Havok wrote:I'm sorry? Are you saying that Valorum did take the Jedi's findings to the Senate and used it as proof? Because it seems to be a pretty large cog in your retard machine, that he did not. Are you saying that he did back Padme and the Naboo? Because he did not.
No. This is so tiresome, so let me just give you a simple chart so we can get on the same page here. Hopefully, it's not too high above your reading level.
You have a dying relative : You have an attacked planet.
The relative can't afford medical care because insurance companies keep increasing prices : The planet can't protect itself from the attackers.
You support Obama because he promised to provide free health care You are told the Chancellor will support you, and he sends ambassadors to fix the situation.
He reneges on his promise and makes an underhanded deal with insurance companies :
???????? (No analagous event here!)
You plead your case to Obama. You go before the Senate, again with the hope of help.
He says he'll appoint a commission to see if your relative is really dying. He says he'll appoint a commission to see if your planet really was attached.
critical point in Elfdart's analogy (point 4) has no analagous complement in the actual movie. Valorum never makes any underhanded deals with the Trade Federation (that we know about) and he never reneges on anything; he just asks the Queen if she would agree to allow a commission to be sent. Which, frankly, is totally reasonable given that he has two conflicting claims from different Senators, and the Queen (inexplicably) fails to provide any evidence to back up her claim (even though she has lots of it) when challenged by the Trade Federation Senator. But then, you already know that because I've said it 2000 times already in this thread.
Havok wrote:I like how you ignore the point that has been made that Amidala was given NO CHANCE to give evidence, but lets continue.
At any point during the Senate proceedings she could have presented evidence. She could have presented evidence when Valorum asked her if she would be willing to allow a commission to investigate the claim. Instead she just flipped out.
Havok wrote:Point 6 isn't there to illustrate that the system is broken retard. It is there to highlight Valorum's complete ineffectiveness as Chancellor, and that he is a puppet to corporate interests. I mean, he called the special session of the Senate just to hear Amidala's case and he couldn't maintain control of it for more than a few minutes. I really can't understand how you are not getting this. Lucas fucking beats you over the head with it.
For the millionth time here, there was nothing unreasonable about Valorum asking the Queen if she would wait for a commission to be sent, in light of the fact that...oh fuck it, I'm just going to copy/paste: He has two conflicting claims from different Senators, and the Queen (inexplicably) fails to provide any evidence to back up her claim (even though she has lots of it) when challenged by the Trade Federation Senator. But then, you already know that because I've said it 2000 times already in this thread.
See, this is why I snip some of your points, because most of them are refutable using the same constantly-repeated argument you continuously fail to address.
Havok wrote:Oh for fucks sake... speaking of repetitive... since you have said it for the umpteenth time... OK listen up dumbass, since you didn't actually watch the movie, R2 was locked in the cargo hold of the Queen's ship, TURNED OFF, for the entirety of the invasion up until the time Jar Jar says 'hi' to him and then the shields were brought down. So what evidence would he have presented? Illuminating evidence of the ambient lighting in the Queen's ship? The ships flight recorder would have recorded... the ship leaving Naboo and flying through a blockade that the Senate already knew was there. How does that help? Oh right they landed on Tattooine... that should help their case.
Finally, a new argument. Unfortunately, it's just further indication that you never watched the actual movie. R2-D2 was active for most of the blockade run scene; he even went out into space to fix the ship. So he
saw the Trade Federation Armada blatantly open fire, repeatedly, on the Queen's ship. The flight-recorder would presumably also record that. So between R2 and the ship's computer, the Queen has two sources of objective, forensic evidence which show
the Trade Federation blatantly trying to kill a head-of-state.
Do you need me to put some more bold tags around that so you understand the point?
Havok wrote:The Jedi, as I already pointed out are a completely biased, and possibly inadmissible, source of evidence, as they were secretly sent there and then proceeded to help one side of the conflict and not actually mediate the dispute. Not to mention that their testimony is complete hearsay. But go ahead and just keep ignoring that point.
The Jedi were sent as peaceful ambassadors to settle the conflict. The Trade Federation then brazenly tried to murder them. This makes them biased how? Are you saying victims of attempted murder can't be used as witnesses now?
Havok wrote:And again, what the movie does show us is that when Amidala is trying to present her case, she is immediately interrupted by the TF who then calls for a commission to be sent, which gets seconded, which Valorum, for a split second tries to argue against, until, just like Palpatine said would happen, he folds and agrees to the commission. We don't know what case she was going to present because she went straight to the NC vote instead of going through actions that she knew were going to waste her time and cause more deaths on her planet.
Of course we don't know what she would have done, because the movie doesn't show it. That's the point. Regardless, she had a perfect opportunity to present her case after Valorum asked her if she would allow a commission to be sent to Naboo. She could have just said "There's no need Chancellor. Just plug in this little droid into the projector and witness how these assholes tried to kill me."
Havok wrote:And what about the point that the evidence could have simply been doctored by a completely biased source. Are you just going to keep ignoring that point to?
You keep missing the point. Video footage can be doctored even today, but that doesn't prevent it from being used as evidence in court. Really, you have no idea whether or not this evidence would have helped the Queen because
she never even tries to present it, even though any sane individual in her position would immediately present the evidence. Seriously, if you witnessed a murder and happened to record it on your cell-phone, would you say: "Well, this video is useless, because it could have been doctored. I'll just delete it."
Havok wrote:Are you really saying that the TF, that has illegally and openly blockaded a planet, wouldn't dispute any evidence presented? Are you really this naive? Corporations dispute objective, forensic evidence every fucking day here on Earth, why would a corporation with a seat in the Galactic Senate not dispute it? You are a fucking idiot.
It doesn't matter whether or not they would try to dispute it. The point is, any sane individual would at least
present the evidence in the first place. The Queen doesn't even do that. Also, you keep exaggerating the Trade Federation's influence over the Senate. The Senate easily sided with the Queen in the actual movie, demonstrating that they had a lot of sympathy for her. So don't give me this bullshit that flight-recorder evidence/Jedi testimony would have been useless.
Havok wrote:Channel72 wrote:What the fuck don't you understand about making an impression on the audience. In a movie, you can't just say that something bad is happening; you have to show it or the audience doesn't feel any emotional reaction. This is basic Hollywood 101 that just about every decent movie follows, but for some reason you're letting Phantom Menace get a free pass on this? It's a good thing Lord of the Rings wasn't written like Phantom Menace, otherwise we'd never see Sauron's armies burning down villages and terrorizing people. We'd just hear about it in dialogue. Yeah, that would be awesome.
Man, you are a goal post moving mother fucker. So which is it? Because you have been saying that they aren't even saying bad things are happening and now that I point out that, yes, they are, you are saying, 'well, they have to show it!'
Wrong, asshole. The goalposts are right where they've always been. I've consistently said that Phantom Menace needs to
show actual suffering for us to have any emotional reaction or sense of urgency over the invasion. Quote me saying that dialogue alone would suffice.
Havok wrote:Channel72 wrote:The point is, regardless of the outcome of any of the action sequences on Naboo, the Trade Federation occupation would have ended either by Senatorial decree, military force, or Sidious simply telling them to leave.
Yeah, no shit. That is the point of Palpatine's plot. No matter what happens, he becomes Chancellor and wins. The Phantom Menace and all that, only, as you like to keep forgetting, WE know that, NOT the characters.
Then I don't know what you're even arguing with me about. My only point is that this makes the action sequences at the end completely boring, because their outcome is ultimately inconsequential.
Havok wrote:You are also missing the point of why it is urgent. 'The death toll is catastrophic!' remember that little part about how the Naboo are being killed? Waiting for a Senatorial decree, which includes mobilizing a military force, is NOT an option for Amidala.
This just relates back to the whole issue of generating urgency. The movie generates no urgency because there is no visual indication the Naboo are actually being killed. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are unsure, but they suspect the transmission is just a trick. This doesn't do much to generate a feeling of urgency for the audience. It also doesn't help that they're dicking around at local sporting events on Tatooine, if the Queen's people are really dying every second.
Havok wrote:I hear not having a standing army that can fight a GALAXY WIDE war means you have no military at all.
I didn't say they had no military at all. You were arguing that Palpatine had no cavalry. I was saying I just don't know what the cavalry would have consisted of. Maybe it was a fleet put together from different member worlds? Regardless, this is not really an important point.
Havok wrote:As for the blockade, after the invasion, and with assurances that no fleet was coming from Sidious, only the droid control ship was needed to occupy and control the planet. The rest of the ships went... somewhere else, as they weren't needed. Again, if you watch the movie and don't need TPM for Dummies, you can figure this stuff out.
Wrong, the rest of the ships conveniently left because Lucas couldn't figure out what to do with them. If all the ships are still there at the end, it's hard to come up with a believable way for the good guys to save the day. So Lucas just said, "okay whatever the ships are all gone now for some reason."