1. Why did scientists first devise the "greenhouse effect" theory?
- To justify increased spending on environmental research and technologies.
- To explain why the Earth is not mostly frozen over.
- As an excuse to oversimplify highly complex and unpredictable environmental patterns.
- To explain the so-called "hockey stick" pattern, which showed global temperatures rising in the late 20th century.
- They are being controlled by a conspiracy of liberals, environmentalists, and UN leaders whose shared goal is the destruction of America.
- It was an accidental mathematical prediction deriving from unrelated research, and researchers seized upon it.
- Al Gore in 2006, in his documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth".
- Stephen Hawking in 1993 at Cambridge, UK.
- Linus Torvalds in 1991 at Helsinki, Finland.
- The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) at the UN, in 1988.
- Svante Arrhenius in 1896 at Stockholm, Sweden.
- Greenhouse gases are theorized to trap some of the Sun's rays, so that they cannot be reflected back to space.
- Greenhouse gases are theorized to block some of the infrared radiation from the Earth's surface, keeping it from escaping into space.
- Greenhouse gases are theorized to block some of the infrared radiation from the Earth's surface and atmosphere, keeping it from escaping into space.
- Greenhouse gases are theorized to regulate atmospheric temperatures through complex mathematical models in which they alter the electromagnetic frequency of solar radiation as it bombards the Earth, thus changing its energy content.
- The "greenhouse effect" theory is a fraud. It does not work.
- None of the above.
- The above statement is true, and proves that man-made CO2 makes no difference.
- The above statement is true, but the researchers erred in their methods and conclusions.
- The above statement is true, but we have not heard about it because the mainstream media is not interested in reporting the story.
- The above statement is partially true, but it contains numerous misrepresentations.
- The above statement is false. No one is certain who first began spreading this story.
- The IPCC's "hockey stick" graph of temperature increases in recent decades.
- The melting of glaciers.
- Unusually violent and unpredictable weather patterns in recent years, such as hurricanes.
- Meterological data dating back to the early 20th century.
- Gas radiation absorption experiments.
- NASA's detailed modeling of atmospheric patterns conducted in the 1980s.
- The statement above is true, and indicates that CO2 was not the trigger for past warming periods. However, this does not disprove CO2 greenhouse gas theory.
- The statement above is true, and indicates that CO2 was not the trigger for past warming periods. This disproves CO2 greenhouse gas theory.
- The statement above is partially true, but we lack the precision to be so accurate with our time estimates of such ancient events, so global warming deniers are taking advantage of measurement uncertainty in order to force a preferred conclusion.
- The statement above is a popular mythology. The story was originally manufactured by conservative bloggers and took on a life of its own through the Internet.
- http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/ar ... #Responses (common AGW arguments and responses)
- http://www.aip.org/history/climate/co2.htm (a brief summary of the history of the theory from the American Institute of Physics, with links to more detailed information)