Why people like us shouldn't communicate in real time

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Sith Marauder
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Why people like us shouldn't communicate in real time

Post by Spyder »

Session Start (Flesh.WyldRyde.Net:#sdnet): Mon Feb 17 09:42:39 2003
*** Now talking in #sdnet.
*** Topic of #sdnet: SDNet Chat, the Home of Depraved Perverts
*** Set by NF_UTVol 1276 minutes ago
*** Users on #sdnet: Spyderizer Subnormal Utsanomiko StarshipTitanic Isil`Zha anarchistbunny
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Your user mode is "+i"
*** Mode for channel #sdnet is "+ntr"
*** Channel #sdnet was created at Mon Feb 17 08:21:11 2003
*** Join to #sdnet completed in 3 seconds.
<Subnormal> The prequels don't have a hero or someone you want to kick a lot ass, there pretty boring.
<Utsanomiko> "heym you aint covered in sand and shit."
<StarshipTitanic> I like Obi-Wan, actually
<Subnormal> AOTC is far better than TPM
<StarshipTitanic> TPM was very frantic with the setting up the plot thing
<Spyderizer> Taht is true
<StarshipTitanic> and AOTC is better than TPM
<Subnormal> I sorta wish now that AOTC would be the first film then two sequels to that
<StarshipTitanic> as stuff happens
<Utsanomiko> At bit, I kinda find its pl;ot to be less concise.
<Utsanomiko> But middle films are like that.
<Subnormal> The clone wars are probably going to suck, and Ep III will be a rush of crushing it all together I forsee a disaster.
<StarshipTitanic> Crushing it all together?
<StarshipTitanic> It's all pretty much set up, though
<Utsanomiko> then you will get disaster. that's how hype works.
<Subnormal> no.
<StarshipTitanic> Yes. :P
<Utsanomiko> Indeed.
<StarshipTitanic> All i want is a space battle
<Subnormal> I mean they will have to crush a lot of stuff into a 2 1/2 hour period. Anakin's turning, droids, clone war, Palpatine taking over, lost or dissappearance of Padme, downfall of jedi, and many more it will be a crush sorta like ROTK
<StarshipTitanic> the clone war is probably going to be finishing up by III
*** RogueIce (RogueIce@dialup- has joined channel #sdnet
*** Signoff: Isil`Zha (Quit: I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw-blink on Hari-Kiri rock. I need scissors! 61...!)
<Utsanomiko> poke noob.
<RogueIce> "This topic does give new meaning to the male and female sockets" <<--SDNet has hit a new moral low...
<StarshipTitanic> err?
<Subnormal> i don't have any hype I just don't really care that much anymore, I lost faith.
<RogueIce> (Link: http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic. ... hp?t=13029
<Utsanomiko> then it's pessimism.
<Subnormal> My big problem is horrible foes.
<Subnormal> The Neomodians, and really weak droids, it's pretty pathetic
<StarshipTitanic> ah
<StarshipTitanic> weak?
<Utsanomiko> I think there's more to your problem than just that. ;P
<StarshipTitanic> They won the ground battle in TPM
<StarshipTitanic> and were just about to win the space battle
<StarshipTitanic> And in AOTC they were suprised
<RogueIce> Is the glass half-empty, or half-full. I made me an argument that pessimists always win in that one, though it will no doubt be shredded to pieces by the SDNet debaters.
<Utsanomiko> and overwhelmed.
<StarshipTitanic> Yeah
<StarshipTitanic> And they didn't get to scramble their starfighters
<StarshipTitanic> Plus, their fleet largely escaped
<anarchistbunny> s
<Utsanomiko> S?
<Utsanomiko> S is for Snicker-Doodle! LOL
<StarshipTitanic> oh no, not S
*** Signoff: Subnormal (Ping timeout)
<StarshipTitanic> The droids performed quit ewell
<Utsanomiko> Goodbye, weirdo.
<StarshipTitanic> so there
<StarshipTitanic> aww
<Utsanomiko> gone to cry in his woe-filled milk.
<StarshipTitanic> I can't stand people who hate movies because of that
<StarshipTitanic> well, anything
<Utsanomiko> I say he needs a real reason to dislike the film, not casue he chooses to not accept some parts.
<StarshipTitanic> Kind of like how people bash ID4 for being like a typical flying saucer alien invader movie
<StarshipTitanic> Anyone know how powerful their city-destroyer weapon is?
<Utsanomiko> nope.
<Utsanomiko> I don't like how it resorts to using a Mac virus, though. and a single nuke sets the whole shit to blow.
<Utsanomiko> *Ship.
<StarshipTitanic> Those are the only two things that piss me off
*** AV (~chatzilla@resnet-nat3.lancs.ac.uk) has joined channel #sdnet
<RogueIce> (Link: http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic. ... hp?t=13072 <<--What do you think (and no, it has nothing to do with Power Rangers, I swear)?
<StarshipTitanic> I do like the plothole about power, though
<StarshipTitanic> they need satellites to transmit their signal
<Utsanomiko> heh.
<StarshipTitanic> BUT they need the mothership for power
<StarshipTitanic> how are they getting the power? :D
<Utsanomiko> ? magic espers?
<RogueIce> Nuclear Fusion!
<StarshipTitanic> And to overanalyize again:
<anarchistbunny> Man I hate the UMS in W3, no where near the creativity of SC
<anarchistbunny> WC3
<StarshipTitanic> the ships are 15 miles across
<StarshipTitanic> there must be hundreds of thousands of aliens in them
<StarshipTitanic> a huge amount had to survive
<RogueIce> W3?
<RogueIce> Oh, nevermind.
*** Subnormal (Subnormal@user-2ive4on.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined channel #sdnet
<RogueIce> WarCraft 3 or something else?
<StarshipTitanic> what?
<anarchistbunny> Warcraft 3
<Subnormal> ah I have a shitty ISP.
<RogueIce> Ok. Yet to play that.
<anarchistbunny> The UMS are almost always the same, Arena, Team Defense, or Helms Deep
<Utsanomiko> nobody's making creative ones yet, that's the prob.
<Subnormal> UMS?
<StarshipTitanic> use map settings
<Utsanomiko> Use Map Settings.
<Subnormal> ahh
<RogueIce> Hm... Who else likes Zaia's avatar?
<StarshipTitanic> I prefer my copy of Age of Mythology ;)
<StarshipTitanic> I don't know
<RogueIce> Hey AV, wannabe S3x0r Snake. :)
* AV smacks Rogue with a mallet
* StarshipTitanic slaps AV around a bit with a large trout
<StarshipTitanic> wee
<AV> Bah!
* Utsanomiko Shrugged
* Utsanomiko In The Rye
* RogueIce slaps AV around a bit with a sexy snake
* AV shudders
* Utsanomiko The Firegiver
* StarshipTitanic raises aqua-shields
* Utsanomiko was a bullfrog...
<Subnormal> how do you do that purple crap? /me or something,first time using this in a long time.
* StarshipTitanic without the space
<StarshipTitanic> oops
* Utsanomiko was a good friend of mine...
<StarshipTitanic> a /
<StarshipTitanic> then action
<Subnormal> subnormal/ fart
<Subnormal> lol
* Utsanomiko never understood a word he said...
* RogueIce is the King of all Eternia
<Utsanomiko> But I helped him drink his wine.
<Subnormal> me/ farts?
<RogueIce> Dare I do the France surrenders or GoGoPowerRangers you Mighty Morphin power Rangers things, or wait until more people show up?
<Subnormal> lol I suck at this, *tears
<RogueIce> Put the / in front of the me
* Utsanomiko want to smash Super Friends!
* Subnormal farts?
<Subnormal> he he
* Utsanomiko break stuff!
* Subnormal is really fucking stupid.
* RogueIce does as well, and long live Justice League!
* RogueIce agrees
* Utsanomiko think he is fucking stupid too!
<RogueIce> :)
* RogueIce agrees again
* Utsanomiko SMASH!!
* Subnormal hates cartoons except futurama and the simpsons.
* RogueIce likes Power Rangers
* Subnormal has horrible grammar.
* Utsanomiko thinks Simpsons jumped the shark 5 years ago! Rargh!
* Utsanomiko learn grammar from Solomon Grundy! Rargh!
* Subnormal thinks that partially too, some are good but I would rather watch the simpsons than other crap on tv.
* Utsanomiko stopped watching TV a year ago!
* RogueIce has visions of JanewayDominatrix
* RogueIce WAS JanewayDominatrix for a while yesterday
* Utsanomiko thinks RogueIce needs to shut his trap!
<StarshipTitanic> AHHH
* RogueIce thinks otherwise
*** StarshipTitanic is now known as DarkStar
*** RogueIce is now known as Janeway
<DarkStar> Can't we get along and simply hate Wong?
* Janeway orgasms with DarkStar
<DarkStar> Janeway, I have searched for you!
<Subnormal> uh?
<DarkStar> yes!
* Janeway gets anal from DarkStar nightly
<DarkStar> finally, a sexual experience (besides Wil Wheaton masturbating sessions)
<Subnormal> Is this a skit or is this a disqusting display of Trektardism
<DarkStar> Trektard?
<DarkStar> you GAPING VAGINA!
* Janeway is a sex goddess
* DarkStar is her slave
*** Janeway is now known as JanewayDominatrix
* JanewayDominatrix lords over DarkStar
* DarkStar cowers meekly
<Subnormal> a gaping vagina if you are darkstar you could tell what a gaping vagina was if you saw one.
*** DarkStar is now known as DarkSubmissive
<Subnormal> couldn't*
*** JanewayDominatrix is now known as DarkStar
<DarkSubmissive> nooo!
<DarkSubmissive> there can only be one
*** DarkSubmissive is now known as DeathStar_GenesisEffect
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> No, or I'll convert you into atoms using my Secret Death Star Formula
<Subnormal> actually I don't really have anything against darkstar, let him preach to his choir.
* DarkStar thinks DeathSTar_GenesisEffect makes MUCH more sense than DET.
<DarkStar> And there IS no BDZ, you damn Rabid Warsies.
<Utsanomiko> i'm checking the main channel again.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> exactly!
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> I'm so glad someone can see the light like me
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> and see the gaping vagina that is wong
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> who is wrong
<DarkStar> And Wong is immoral, therefore all his theories are wrong.
<Subnormal> who cares if there isn't or is, because if you think about it nothing in SW and ST, Exists.
<Utsanomiko> what's the command for going to another channel?
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> WHAT?
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> you LIE SUBNORMAL!
<DarkStar> STar Trek exists! It is my LIFE!
* DeathStar_GenesisEffect places subnormal at spot 86 on hate list
<Subnormal> I will die and I will no longer exist and in my mind you won't exist either.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> die...in a GENESIS EFFECT!
<Utsanomiko> Um, what's the command for going to another channel?
<DarkStar> That's it, Subnormal gets a big page long rant on my site about Warsies!
* DarkStar engages his Wall of Ignorance
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> "The Morality of Subnormal
<Subnormal> woooohoooo I love watching idiots engage in retarded ranting.
* DeathStar_GenesisEffect converts matter to energy and back again
* DarkStar makes endless theories on how the ISD did not vape the astroid
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> duh
<Utsanomiko> What about the metal in Vader's spine?
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> subspace analomy
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> simply one of wong's lies
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> everyone knows that metal is grown in humans in star wars
<Utsanomiko> Hello, what's the command for going to another channel?
* Subnormal thinks about the awesome retardism of space opera and realizes it as escapism from pathetic lives.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> Look at luke's hand in ESB and ROTJ
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> it was cut off
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> but he had one!
<Utsanomiko> Speak for yourself, MR Projectionist.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> it MUST have grown!
*** Raxmei (trilluser@ACAC6322.ipt.aol.com) has joined channel #sdnet
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> I know everything about switching channels but I won't tell you
<Utsanomiko> Hello, Raxmei
<Raxmei> lo
<Utsanomiko> bonjour, you type of cow. ;P
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> another one of wong's minions
<Raxmei> false
<Subnormal> retardism the act of hindering. I believe it is hindering to your lives if it is the only thing in your life which you seek to debate about.
<Utsanomiko> then why are you here as well?
<DarkStar> Me too. But your a Rabid Warsie and thus, I can not tell you anything because you are biased against me and will not believe it, no matter how logical it is.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> You'll get a 19031kb reply to that comment subnormal in FIVE MINUTES
<Subnormal> because I believe it is comical
<Utsanomiko> and why do you assume this is all people do? do you devote youtrself to one thing 24/7?
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> I know I do
<Subnormal> no. I devote my self to nothing
* DarkStar beat Wong! Get over it!
<DarkStar> Hey! I devote myself to it!
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> HAHAHAHAHA
* Subnormal doesn't care if Wong or Darkstar debate for the rest of their lives.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> don't you know it, DS
<Utsanomiko> Ah, big man puts himself up by acting like he's abouve hobbies. Go cry in your milk or something.
* Subnormal believes they will be hindered lives.
<Raxmei> I thought that Darkstar referred to it as an antigenesis
*** Signoff: AV (Quit: ChatZilla 0.8.7 [Mozilla rv:1.0.1/20020826])
<Subnormal> I have hobbies and they suck.
<DarkStar> Concession accepted, Utsanomiko. You have nothing but insults.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> oh
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> no wait, you're wrong raxmei!
<Subnormal> My hobby is trying not to have a hobby.
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> It clearly says genesis effect
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> therefore I must be right
<Utsanomiko> Preach it, brother! "My poor little children, living their lives, hindered by the escaptism of hobbies! I HAVE the True Sight!"
<DarkStar> Raxmei is a Rabid Warsie! Of course he's wrong! EVERYONE is a Rabid Warsie!
<Utsanomiko> X'D
<Raxmei> circular reasoning. concession accepted
<DeathStar_GenesisEffect> Except you, oh mighty DarkStar
*** DeathStar_GenesisEffect is now known as WingZero
<DarkStar> Of course, for I am THE Last Bastion of Star Trek.
<WingZero> And I am your loyal apprentice
<WingZero> to carry on the name
<Raxmei> all my base are belong to WIngZero
<WingZero> Shut up, warsie
<Subnormal> Berman sucks.
<WingZero> you can't use your evil aginst me
<Utsanomiko> Sing a song about Alderaan's bands!
<Utsanomiko> Um, do you even know what they're doing, Sub?
<DarkStar> Subnormal, you provided no proof. Concession accepted.
<Raxmei> Alderaanian music sucks
<WingZero> Alderaan wasn't actually destroyed, either
<WingZero> Notice how they're watching from a SCREEN?
<WingZero> it was all a plot to get Princess Leia to spill the beans
<WingZero> The Death star doesn't exist, either
<Subnormal> It is physically impossible for humans to exist without sucking in air. Proof.
<Raxmei> which is why they destroyed it after she talked
<WingZero> It's a rather crude holodeck
<DarkStar> Wow, that makes FAR more sense! That explains the rings! They WERE NOTHING BUT SPECIAL EFFECTS!
<WingZero> concession accepted subnormal
<DarkStar> Concession accepted, Raxmei. I don't need a reason, because I'm right.
*** WingZero is now known as Adarx
<Adarx> You're all wrong
<Adarx> The Shadow Death Cloud, which does not exist in normal space, can destroy all of STar Wars
<Adarx> at the same time
<Adarx> through phaseing
<DarkStar> Not until they meet the BORG!
<Adarx> and a Thunderbolt can take on 4 Soverigns and survive
<Adarx> HAH!
<Raxmei> WNYX could take them all.
<Utsanomiko> "Walk amongst the blinded masses, we must educate these escapists of the billiance of the philosophy I discovered reading bad 70s novels! I have the True Sight!!" LOL
<Adarx> My calculations which you have no right to see the source from say you are wrong, dark star
*** DarkStar is now known as RabidTrekkie
<RabidTrekkie> BORG! BORG! BORG!
<RabidTrekkie> They will adapt to ANYTHING!
<Raxmei> Bork! Bork! Bork!
<Adarx> They can DO ANYTHING
<Adarx> at the SAME TIME
<Spyderizer> ..................>
<Spyderizer> <...............
*** RabidTrekkie is now known as Darth_Wong
<Adarx> Ah wong
<Darth_Wong> You're all wrong. Read the fucking site.
<Adarx> I will read nothing!
<Darth_Wong> And anal sex rules!
<Raxmei> propaganda and lies
<Adarx> for I know it is all full of your lies
<Subnormal> how can a rabidtrekie become Wong
<Adarx> yes!
<Utsanomiko> "Only I was enough of a genius to discover all the knolwedge in the world by age 13! I must spread the truth to people I consider below me!! Hallleuah!"
*** Darth_Wong is now known as LordPoe
<Adarx> bah, the world won't exist after the GOD satellites destory it
<Adarx> sine they can completely obliterate the east coast and punch through the planet and send it out through a hole in China
<LordPoe> You must be another MENSA member, Subnormal. You didn't capitalize the first letter in the sentence.
<Subnormal> What if we don't exist at all and are living in the Matrix.
<Adarx> the Matrix will lose to one Omega-class destroyer
<Raxmei> Which will lose to one Alpha-class submarine
*** LordPoe is now known as Ben_Ingram
<Utsanomiko> "I am SO fare abouve listening to you escapists! But I am compelled to stay here, lest I go out from my mother's basement and becomed HINDERED by an escapists hobby!"
<Ben_Ingram> Yeah! Go STar Wars! I don't need proof!
* Subnormal cough
*** Ben_Ingram is now known as mike_6002
* mike_6002 sends a death threat to DarkStar
*** Signoff: Raxmei (Connection reset by peer)
*** Adarx is now known as Sith
*** Sith is now known as Sith_God
<Sith_God> I am the original, ALL WILL BOW!
* Subnormal escapism is fun and interesting, it doesn't mean you can't delve into it.
<mike_6002> Ah, help me, he responded!
<Utsanomiko> "I have seen the True Sight from a movie ripped off by '80s Anime and '60s Scifi! I know all there is to philosophy by reading the layman's descriptions! I spread the word!"
*** Sith_God is now known as Soverign
<Soverign> subnormal you are wrong
* Soverign runs
* Soverign runs back
<Soverign> and I am right
*** Utsanomiko is now known as Aquinas
<Subnormal> I am always wrong if anyone doesn't like or believe in what I say.
*** mike_6002 is now known as Darth_Wong
*** Soverign is now known as DarkStar
<Darth_Wong> ANAL SEX DAMN IT!
<DarkStar> Ah, the gaping vagina arrives!
<DarkStar> Come to get defeated yet again?
<Aquinas> "I am Innocence Abused! Feel sorry for my wisdom as I vry in my milk!!"
<Darth_Wong> That's it, debate DarkStar!
<Darth_Wong> Maximum of 1000 words per post!
<Subnormal> Wait. Whats wrong with man to female anal sex?
<Subnormal> Should I say male to female?
<Darth_Wong> Eva Eva Eva!
<DarkStar> the Death Star used the Genesis torpedo to simply make it SEEM that Alderaan was destroyed through an intricate series of mirrors held in position by ships they borrowed from the Federation
<Aquinas> "I will pretend I am the most brilliant person here, and not get that a fucking humor performance has been going on for 20 minutes! I have all knowledge!"
<Darth_Wong> Ok, let go through the calcs ONE MORE TIME...
<Subnormal> hmm. this is comical.
* Darth_Wong bans DarkStar while he's at it
*** DarkStar is now known as writes
*** Aquinas is now known as Anselm
*** writes is now known as DarkStar
<DarkStar> oops
*** Darth_Wong is now known as MasterOfOssus
<DarkStar> WHO LIES
*** Spyderizer is now known as How_long_are_IRC_names_allowed
<DarkStar> C'mon, you mentally deficient toad
<DarkStar> let's GO OSSUS
<Anselm> "I shall strive to learn about these escapists fools fucking with my head! I am so aboue their humor!"
*** How_long_are_IRC_names_allowed is now known as nick
<DarkStar> I WIN AGAIN
*** 1: Erroneous nickname.
<MasterOfOssus> I wrote a rebuttal.
*** 2: Erroneous nickname.
<DarkStar> you lie again!
*** nick is now known as a
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
<DarkStar> that was NOTHING
<MasterOfOssus> WHich you SAID would be oh so easy to defeat, and HOW LONG have we been waiting on YOUR rebuttal?
<Subnormal> Hmmm the definition of fiction is objects that are real. Yes? Well than if it's not real and it's proven that its not real and your saying it really happened than every Sci Fi debater is lying, right?
<MasterOfOssus> That's what I thought. COncession Accepted.
*** Anselm is now known as Philosophy_is_dead
<DarkStar> Maybe if you had the intelligence of a rock
*** a is now known as Fred
<Subnormal> aren't*
<DarkStar> yuou would nkow that I wouldn't have to rebute
<DarkStar> for you use creationist tactics!
*** Fred is now known as Silence_numver_2
*** Silence_numver_2 is now known as crap
<DarkStar> and my theory is so simple compared to your's
*** crap is now known as Idiot_monkey
<MasterOfOssus> And you have your Wall of Ignorance, and will not retract no matter WHO proves you wrong!
<DarkStar> BAH
<DarkStar> I am NEVER wrong!
<DarkStar> it all comes together when you see it my way
*** MasterOfOssus is now known as GrahamKennedy
<Subnormal> 300 episodes
<Philosophy_is_dead> "I must spout semantics and rhetorical shit to make myself look smart! I will pretend hanging around in IRC is worthless unless I am actiling like i'm abouve the fools!"
*** Idiot_monkey is now known as Timothy_Jones
<GrahamKennedy> Lasers can't penetrate ST shields.
<DarkStar> I know!
<DarkStar> that's what I've been trying to tell them
<Timothy_Jones> damn straight
<Timothy_Jones> Star Wars humans are midgets
<Timothy_Jones> 1k in Star Wars is 1m in Star Trek
<Subnormal> lol
<GrahamKennedy> I have a big bad degree, so I know these things, and they are FACT.
<Timothy_Jones> I am more litteral then any warsie
<GrahamKennedy> I don't HAVE to prove it. I have a degree!
<DarkStar> I've already PROVEN everything!
<GrahamKennedy> ST ships also have PERFECT accuracy.
<Subnormal> hmm there is a lot of everything.
<Timothy_Jones> Your silence goes to prove how 8uncivilized* you all are
<DarkStar> Excuse me, the Troi cutout calls for me
<Timothy_Jones> We are the unholy trinity, phear us.
* DarkStar wanks
<Philosophy_is_dead> "Why don't these escapist fools know that they should wallow in teenage pseudointellecutal angst over BS they saw used as bad movie theme?"
<GrahamKennedy> Phasers will just rip through your puny ISDs like they are nothing.
*** Unknown command: WATCHES,
* Timothy_Jones watches while wanking
<Subnormal> hah I am suppose to have 15-20" of snow, I will be in my house forever,
* Subnormal sob
<Timothy_Jones> You get snow because you are an uncivilized warsie savage
* DarkStar hands Tim the tweezers to try for a bit
<Timothy_Jones> Thank you.
*** GrahamKennedy is now known as Dalton
<Dalton> Ok, FUQ time...
* Timothy_Jones *twick* *twick* *twick*
<Philosophy_is_dead> "I shall preach to you the True Sight! I know everything compared to my highschool gym class!"
<Subnormal> I run around in my lion skin toga.
<DarkStar> that wouldn't penetrate our navigational deflectors
* Subnormal starts to do Ewok dance with a golden rod.
<DarkStar> and it's immoral
<Timothy_Jones> It's uncivilized!
*** DarkStar is now known as DarkStarAFK
*** Dalton is now known as Ben_Ingram
<Ben_Ingram> I'm back from spamming some other board I don't care about!
<Philosophy_is_dead> "Why can they not see? True Sight comes from doing the same things everyone else does, but just doing it with lots of pessimism, self-loathing, and gooooood old angst! Wallow wallow wallow!!"
<Ben_Ingram> Warz winz!
*** Philosophy_is_dead is now known as Pavel
<Pavel> Hey candy baby, why you no like pavel's beefigoodness? lallallalalalal!!!
*** Timothy_Jones is now known as Dalton
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
<Pavel> I am best poster here! I know the ladies!
*** DarkStarAFK is now known as DarkStar
<DarkStar> Ladies?
<DarkStar> what are those?
<Pavel> Where is Aerius at noW? I sing her a song! lalalalalal!
*** Dalton is now known as Not_Spyder
*** Pavel is now known as ^^
* Subnormal pulls forth a Darth Vader action figure and a Captian Picard Doll and makes both toys do obsene things to each other including rough anal sex. Fuck Trek Fuck Wars Fuck myself. No wait that sounds like a good idea. Super lube here I come.
<^^> I am compelled to make circumsision joeks.
<DarkStar> ah, but you don't have the LIFESIZE WIL WHEATON DOLL!
*** ^^ is now known as Utsanomiko
*** Ben_Ingram is now known as ShAoLiN
<Subnormal> who the fuck is Wil WHeaton?
*** Utsanomiko is now known as Preacher
<DarkStar> only the BEST ACTOR ON THE PLANET
<Not_Spyder> I am the lifesize Will Wheaton.
<Subnormal> Oh?
<DarkStar> YES
<ShAoLiN> Hi, I'm a Fundie.
<Preacher> "I am still above you all! I have no hobbies! i sit in IRC all day and wallow!"
*** Not_Spyder is now known as Will_Wheaton
<DarkStar> WIL!
*** Exon (~notsaying@lsanca2-ar29-4-62-245-083.lsanca2.dsl-verizon.net) has joined channel #sdnet
<Preacher> Oi, exon.
<ShAoLiN> Atheists just don't want to admit to a higher power.
<DarkStar> typical creationist tactics
*** Preacher is now known as Philosophy_is_dead
<DarkStar> god can't penetrate the navigational deflectors
<Subnormal> Preacher are you referring to my idiocy, that was well defined many times in the past, im stupid I admit it.
*** ShAoLiN is now known as Timothy_Jones
<Will_Wheaton> Darkstar, your ass isgoing to explode from thermionic raditation! I must plug it immediately!
<DarkStar> heavenly light=laser=unable to touch ST ships
<Exon> whew, I almost thought it was the real shaolin :P
*** Timothy_Jones is now known as ShAoLiN
<Philosophy_is_dead> "What if the baby in the burning building was hitler? how are your morals then?"
<ShAoLiN> We're the same, really...
<DarkStar> yes, will
<DarkStar> plug it in!
<Philosophy_is_dead> "Maybe radiation is an example of natural evil?"
<Will_Wheaton> *bang*
<DarkStar> let me get your carboard cutout out, too
<DarkStar> OH YAH
*** ShAoLiN is now known as Graham_Kennedy
<Philosophy_is_dead> "what if we think about the idea of God? does that make god real?"
* Will_Wheaton gets his mack on with darkstar
<Will_Wheaton> Ok, I'm done
* DarkStar grovels at Wil's feet
<Subnormal> eow.
<Graham_Kennedy> Lasers do not concern me, Warsie.
<Exon> nukes are evil
<Exon> they kill people
<DarkStar> Star trek wins bcause they killed GOD
<Exon> and so is chi
<Subnormal> You forgot to use you Phaser dildo Wheaton.
<DarkStar> HAH
<DarkStar> PROOF
*** Graham_Kennedy is now known as JanewayDominatrix
<Philosophy_is_dead> "God allows evil, but he is still the idea greater than all other ideas."
<DarkStar> Janeway!
<JanewayDominatrix> I'm back, Darkie baby...
<DarkStar> punish me!
* DarkStar puts on gag and leash
<Subnormal> use your phaser dildo Darkstar
*** Unknown command: PUSHES
* JanewayDominatrix gets out her phaser and sets it to "fun"
<Exon> God didn't create evil, we did!
<Subnormal> lol
*** Philosophy_is_dead is now known as Utsanomiko
<Utsanomiko> Ok, i'm done with that.
<Exon> how dare you blame the almighty for our troubles?!?
* Will_Wheaton uses phaser dildo on darkstar
* JanewayDominatrix whips DarkStar into submission with her phaser
<Subnormal> too much dildaphaser action goin on
* DarkStar lies on floor, twitching
* JanewayDominatrix takes off the leather, slowly...
* Subnormal vomits in disqust. Then suddenly gets and erection. Ahhhh... Is that normal?
* Will_Wheaton mounts Janeway immediately like a dog and starts making little Will Wheatons
<DarkStar> MEE!
<DarkStar> NO!!!
* JanewayDominatrix outs her gateway to pleasure almost, but not quite, in reach of DarkStar's tongue, and begins teasing him
<JanewayDominatrix> *puts
* Will_Wheaton collapses back
<JanewayDominatrix> We need a Mary_Poppins in here!
* DarkStar strains to touch her transwarp gate of love
<Will_Wheaton> And, I'm spent
* Utsanomiko goes back to SuperFriends page! Like this! RARGH!!
* Will_Wheaton runs out of stamina
*** Subnormal is now known as Buck
<Exon> oh gosh...
* Will_Wheaton is unable to sustain an erection
*** Buck is now known as Buck_Futter
* JanewayDominatrix inches ever closer to DarkStar's tongue
<Exon> I wonder if I should post this
* DarkStar starts to choke self on leash
* JanewayDominatrix finally gives in, and goes ahead, Warp 9
* Buck_Futter I need to enjoy making love in the ass with Escapists.
* Utsanomiko dies
* DarkStar engages
* DarkStar makes it so
* JanewayDominatrix is straining her warp core
* Will_Wheaton drops out of warp and releases cargo prematurely.
* DarkStar causes warp core breach
<Utsanomiko> doesn't label "typing shit for fun" as escapism
* Utsanomiko is ashamed that he forgot to use an action command
* Buck_Futter knows this.
* JanewayDominatrix goes has a complete warp core meltdown
* Buck_Futter is a stupid moron, didn't you find that out already.
* DarkStar gets hit by debris right in the navigational deflector
* Utsanomiko knew that 5 seconds after he came in
* JanewayDominatrix goes into TransWarp on DarkStar's Enterprise
* Will_Wheaton parks anus over Janeway's face and gives her a Captain's log
* DarkStar asks for a supplimental
* Utsanomiko loves his accurate geshtalt
* Buck_Futter gets highly aroused by Captain's logs.
* JanewayDominatrix gives it to him, and more
<Utsanomiko> Soemone needs to save this.
*** Will_Wheaton is now known as Picard
* DarkStar begs Picard to make it so
* JanewayDominatrix orders Picard to strip, slowly
<Exon> I have all my crap logged
*** Buck_Futter is now known as Below_Me
* Picard takes a pound of viagra
*** JanewayDominatrix is now known as DrCrusher
* DarkStar comments on Picard's "bald head"
* Below_Me I love bald gay guys please Picard will you give me oral pleasure?
<DrCrusher> Captain, may I see that log again?
<DarkStar> I can make you see more than 4 lights, captian
* Picard sets a course for Darkstar's quantum singularity and engages
* Picard warp factor 9
* DarkStar prepares for warp strafe
*** DrCrusher is now known as Riker
* Riker follows the Captain in
* Below_Me wonders where the fuck is data I could use a positronic blowjob
* Picard dodges edies in the gravity field
* DarkStar launches photon torpedoes prematurely
* Picard plugs the hole in Darkstar's event horizon
* DarkStar begs for crack to be opened up with his phaser array
* Riker enters Picard's worm hole
* DarkStar services Riker's warp core
*** Riker is now known as Geordi
* Picard makes an observation about the position
* Picard Picard jetisons hiscore
<Geordi> Captain, the warp core is gonna blow because of the transphasic quantum singularity that is DarkStar
* Below_Me leaves a Supernova in his spandex thinking of pale monotone grones of Data
<DarkStar> I suggest you breach me
*** Geordi is now known as Berman
* Berman takes a shit, and out comes a new episode of Enterprise
*** Picard is now known as Braga
* DarkStar uses episode to prove that the Enterprise can beat a SSD
<Berman> Bow to us, oh loyal DarkStar
* Braga eats the shit, shits out the shit, and starts coming up with ideas for the next ST series
* DarkStar bows and licks boots
* Berman takes a major crap, and creates Star Trek 11: We Want More Money
* Berman takes a piss on the shit and creates an Enterprise/Voyager crossover
<Braga> Hey, let's make JAneway an Admiral!
* Below_Me refuses to fall into the trap of Bermanistic retardism, but slips in a milky pile of bermans shit and messes himself
<Braga> No, a space marshall!
<Berman> No! Federation President!
* DarkStar transfers matter into energy and forms a Voyager/Enterprise/Star Wars crossover
*** Berman is now known as George_Lucas
<Below_Me> No! lets make Janeway....GOD.
<DarkStar> God already died, though
<Braga> No, we've done it already
* George_Lucas makes names STar Wars Episode III: Attack of the 200GT Turbolasers
<Braga> Just kidding! Like that's ever stopped us before
<Below_Me> She can be an omnipotent being we could call her "J"
<George_Lucas> The SW2ICS is now CANNON! Eat shit and die, Trekkies!
* DarkStar explodes at episode III
* DarkStar notes that he dictates canon, not George Lucas
<Braga> My fans are smarter then yours
<DarkStar> and sexier
* Below_Me who wants to cum with me and escape, pulls penis pump and a revolver.
<Braga> I get to fuck Jeri Ryan
<DarkStar> I get to pretend I am
* George_Lucas pulls out the nude pictures of Amidala and Leia in the golden bikini
*** Below_Me is now known as Jar_Jar_Binks
<Braga> Hey, Amidala's not the only Pedo.
<Jar_Jar_Binks> Messa so fucking horny for anal sex witta da boss Nass
* DarkStar rewrites his canon policy to say that whatever Jar Jar says is absolutely correct
<George_Lucas> Ha! Your Enterprise is NOTHING compared to the crap I pulled with Jar Jar Binks!
* Exon has Jar Jar say that SW can beat ST
<Jar_Jar_Binks> I love you Georgie.
<Braga> We're bringing back Neelix and hte whole family in our next time travel episode
* Utsanomiko wonders if Below_me is simply role playing as himself...
* George_Lucas writes more love scenes for Anakin and Amidala in Episode III, and a Base Delta Zero sequence
<Exon> more nudity!
<Braga> The Enterprise will then be crewed entirely by Talaxians
*** Utsanomiko is now known as Anakin
* Jar_Jar_Binks wonders whether Jar Jar will get laid in EP III
* DarkStar writes it off as a subspace anolomy
<Anakin> You're not like sand.
<Anakin> you're smooth, and fuckable.
* George_Lucas throws continuity out the window, and rewrites Obi Wan as Luke's father in Episode III
*** Braga is now known as Obi-Wan
*** DarkStar is now known as Amidala
<Amidala> I hate you ani
<Anakin> I've had sexual fantasies of you since I was 9.
<Amidala> I love you ani
<Amidala> I hate you ani
<Amidala> I love you ani
<Obi-Wan> Oh Anakin, I thought you'd never say it!
<Exon> ...
<Amidala> Hey, this is a nice corset to wear
* George_Lucas takes a crap, and gives out more pick up lines to Anikan
<Anakin> I'm fucking pissed like a teenager! I'm going to kill 30 sand people!
*** George_Lucas is now known as QuiGon_Jinn
* Amidala forgives Anikin
<Exon> you forgot the children
<Anakin> Sand people are like asnd! they're rough and they get everywhere!
<QuiGon_Jinn> Damn Lucas, I only got ONE line in Episode II!
<Obi-Wan> Oh no you're not, go finish your training biatch.
<Anakin> And the women!
<Obi-Wan> women are people
<Amidala> That's horrible Anikin...wait, it's not
<QuiGon_Jinn> Obi Wan, look who much you screwed up!
* Jar_Jar_Binks wishes he had more lines, but with everything being canon Wong cut the film down before it could be released.
<Anakin> and the children!
<Obi-Wan> Despite what Raycav says
<Anakin> I am angry and sad!
<Anakin> LOL
<Obi-Wan> Hey, FUCK YOU Qui Gon
<Exon> "Mesa nominate Senator Palpetine for emergency powers!"
<Amidala> I am unemotional
<Amidala> and bland
<Obi-Wan> At least I'm not dead
<Anakin> I love her
<QuiGon_Jinn> YOU were supposed to get Amidala, not that pissant Anikan!
<Anakin> She isan't like sand.
<Amidala> I change my mind every 1.3 seconds
<QuiGon_Jinn> Oh yeah? Just wait until Episode IV, asshole.
<Amidala> Anikin is going through a genocidal phase
<Anakin> I stick on one thing for 10 years.
<Obi-Wan> What the fuck was I supposed to do with her? Jedi are forbiddon to fuck.
<Amidala> I might mysteriously appear in ROTJ
<QuiGon_Jinn> No, just to LOVE!
<Anakin> No you wont.
<Obi-Wan> Oh, that makes sense
<Amidala> fine
<Anakin> I want to be a sith so I can fuck her.
<Amidala> I wear unnecessarly tight clothing
<QuiGon_Jinn> You can fuck, but no relationship crap.
<QuiGon_Jinn> Weren't you paying attention?
<Anakin> Ah, so we're a free love hippie kinda monastic order.
<Amidala> sounds good to me
*** Amidala is now known as Yoda
<QuiGon_Jinn> What do you think me and Shmi were doing at night?
*** Anakin is now known as psyburn
<Yoda> Sex you must do not
<psyburn> you dont have any evidence I hate you all.
*** Exon is now known as Mace
<QuiGon_Jinn> Fuck you, Yoda. You don't die for another three movies. I have already seen the light.
*** Mace is now known as Mace_Windu
<psyburn> why do I ask questions w/o question marks.
*** Obi-Wan is now known as Windu
*** QuiGon_Jinn is now known as BobaFett
<Mace_Windu> don't steal my name motherfucker
<Yoda> QuiGon a being of light become you not
* BobaFett is SOOOOO gonna kill Windu in Episdoe III
<Windu> Fuck you motherfucker
<psyburn> I say D has to be really fast. Let me make an anime vs SW thread an not provide any eveidence.
<Windu> I'll take whatever motherfuckin' name I want
*** BobaFett is now known as Shaft
*** Jar_Jar_Binks is now known as Count_Dooku
<Shaft> Ok, motherfuckers, I got LEATHER.
<Yoda> Dooku escape not you will
*** Windu is now known as Bob_Saget
<psyburn> Windu vs Chim Chim from speed racer. Chim Chim wins, waht do you say.
<Bob_Saget> Did someone say leather!?
<Count_Dooku> I know for I am not an escapist.
<Yoda> Jump around and groan, I will
*** Bob_Saget is now known as Anikin
*** Shaft is now known as Darth_Sidious
*** Mace_Windu is now known as Boba_Fett
<psyburn> bob are you still hostin AFHV.
<Anikin> I want my arm back!
<Yoda> impaitent are you
<Darth_Sidious> I am NOT Palpantine, you dumbasses!
<psyburn> casue that would be pathertic, like these people who dont accept my non-arguments
<anarchistbunny> jesus not this again
<Yoda> believe you I do
<Anikin> You smell like him
<Anikin> You look like him
<Darth_Sidious> Now where are my Death Star plans so I can shit over KJA's trilogy?
<Boba_Fett> NOOO!! you cut my daddy's head off!
<Yoda> therefore, be him he must not
<Anikin> ]You have the same name as him in the other movies
*** Anikin is now known as MacE_Windu
<Count_Dooku> Master when shall I die?
<MacE_Windu> Sorry, here you go
<Yoda> movie third
<Darth_Sidious> In Epsiode III, of course.
* MacE_Windu hands Boba his father's head
<Yoda> nasty that is
* Boba_Fett cries and vows to get revenge
*** MacE_Windu is now known as Mace_Windu
<Yoda> emotional trama cause him you will
<Mace_Windu> The boy will learn strength
<psyburn> Menchi from Excel Saga beats Anarchistbunny, what do you say.
* Boba_Fett jumps into the slave and throws those huge-ass explosives around
*** Darth_Sidious is now known as Luke_Skywalker
<Luke_Skywalker> HA! I outlast ALL you motherfuckers!
*** Mace_Windu is now known as Leia
<Yoda> whine you do
<psyburn> (oh wait, he does use that minigun in that one episode. Psyburn isn't that clever)
*** Count_Dooku is now known as Leia_in_Bikini
<Yoda> hand lose you will
<Leia> You asshole!
*** Boba_Fett is now known as Jaina_Solo
*** Raxmei (trilluser@ACC0CFDF.ipt.aol.com) has joined channel #sdnet
* Luke_Skywalker makes out with his sister again
<Jaina_Solo> Uncle luke... Don't you want me? ;)
* Leia_in_Bikini starts to give luke a lapdance
<Leia> You could have told me that I was your sister *prior* to... the other night
<psyburn> Um, Haro from gundam beats Anarchistbunny, what do you say.
*** anarchistbunny is now known as Chewbacca
* Luke_Skywalker gets Leia_In_Bikini up the ass
*** Leia is now known as Han_Solo
*** Yoda is now known as C-3P0
* Chewbacca dies pointlessly.
*** Chewbacca is now known as Anakin_Solo
*** Luke_Skywalker is now known as R2D2
<R2D2> Beep!
<C-3P0> I am versed in 183 different sexual manuvers
<Raxmei> lovely
<C-3P0> perhaps I can help you, Master Luke
* Anakin_Solo dies pointlessly as well, just making Chewies death all the more pointless.
*** R2D2 is now known as Wedge_Antilles
*** Jaina_Solo is now known as AnakinSolo
<AnakinSolo> hmf
<Han_Solo> Hey kid, leave your sister alone and let the grownups have a go, huh?
* Leia_in_Bikini plays with R2s detachments.
*** AnakinSolo is now known as Darth_Vader
<Wedge_Antilles> And I am THE only minor character to still be here! Booyah!
*** Anakin_Solo is now known as anarchistbunny
<psyburn> Ein from Coyboy Beebop moves much faster and is stronger than Chewbacca.
<anarchistbunny> I wouldn't call you minor
<C-3P0> Mistress Leia, I know the Alderaanian Death Hump quite well
* Darth_Vader force chokes Solo
*** Han_Solo is now known as Jabba
*** Leia_in_Bikini is now known as Wicket
*** Wedge_Antilles is now known as Corran_Horn
<anarchistbunny> you did survive against both death stars, helped destroy the 2nd on, and the battle of hoth
<Corran_Horn> Yeah, look at me, I'm a Jedi.
*** C-3P0 is now known as RandomJawa
<Jabba> Solo...nowanti ardanat, sootag
<RandomJawa> ENTEDE!
*** Darth_Vader is now known as Thrawn
*** RandomJawa is now known as Bib
<psyburn> you provide no evidence. concede to my point.
*** Corran_Horn is now known as Greedo
*** anarchistbunny is now known as Darth_Bob
*** psyburn is now known as Utsanomiko
<Jabba> no' gad ish u, naarg!
<Bib> Jabba says that he wishes to fondle your naughty naughty
* Greedo shot first. Deal with it!
* Thrawn defeats the Rebel Alliance with nothing but an Tie fighter
* Darth_Bob crashes into the Mellenium Falcon.
<Wicket> Yubb Yubb
*** Utsanomiko is now known as Paploo
* Darth_Bob crashes into Thrawns TIE fighter
*** Bib is now known as Mara
<Mara> NO!
*** Greedo is now known as Callista
<Paploo> dooka dooka doo doo, dooka dooka doot doot doot...
<Jabba> see'n ig a. Mono la ti yono, bwa ha ha ha
<Mara> He loves me more, skank
<Callista> Look, I'm a slut!
<Mara> Jabba, that's illegal!
<Mara> I'm MORE slutty!
* Thrawn shoots a bunch of cloaked asteroids at Tattooie
*** Raxmei has left #sdnet
*** Darth_Bob is now known as Numberless
*** Paploo is now known as Random_Jawa
<Mara> I use the force for "unndercover operations"
<Thrawn> (LOL)
<Mara> you left in a KJA novel!
<Numberless> master jabba says "We shall, oh whoops, I just craped myself"
*** Jabba is now known as Dak
<Callista> I came back and ditched his ass in Planet of Twilight!
<Random_Jawa> U'tinni!
<Dak> Woohoo, I get to live for two minutes!
<Callista> So I could go make love to Dalaa
<Mara> I had his child!
*** Mara is now known as Daala
<Numberless> The Jawa says "So did I"
<Random_Jawa> She's gonna blow!!!
*** Thrawn is now known as Tarkin
<Wicket> I have the best aim in the galaxy I can actually hit the broad side of a barn, can you believe it.
<Daala> Tarkin
*** Dak is now known as Rancor
*** Random_Jawa is now known as Ewok
* Tarkin fucks Daala then promotes her to Admiral
<Rancor> Ra
<Daala> lets have sex so I can go lose 4 star destoyers
<Rancor> Raa
<Ewok> That guy's wise!
<Rancor> Raa
<Ewok> More than I'm short!
<Rancor> Raa
* Callista fucks Dalaa after she loses twice and gives up now that KJA isn't here to save her
<Numberless> The rancor says "roar"
<Daala> STOP IT!
<Rancor> Wheeeee
<Numberless> oh shit
<Daala> WAAAAA
<Daala> WAAAAA
<Rancor> Raa
<Daala> WAAAA
*** Ewok is now known as Random_Jawa
<Rancor> Raaaaaaa
*** Numberless is now known as numberless_translation_droid
*** Callista is now known as C-3PO
<Random_Jawa> Here comes the window cleaner!!
* Rancor eats C-3P0
<C-3PO> Bow to me, Wicket!
* Rancor eats Daala
*** Daala is now known as Bigger
<numberless_translation_droid> Yeah, Threepio? Well to the humans you just Artoo's fluffer.
*** Tarkin is now known as Chewie
* Rancor eats Random_JAwa
*** Bigger is now known as BiggerRancor
* Rancor eats Wicket
*** Random_Jawa is now known as Biggest_Rancor
<Biggest_Rancor> ROARHG!!!
*** numberless_translation_droid is now known as Cher
*** BiggerRancor is now known as WookieDeathMoon
* Rancor has a shit and eats Wicket again
*** Biggest_Rancor is now known as Sonny
*** C-3PO is now known as HotSlaveGirlThatDidntDie
* Cher eats biggest_rancor.
<Sonny> I got you babe.
*** HotSlaveGirlThatDidntDie is now known as Green_Jedi_In_A_Bikini
<Sonny> *smack*
*** WookieDeathMoon is now known as Cats
<Cats> All your base are belong to us
<Green_Jedi_In_A_Bikini> I have no lines, but DAMN I look good!
*** Rancor is now known as Maddona
*** Sonny is now known as Wookie_in_a_biscuit
<Maddona> Ooo
* Cats belongs base
*** Maddona is now known as Micheal_Jackson
* Cats set up us the bomb
*** Green_Jedi_In_A_Bikini is now known as Celine_Dion
<Celine_Dion> My heart will go on!
<Wookie_in_a_biscuit> Move, Zig!
<Micheal_Jackson> Has anyone seen those delightful little children around?
<Cats> go on to canada, dion
*** Wookie_in_a_biscuit is now known as Electric_Boogaloo
*** Celine_Dion is now known as Bill_Gates
* Electric_Boogaloo stis on the table and makes obscene grunting noises.
*** Signoff: Cher (No route to host)
<Bill_Gates> Hahaha! I just bought all of you with the cash I use for tiolet paper!
*** Wicket is now known as Alex_Trebek
*** Bill_Gates is now known as Regis
<Micheal_Jackson> It don't matter if your black or white!
*** Chewie is now known as DarthVader
*** An-Bun|making_a_phone_call (anarchistb@sa5399-114-39.stic.net) has joined channel #sdnet
<Micheal_Jackson> As long as you're white
<Regis> Is that your FINAL answer, Trebek?
<Alex_Trebek> Ok ladies and Gentlemen lets begin Celebrity Jeobardy,
*** An-Bun|making_a_phone_call is now known as Connery
*** Cats is now known as Sean
<Sean> NO!
<Micheal_Jackson> Ooh, do continue
*** Connery is now known as Burt_Rennalds
<DarthVader> I'm a fundie. You guys lack faith, so I'm going to choke you to death
<Alex_Trebek> Todays contestants Micheal Jackson, Burt Reynolds and Sean Connery
*** Regis is now known as Sean_Connery
*** Sean is now known as BurtReynolds
*** Burt_Rennalds is now known as Turd_Furgeson
* Micheal_Jackson moonwalks over to vader and starts making kissy faces
<BurtReynolds> That's my funny hat, turd
<Sean_Connery> I get more chicks now than either of them, and I'm old! Losers.
* DarthVader pulls out his lightsaber and slices all of Michael's skin off
*** Turd_Furgeson is now known as Ozzy
<Micheal_Jackson> I get plenty of chicks
<Micheal_Jackson> Some of them are even over 12
*** Sean_Connery is now known as Kelly_Osborne
<BurtReynolds> except they're boys
* DarthVader reminds Jackson most are under 12
<Kelly_Osborne> Oh ^$%*##%*#^@*($^#
*** BurtReynolds is now known as Sharon_Osborne
<Sharon_Osborne> OZZY
<Ozzy> I'l taak my bbjelkie borsate for a grand tabik
<Sharon_Osborne> YOU *!#@% THE @#%(@$^ @$* @$#*!#$
* Kelly_Osborne changes her hair color
* Sharon_Osborne gets cancer
* Micheal_Jackson asks Kelly how old she is
<Alex_Trebek> Ok todays categories are Potent Potables, Us History, Words that rhyme with "ARRWARS". Sharon you have the selection.
* Kelly_Osborne acts like a goddamn preppy idiot at the MTV Awards
<Sharon_Osborne> ARRWARS FOR !Y#*@$*@$* !*!#$
*** DarthVader is now known as Avril
<Avril> I am not a poser!
<Kelly_Osborne> F*&* YOU, YOU ^*&%*%%*(%$ Trebek!
<Micheal_Jackson> You're a little old for me dear
<Alex_Trebek> Oh my.
<Sharon_Osborne> SHUT THE *#*! !#* !#* KELLY!
<Micheal_Jackson> Please continue with the jepordy
<Kelly_Osborne> IT WAS MY ^%*&%**%&%((^ TURN YOU $%#*$^$(!!!
<Avril> I am not a poser! Stop calling me a poser!
<Sharon_Osborne> YOU #!** @$*!$* KNOW IT WAS *@#( MY @*@$**%# TURN!
*** Kelly_Osborne is now known as Mr_Rogers
<Ozzy> Trabik, I'll tak where' my *(#)in' pants* for 18 odllars
<Mr_Rogers> It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...can't we all be friends?
*** Avril is now known as Barney
<Sharon_Osborne> OZZY I ALREADY PICKED (@*( @)@%)@% TOPIC!
* Mr_Rogers changes his sweater
<Barney> I love you, you love me, we're one big happy family...
<Micheal_Jackson> Barney! Where are all the children?
* Ozzy bites Barney's head off.
<Alex_Trebek> Mr. Osborne you are wearing your pants.
<Barney> Ohohohoh!
*** Mr_Rogers is now known as Bert
<Bert> No, me and Ernie are NOT gay!
*** Sharon_Osborne is now known as Ernie
<Ernie> I know!
* Ernie hugs Bert
<Bert> We just live together!
*** Barney is now known as Osama
<Bert> And eat together!
<Ernie> for 20 years!
<Bert> And take showers together!
<Alex_Trebek> Ok lets just go on to Final Jeopardy as this is going to hell fast
<Osama> Bart is in league with me!
*** Micheal_Jackson is now known as Saddam
*** Bert is now known as Arafat
*** Ernie is now known as Sharon
<Arafat> I do not support terrorists.
<Osama> Damn it, I wanted to be in the axis of evil!
<Sharon> Yes you do
* Sharon sets fire to Palestinian children
<Alex_Trebek> The Answer is Write a word, any word, any word at all you cant be wrong. Just write a word.
*** Osama is now known as NorthKorea
<Sharon> quip-noxite
<Sharon> I win!
<Saddam> Osama, you are an Islamic fundie. You'll die along with the Americans!
<Arafat> Do not! That suicide bomber about to blow up your bus station is in NO WAY related to me!
* Ozzy writes his answer
<NorthKorea> I am going to nuke US even though my missiles cannot reach it
<Saddam> Got Anthrax?
<Alex_Trebek> Ok lets see what Osama has as his answer
*** Arafat is now known as Lybia
<Lybia> Fuck, how come no one pays attention to US anymore?
* Sharon nukes West Bank, Baghdad, and Mecca
* NorthKorea nukes Japan and China
<Lybia> We're bad!
*** NorthKorea is now known as SaudiArabia
*** Lybia is now known as Kuwait
* SaudiArabia does not support terrorism, we're simply their recruiting spot
* Saddam gives Sharon the clap
*** Sharon is now known as Kurds
*** SaudiArabia is now known as Iraq
* Kurds take over northern Iraq
<Kuwait> We support America only because Iraq qould assrape is in a war.
*** Saddam is now known as China
<Alex_Trebek> quickly pulls forth a 12 gauge pump action shotgun I hate Celebrities. Pulls trigger.
* Iraq invades Kuwait after they slant-drill into our territory
* Ozzy shows his answer, A picture of turd with wings flying through a marijuanna plant
* Kurds invades Iraq
*** Kuwait is now known as America
* Kurds invade Turkey
* Iraq unleashes nerve gas on Kurds
<China> Battol masta tank, roporting for duteh!
*** Iraq is now known as Germany
* America bombs the shit of Iraq
* Germany refuses to help Tukey
<Germany> *Turkey
* Kurds die
<America> We WERE justified, you pansy ass French!
*** Kurds is now known as Turkey
*** Alex_Trebek is now known as Kurd_Furgeson
<Ozzy> were supoes to right a word? I DIDN"T KNOW!!
* China Iddiate's America's Eastern seaboard
* Turkey attacks Kerds and Armenia for the heck of it
<China> *Iradiates
<Kurd_Furgeson> I have gas
*** Germany is now known as France
* Ozzy North_Korea
* France protests loudly
*** America is now known as Uzbekistan
*** Ozzy is now known as North_Korea
* China bombs the shit out of France
* Electric_Boogaloo morphs into something else
* North_Korea quickly builds nukes while the world is distracted.
<Uzbekistan> Hey, look, we're still here!
* China liberates France from capitalist opressors
* France laughs when the missiles fall short and land in Germany
*** Turkey is now known as Luxembourg
* Luxembourg conquers France
*** Electric_Boogaloo is now known as Walrus_with_Facist_Agenda
*** Uzbekistan is now known as Britain
*** France is now known as UnitedStates
<China> Workers Unite!
*** Luxembourg is now known as Tibetans
* UnitedStates mounts Britain and starts jumping away
<Britain> We support the USA because they saved our ass in WWII!
*** Kurd_Furgeson is now known as fart
<China> We are all united under the star of communism!
* Tibetans sets fire to self
*** Walrus_with_Facist_Agenda is now known as Utsanomiko
<Utsanomiko> Ok, I'm done now
* UnitedStates invades China with its Coast Guard
*** Britain is now known as South_Korea
* fart smells something.
* China deploys troops in Britain
* South_Korea asks the US to please send more troops
*** Tibetans is now known as Taiwan
* UnitedStates obliges and takes over the Korean Pennisuka
<UnitedStates> Pennisula
* China deploys the million man army in New York and Boston
*** fart is now known as Carrot_Top
* China owns New York
* Taiwan invades Carrot Top
<Carrot_Top> Dial C A L L A T T
* China communism spreads to Washington state
* UnitedStates has its NYPD kick China's army's ass
<Carrot_Top> 1 800
*** Taiwan is now known as MrT
*** South_Korea is now known as New_York_National_Guard
*** UnitedStates is now known as OneDollarMan
* MrT throws China hellava far
* New_York_National_Guard assrapes the Chinese forces
* Carrot_Top is an annoying asshole
<OneDollarMan> For only one dollar, you can get 20 minutes!
* Carrot_Top hangs himself with phone chord.
* China 's counter attack levels Washington
* MrT conquers China without killing anyone despite spraying them with machine gun fire
*** OneDollarMan is now known as Batmobile
*** New_York_National_Guard is now known as GI_Joe
* China advances west
*** North_Korea is now known as Juste_Belmount
*** MrT is now known as Russia
* China advances North
* Russia collapses
* China advances South
* Batmobile drives into Palestine and bulldozes all the buildings
* Russia nukes self
* GI_Joe defeats the entire Chinese Military without killing a single person
* Batmobile SuitcaseNuke
*** Carrot_Top is now known as Anarchy
*** Batmobile is now known as SuitcaseNuke
* Anarchy takes over the world
* Russia finds Cossacks to stem the chinese advance
*** GI_Joe is now known as Switzerland
* Juste_Belmount jumps behind GI_Joe and whips him in the head.
* SuitcaseNuke detonates and blows up the whole world. Never mind the >1kt yield.
* China 's men can't keep their wangs in the hanger. Military population is replenished in seconds
* Switzerland takes over the world, because NOBODY expected us!
*** SuitcaseNuke is now known as Canada
<China> That wouldn't be so bad
* Canada declares neutrality
<China> All women now blond with big tits...
* China invades Canada
* Russia enlists entire population and invades China in one move
*** Switzerland is now known as Somalia
* Canada cries to the US for help
* China invades Mexico
* Somalia invavades Canada and France successfully
*** Anarchy is now known as US_Rangers
* China Invades Cuba, even though their socialist
* US_Rangers invades somalia
* Russia tosses a nuke at Somalia but it misses and hits Mexico
*** Canada is now known as Argentia
* Somalia kiss 18 US_Rangers and watches them get withdrawn
* Argentia claims the Falklands
<Somalia> *kills
*** Juste_Belmount is now known as Black_Ops_Agent
* Russia claims Alaska
*** Somalia is now known as Britain
* US_Rangers lose a few helos
*** China is now known as Chinese
*** Argentia is now known as SeawolfSubmarine
* Britain beats Argentina after losing some ships
* Chinese army invades US rangers
* Russia accidentally kills all of the Mongols on way to China
* Black_Ops_Agent kills fifty US_Rangers, then gets utter fucked over by Col. Sheppard
* Chinese nukes destroy three quarters of the Earth's surface
* SeawolfSubmarine goes at 48 knots and fires a nuclear torpedo at the Chinese Navy
*** US_Rangers is now known as V
* Russia uses nukes to take out the final fourth
*** V is now known as V_Ger
*** Black_Ops_Agent is now known as Dalton
*** Russia is now known as Soviet
* SeawolfSubmarine is under the ocean and oblivious to the destruction
*** Soviet is now known as USSR
*** Britain is now known as JFK
*** Chinese is now known as Spyderizer
* JFK rises from the dead and takes over the world
*** Raxmei (trilluser@ACC0CFDF.ipt.aol.com) has joined channel #sdnet
*** Dalton is now known as STOPTHEFUCKINGMADNESS
* USSR uses Soviet coolness to invade Europe up to Spain
*** V_Ger is now known as Abe_Lincoln
*** SeawolfSubmarine is now known as Exon
<Exon> hehe
* JFK assrapes the USSR
*** Spyderizer is now known as STOP
* USSR hires Osweld to kill JFK
<Abe_Lincoln> Four Scores and seven whores ago
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

I was Adarx, DarkStar, WingZero, Amidala, and Yoda to name a few. :)
"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me...God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist." -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov

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Post by RogueIce »

Ah, good times, good times... :D

I love this chat!
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
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Post by RogueIce »

StarshipTitanic wrote:I was Adarx, DarkStar, WingZero, Amidala, and Yoda to name a few. :)
I was Janeway, JanewayDominatrix, Graham_Kennedy, and some others.

Basically, you may thank me for some of the more disturbing parts of that. :twisted:
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by ArmorPierce »

God damn I wish that I could join the madness
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To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Yet another maddening session fueled by RogueIce and Some Random IRC Person. :roll:
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Post by RogueIce »

Darth Utsanomiko wrote:Yet another maddening session fueled by RogueIce and Some Random IRC Person. :roll:
I do my best... :)
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Subnormal »

Im not funny im annoying. *cries* Why can't I be funnier, I am so stupid, stupid, stupid. *Slams head in vice* stupid, stupid, stupid. *slowly tightens vice* Stupid, stupid, stupid. *head explodes*. Ahhhh, I am freed.
The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.
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Post by Raxmei »

is this still going on?
I prepared Explosive Runes today.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Utsanomiko, are you like, in every that there?
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by kojikun »

people like you shouldnt communicate in realtime because you end up posting conversations that take nearly as much time to read as it takes to watch a lord of the rings movie.
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Post by Spyder »

I think so...
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Post by Mr Bean »

Yet another point to those folks who belive that IRC induces negative IQ's to those who use it :P

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Post by Utsanomiko »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Utsanomiko, are you like, in every that there?
That them there what? Hog ug bra? :P

I wasn't doing much participation, besides the obligatory Angsty Teen Pseudo-philosphical BS mockery. :wink:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »


*Every CHAT, I meant.

I believe in a sign of Zeta.

[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]

"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
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Post by jegs2 »

Why do you people waste your time talking to Darkstar? Talking with a tree would prove a more fruitful use of one's time...
John 3:16-18
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Post by RogueIce »

jegs2 wrote:Why do you people waste your time talking to Darkstar? Talking with a tree would prove a more fruitful use of one's time...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That wasn't DarkStar! Read it more carefully. :D
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by jegs2 »

RogueIce wrote:
jegs2 wrote:Why do you people waste your time talking to Darkstar? Talking with a tree would prove a more fruitful use of one's time...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That wasn't DarkStar! Read it more carefully. :D
AAAgh, it's too long, so apparently I missed something. I honed in on the quotes attributed to Darkstar, and they seem to reflect his style (and unwavering belief that he is permanantly in the right). Later in the dialouge, I see that we have folks like Osama and Alex, so it's obviously a joke -- imagine my shame. However, my claim about Darkstar yet stands...
John 3:16-18
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:DAMN IT!!

*Every CHAT, I meant.

No, there was a really weird one yesterday that I wasn't in.
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Post by RogueIce »

jegs2 wrote:I honed in on the quotes attributed to Darkstar, and they seem to reflect his style (and unwavering belief that he is permanantly in the right).
That was our intent. Thanks for the compliment! :D
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

RogueIce wrote:
jegs2 wrote:I honed in on the quotes attributed to Darkstar, and they seem to reflect his style (and unwavering belief that he is permanantly in the right).
That was our intent. Thanks for the compliment! :D
Ditto! :D
"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me...God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist." -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Wow. I don't think I'd have the time or endurance for such a long and crazy chat session.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Heh, the conversation gets weird towards the end.
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by aerius »

The latest session was introduced to Janeway Porn, Wesley Crusher porn, and Cthulhu porn, quite fun if I say so myself, though some minds were needlessly sullied in the proccess.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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