mayabird »

A bit more obscure than others, but a definite candidate for a red ring: Alicia DeVries from Path of the Fury/In Fury Born by David Webster. She raged for revenge so hard after her entire extended family was murdered by pirates that she summoned one of the actual Furies to her. I daresay a ring would seek her out at that moment.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Bedlam wrote:For people who don't follow DC comics during the current mega cross over event there have recently been created a number of 'corps'. Each is a organisation based around a certain colour which has powers based on a certain emotion, the stronger an individual feels that emotion or can create that emotion the more powerful they are, the colours / emotions are: -
This is the first I've heard of it, not being much of a comics reader, so its possible I don't know what I'm talking about, but I have to say this strikes me as rather silly. :)
Red / Anger
Orange / Greed
Yellow / Fear
Green / Will power
Blue / Hope
Indigo / Compassion
Violet / Love

For the DC universe and other fantasy universes who do you think would be the most powerful in each corps i.e. who has the most anger, fear etc.
For fantasy universes in general:

Red/Anger- Sith in general. "Release your anger" is a major part of their MO.

Orange/Greed- You could put the Sith here too. Sauron from LotR is a notable example as well. Most of his major ploys involve exploiting greed/desire (ie the Rings, corrupting Saruman and Denethor).

Yellow/Fear- Lord "everyone's afraid of the sound of my name" Voldemort. The Nazgul, and by extention Sauron. Probably the Forsaken from The Wheel of Time. Though just as you said Batman can be put under any of these, a lot of villains can be put under all of the top three.

Green/Willpower- Aragorn. Why? He's the mortal who beat Sauron in a battle of wills. Frodo, Sam, and Faramir from LotR likely count as well, for resisting the Ring. And I absolutely second Steve's nomination of James T. Kirk.

Blue/Hope- Gandalf the White seems to have a knack for inspiring this emotion.

Indigo/Compassion- Honestly not sure.

Violet/Love- Maybe Harry Potter?
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Glad to see this had not been put forth by someone else yet.

Bruce Banner of Earth

You have great rage in your heart.

You Belong to the Red Lantern Corps.

If Superboy can fuck up time with his strength, imagine the damage Red Lantern Hulk could do to reality.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Lord Revan »

While I agree with Steve's Warcraft picks, I'd think most Death Knights and especially Highlord Darion Mograine of the order of the Ebonblade (aka Knights of the Ebonblade) would fit quite well for a red ring, sure they're not bellowing in fury 24/7 Garrosh "impulse control, what's that, can I eat it?" Hellscream they're still quite rage filled.

as for other picks I think Rorschach from the Watchmen would probably be fit for a red or maybe a yellow ring
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Steve »

Trek wise, I forgot to list Gul Dukat for Orange.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Vash & his Brother Knives?
Roy (I just want to live) Batty

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Lord of the Abyss »

Somebody needs a nice Red Ring to come along and integrate itself into its circuits.

Orange/Greed: I'm going to be obscure here and use the main enemy from an old novel Moon Dreams. The Great Dark One ( yeah, not the most original of names for a fantasy baddie ) started out as a wizard so greedy for more and more power that he sucked his entire home continent dry of magic and life; leaving it nothing but a vast rocky wasteland, and he intended to do the same to the world. His description by one character( from memory ) "He would eat all the world, then rage at the stars because he cannot have them too" has always stuck with me - and strikes me as a match for an Orange Ring.

Yellow/Fear: I'll go with Mister Stab the immortal serial killer and former Jack the Ripper of Simon Green's Secret History novels.

Green/Will power: Bahzell Bahnakson, of David Weber's Orfressa Cycle. A lifetime of controlling the Rage and his general personality gives him plenty of willpower. And by summoning the Rage he can enter a mental state of absolute implacability. His ability to use the visualization-based healing powers of a champion show that he can likely handle visualizing and directing ring-constructs. On top of that, his performance when tapping into other forces demonstrates that he can channel his god's energy into them, and Ring power infused with power from a god should pack some extra mystical punch.

Blue/Hope: I've got to go with Gandalf as well.

Indigo/Compassion: Lord Valentine of the Majipoor series; he's practically saintlike in his forgiveness and compassion.

Violet/Love: The only one who comes to mind is Mayli Wu of the the Matador Trilogy.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Green: Dasseem Ultor of the Malazan books of the fallen.
Given that when he acquired a will based sword he killed one of the most formidable characters (in a mythos which has city smashing gods dropping like flies), he'd probably be equally as devastating with a ring. (Or possibly a red ring. But Green suits him better).
Prince Anasurimbor Kellhus (Prince of Nothing trilogy) - His entire personality is nothing but willpower, with almost nonexistant emotional responses. He'd also be very effective at utilizing the ring to it's full potential due to his intellect.
Lucifer (Sandman/Lucifer by Vertigo).
He wouldn't exactly need it, but he's considered the being with the strongest will in Creation. (His brother the archangel Michael included).

And just for fun: Martin the warrior, or any one of the Badger lords of Salamandastron. (Redwall). Known for fighting until shredded.
Inigo Montoya. (Before finding the 6 fingered man).
A Terminator. (Hey, the Sinestro corps had robots :P).

Orange Rings:
Morgoth/Melkor from LOTR. Envy and greed.
Pretty much any fictional Dragon. (Smaug say :)).
The Master (Dr Who). (Especially the version from the last special).
The Kingpin (marvel).
Early Xanatos. (as has been said).

Blue: Gandalf (as has been mentioned).
Superman. Possibly the Doctor (Who), but he apparently doesn't need one. (Season 3 finale).

It's obvious, but Doomsday, the Hulk, Darth Vader.
Demona (Gargoyles).

Violet (love): Mr. Hyde (From the recent BBC tv miniseries).

It's a pity there isn't a "Hatred" (dark purple?) corps, Palpatine or th
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Darth Fanboy »

The Ultraviolet Lantern: Mr. Mytzlplk

The Microwave Lantern: Bat Mite

Hulk would be Gamma Lantern.

Howard Stern as Radio Lantern.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Lazerus Long  Saphire plus time travel and every thing else he comes (including andriod harem)

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Re: Build your own corps

Post by WesFox13 »

Well to be honest, I did have an idea of one of the Chaos Space Marines getting the Red Ring of Rage.

Kharn the Destroyer, You have Great Rage in Your Heart, Welcome to the Red Lantern Corps.
*Kharn gets the ring placed in his heart as he continues to chop up many of his opponents and fellow Chaos Space Marines in his Ax Crazy way.*

That is so what would happen. the idea of a Chaos Space Marine in the DC universe is scary and awesome at the same time.

And I sort of had the idea of some of the Lantern Corps are in fact fueling the Chaos Gods in some subtle way.

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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Steve »

Another entry to make for the Indigo Tribe.

Elissa Megan Powers, aka "Empowered".

If anything really punctuates her character it'd be her compassion for others (like the thug whom she saves from a burst aneurysm in Vol. 2), which is the sole reason she keeps donning her suit and enduring the continuous humiliations of her rocky superheroine career.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by hongi »

Yellow / Fear
Jeepers Creepers or a Dementor. That would be fun.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Some Sience Nerd will of course invent the curiosity powered UV Corps.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Styphon »

Blue Lantern - Captain America.

I've seen pretty much a million other ideas over on RPGnet, but that was the one that really stuck with me.

ETA: oh, and going on the idea that Green Lanterns are defined by "the ability to overcome great fear", Arnold Judas Rimmer for Green Lantern... but only after Season 7.

Or, in the same vein, Rincewind. Nobody has greater fear, and he's certainly shown the ability to overcome it. :P
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Crazedwraith »

You'd think being a Green Lantern after being Ace Rimmer would be a step down. :P
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by eion »

So now that they've fully populated the spectrum of color with lantern corps, does that mean the next big world-changing crossover will be the discovery of the all powerful "White" Lantern?

I'm calling it 3/7/2010.
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Re: Build your own corps

Post by Mayabird »

Dude, they already did.
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