- You have to walk manually with keyboard and mouse to every station. No one-click selection of vital stations.
- To top that off, graphics do not work as intended when walking through the boat, sometimes it is impossible to do that
- Torpedo aiming AI does not work, one has to manually aim torpedoes. Uuh....hooray for betatesting? The most important feature does not work?
- The first patch fixes that by forcing players to enter the speed manually. Yeah, I guess every player had a course in how to judge the enemy ships speed.
- no manual at all. You do not get an explanation for what does what, you have to learn by trial and error.
- no dynamic campaign. Your actions do not really have an impact, nor do you get a continous game experience. Instead, the campaign is didvided into missions.
- sometimes, the instruments stop working, meaning you are locked out from controling the boat
- "dynamic" missions sometimes stop working while you try to do them. But wait, it gets better. When you get back to base, you get a medal for succesful completion of that mission, and then the game ends due to you having failed that mission.
- when you are rammed by a destroyer, the destroyer is destroyed, makes a full-stop and sinks.
- ships in Kiel Naval base all ram the mainland at full speed and catapult into the air, then sink. Rinse and repeat.
- bad translation. The North sea is not the Normeer, it is the Nordsee. Also, it is Deutsche Bucht, not Deutche Bucht. Babelfish ahoy?
EDIT: Even better. Apparently sometimes the Echolot stops working, meaning you do not know how deep the water is. Gee, Ubisoft, of course you do not need to know how deep you can dive in a submarine game.
Translated review:
...Everything looks as if hastily put together at the last minute, without any betatesting or quality control...
Ubisoft should not have published the game in this state. According to our opinion, at least half a year of quality control and optimization done by more competent programmers would be necessary, to have this game even start to resemble anything approaching "fun".